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56616027 No.56616027 [Reply] [Original]

(CDG) the boyscouts are in full scale begging mode on twitter

>> No.56616041
File: 1.09 MB, 1125x1886, 12AB65A6-9BB7-48D9-A593-D89EE450351E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuuuude le pajeet got liquidated

>a a actually he didnt but a a almost

>turns out it was a lawyer and not an actual pajeet

Bahahahahahahaha. This is your brain in a cult

>> No.56616046

Typing like you're on 4chan when you're not is a great way to show everyone that you're a loser

>> No.56616059
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>> No.56616062
File: 429 KB, 1125x1072, E54C1B37-B066-40ED-A782-7BAF82A8B432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made up printed token down 85%

>scam stock pumps back to ath

>scam stock has $200k volume….duuuuude institutions are buying !!!!


>> No.56616064

LINK shills on twitter are some of the most obnoxious faggot posters you'll ever see on there

>> No.56616077


How about harassing some college kid because you mistakenly thought he shorted a scam altcoin that you joined an online cult over

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit fucking losers

>> No.56616092

>giving a shit about what normgroids think of you.
I'm not the one who injected poison multiple times to get a free donut.

>> No.56616098

Linkies are the male versions of Karen. I bet a few of you sent emails to that Texas university. Anonymous of course because you’re cowards

>> No.56616110

You are very mad. Are you the jeet?

>> No.56616131

I bet you don't even wear a mask when you shit on the street.

>> No.56616146

>dude just sell at le $14

>> No.56616192

>chainlink fud threads are back
War over already moshe?

>> No.56616275
File: 753 KB, 1125x1620, 36CE50EE-FA1B-40FA-858E-58F172D27463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d dude le fud is le heckin bullsh

>> No.56616298

>fudcuck incel manifesto #48357
lol you're a gay and retarded faggot
kys and all fields

>> No.56616333
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 1665409091268222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuddie OP has been actually mindraped by the stink. Doesn't matter if it's ironic, unironic, paid, or whatever. Sergey's fat silhouette is physically imprinted in his brain matter

>> No.56616338

>gets callled cuck for years
>his comeback: y y youre a cuck

Man they really need to bring back bullying. Cupcake soft

>> No.56616348

duuuuuuude poster confirmed seething pajeet kek.

>> No.56616356
File: 74 KB, 900x900, 1515802308013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Chaincuck cultists could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this thread before. There could be Chaincuck cultists anywhere." The cool wind from his computer fan felt good against his brown chest. "I HATE Chaincuck cultists" he thought. Oruvan Oruvan reverberated from his speaker system, making it pulsate even as the ₹200 chai circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of Chaincuck cultists posting in threads on the internet. "With a call center script, you can be anyone you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.56616490

well fudders are the cucks, they watch link without having any, like they watch their wife fucking without getting any

>> No.56616505

I don't own LINK because it is trash, but I encourage baggies. I wanna sell at the top and dunk on the baggies.

>> No.56616506
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OP in shambles
I wonder if he'll screech things like "boyscouts" and "cupcakes" in broken English, or default back to Turkish or Hindi gibberish while experiencing full body excoriation in some rich psycho's basement in the near future.

>> No.56617926


>> No.56618159
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Nothing can be done for him.

>> No.56618465

>milking lolcows is.... le bad if it's Chainlink related!
This is your brain as a seething fudder

>> No.56618565
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lmao its another Adem meltdown thread
shut your yap brownoid, you will never be white nor will you ever have wealth

>> No.56618812
File: 22 KB, 524x620, linktits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can say whatever you want about LINK baggie threads but as far as weirdness is concerned these threads take the cake and it isn't even close. I can't imagine what's going on in your head to follow a project you want people to believe you don't hold or care about and spend time writing fanfic about its followers. What's more is you never see it this way for other projects. Surely better things to do with all the opportunity to come, such as setting up your own success.

>> No.56618819

They're in a perpetual state of war against the non-Jewish world so this is just business as usual for them.
Still re-staking in December and increasing my stake.

>> No.56619473

Link is down 75% though

>> No.56619532

My dick is 75% down your mother's throat

>> No.56619591

hahahah what? Are you high or something

>he thinks cupcake isn't an English word
>he doesn't know what a boyscout is

hahahhahahaha bro take a look in the mirror... You clearly aren't American

and our favorite:
>hile experiencing full body excoriation in some rich psycho's basement in the near future.

hahahahah "duuuuuuuuuuude can someone puhhhhhhleaaaaaaze do my dirty work FOR ME". What's the matter little buddy, mommy can't send out an internet hit for you? What fucking loser

>> No.56619606

>being down 75% makes me euphoric because the team pays be bank interest back from the warchest built on dumping on me

This is your brain as a cultie

>> No.56619609

Having a good day I see anon
You seem very mentally balanced

>> No.56619618

It seems nolinkers are unhappy with recent events.

t. 15x up and staked, not selling

>> No.56619624

>your dad walks in, looks at your screen
>sees you've spent the day compiling posts of random dude jerking off
>goes out for smokes, never seen again

>> No.56619661

>calls someone weird
>posts that meme
>uses the word fanfic

take a look in the mirror...irony is never lost on virgin cult members


>What's more is you never see it this way for other projects

I call out other cryptos and scam stocks all the time. You don't leave your echo chamber cult so you have no frame of reference

>. Surely better things to do with all the opportunity to come, such as setting up your own success

Strong projection. It doesn't take non-fat people long to write a few posts.

>> No.56619672

OP did not buy his link on binance, for less than 50 cents.
No wonder you are a FUD jelous Phaggot

>> No.56619690

Sexual frustration, the post

>> No.56619731

everyone itt but me is gay and im leaving because of how gay it is in here

>> No.56619742

>Link is down 75% though
buy high sell low?

>> No.56620599

it’s not linkies particularly, just 4chan in general

>> No.56620728
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Chainlink and all these other "coins" are beyond worthless. At least precious metals are physical objects and shares are certifications of ownership for companies. The fuck is a "coin" except a waste of electricity?

>> No.56620910

yes, we should only trade against physical goods in a global economy. like we used to when we were hunter/gatherers. especially nowadays that everything happens so fast, we totally should always ship gold and silver throughout the world as currency and nothing else. it totally wouldn't be a huge burden compared to quasi instant digital secure tokens.

OR... OR we could attach the worth of real world assets to these tokens while not necessarily having to move said assets unless needed/wanted so that we wouldn't have this giant overhead of constantly having to move everything if not necessary (you know, like a monetary value).
A oracle service wouldn't help with that, I'm sure.

>> No.56621161
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, 1699394551132084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not surprised your arab dog father walked out on your whore mother after spawning the kind of mutt that you are
What a disgrace