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56615282 No.56615282 [Reply] [Original]

For the sake of conversation, pretend u don't hate jews for a second.. Objectively speaking who was in the right? Based off the movie I'm siding with zuck. Winklecucks wanted to do a MySpace ripoff dating website, zuck stole the idea and made it better. He also programed it himself so he deserves it way more. Manlet jew completely MOGGED the pure Aryan stock.
I want to mention I am half jew....

>> No.56615290

zuck was in the right because intellectual property is a fake jewish meme invented by the government in order to enforce arbitrary monopolies

>> No.56615375

Who cares? Facebook is a failure by now

>> No.56615465
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>> No.56615476

zuck can't code in anything other than php, and possibly that language he invented, "hack". The code and serverspace were ready for some figurehead.

>> No.56615493

I hate jews

>> No.56615553

>based off the movie

Believing Hollywood shit as real. You are nigger NPC

>> No.56615584

Agreed. Any moron can come up with an idea. It wasn't even original. He actually made it.

Also it would have never gotten as big as it did without being greenlit by the CIA. Think about that...

>> No.56615595

God I love jews

>> No.56615615
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I don't hate Jews, because I'm not a brainwashed retard that believes an entire ethnicity is a monolith that all think and act exactly the same.

The Winklevoss twins were in the right and it was settled in court.

>> No.56615642

I am completely indifferent towards the jews

>> No.56615686

yet we have fought all the wars since fucking ww2 maybe even the revolutionary war for the benefit of israel. But yeah there is no jewish mafia. They just don't let you talk falsehoods like that the vaccine isn't effective and that masks don't work.

>> No.56615693

who built it? oh, zuck did?
who gave it value? oh, zuck did?
who kept going with it for literal decades? oh, zuck did?

maybe if the winkledicks had learned php with their superior aryan brains they wouldn't have tried to manipulate zuck to build the same gay myspace-killer app that anyone with a pulse wanted to make (but couldn't, because it was hard). they wasted their time fucking stacies thinking they were going to be rich off the back of a nerd -- fuck them and fuck their gay exchange.

>> No.56615704

they are rich

>> No.56615725

I support the Winklevi because they look like the type of man Nazi Eugenics would’ve created, and not that rat kike Zuckerberg.

>> No.56615732
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>since the revolutionary War
Zionism started in the late 1800's in Russia and their first headquarters was in Germany.

I haven't fought, nor will I ever fight in another man's war. Blame the mindset of the brainwashed individuals that don't think for themselves and die for literal psychopaths.

There are Jewish mafias. Just like there are talian mafias and Irish mafias and Russian mafias and Black mafias. What's your point? Nepotism isn't unique to Jews.

>don't let you talk
I've been saying and will continue to say whatever I want about vaccines and masks. Grow a pair of balls.

>> No.56615733

They ended up being rich and they own 70,000 BTC kek. Probably going to be a lot richer than that tiny little kike in the middle portion of this century.

>> No.56615744

The Russian mafia is the Jewish mafia tho

>> No.56615755
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>who kept going with it for literal decades? oh, zuck did?
They sued him in 2008, not 2023. Facebook wasn't around for decades at that point. Use your brain.

>> No.56615768


*Sued him in 2004. Won in 2008.

>> No.56615775
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so funny to see midwits in the wild, they out themselves every time

>> No.56615792

The movie was a hit piece on the zucc. He's an asshole but honestly the twins didn't own shit. Maybe don't treat code monkeys like shit and write up actual legal documents before getting someone to make something for you?

>> No.56615834

well he is stating the obvious if u consider that midwit tier. Obviously not all jews consciously try and be jews and fuck up whatever country theyre in but an actual jewish cabal exists and they all help each other. Like hollywood for example like fucking 75% of actors are jews while they are barely 3% of the pop
so u dont think that jews were being shifty little goblins before zionism at all? How else did they get so fucking powerful to have zionism even be considered by european nations? Also the jewish "mafia" isnt a organized criminal organization, they are actually follow every law, rather abuse every law. Ofc the dark jews(jeff epstein, weinstein) break many laws

>> No.56615886

The Winklevii would have been right, except that they handled it completely wrong. They should have monitored his progress more closely, and the moment they found out he'd stolen their idea, they should have dragged him out of his dorm into the yard, made him confess his sins, let people hurt by Hot or Not take a few licks, and then beat him themselves, and call it initiation for the Porcellian or something. They didn't use their might so they weren't right.

>> No.56615926

Yeah, go ahead and read the post again if you have to. I don't have anything to add to it.

>> No.56615934

You are brainwashed to believe that Jews are just like any other group of people

>> No.56615986

yeah tru he is that type exactly

>> No.56615995

Good post

>> No.56616001

Deception isn't strictly against the law. They're all just assholes and can keep their product.

Though I side with zuck because I'm pretty sure he agrees with me and the whole point was just to fuck with some privileged harvard kids. Just look at the way he treats people in power, the way he stands against the fallacy of skill and luck. He is just painted as an asshole but he's probably a real bro.

>> No.56616017

You don't need to hate jews to despise the impact of their organisations control. You don't have to hate them for being culpable to the pain and suffering they cause. But if you see that and aren't against it then you may as well be as bad as a racist.

It works for every country. Governments doing bad, citizens being culpable. I dob't hate them but I'm also not going to let them into my home.

>> No.56616088
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Your image is retarded because OP never talked about averages. He said pretend you don't hate Jews, implying all Jews are the same, or should be looked at the same way. Therefore the Winklevoss twins should automatically be in the right because the average 4channer is an edgelord that never mentally grew past the age of 16.

I think you're the one that lack the cognitive ability to use critical thinking. It's okay though, you can keep going through life thinking you're a genius. Nobody can change your mind anyways.

>so u dont think that jews were being shifty little goblins before zionism at all? How else did they get so fucking powerful to have zionism even be considered by european nations?

Read about the history of usury laws in Christian European Kingdoms/Empires in the middle ages. You can thank the clergy and royalty at that time for being dumb enough enough allow Jews to have monopolistic control over the banking system.

>> No.56616115

>pretend you don't hate jews for a second (impossible challenge)

>> No.56616129

Not really. Facebook is still one of the most visited websites in the world. It’s just way past its prime for younger cooler Americans. They also own instagram which is huge.

>> No.56616143
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>pretend I don't hate Jews
Under no circumstances will I entertain such kikery

>> No.56616308

Just read the post again man, no need to get upset and write a book about it.

>> No.56616957

this. its normie cattle central.
their 30 day user ban policy is cancer.
its the biggest no fun allowed network there ever was
and zuck is a total faggot

>> No.56617869

Zuck deserves his money because he needs every single Dollar to equalize for his turbo autism.
And only depressed, sub 70IQ /pol niggers unironically hate jews. The few million jews contributed more to science and society in the last 100 years than all of Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia combined, all while half of their population got slaughtered.
t. not a jew

>> No.56617953

>jews contributed more than the middle east or asia
Lmao ok.

>> No.56618101

No one said jews are a monolith. no one said all jews act and think the same way. hell, you don;t even need to be jewish to be a zionist. but that doesn't mean jewishness isn't a necessary condition for the deterimental effects on western society since 100ad: Gnosticism to 20th century third-world immigration

>> No.56619171

If they had to make a movie, then there was damage that needed to be controlled.

>> No.56620419

>Maybe don't treat code monkeys like shit and write up actual legal documents before getting someone to make something for you?
This. The Winklevoss twins were idiots for not making Zucc sign a contract before starting to work for them. If there's no contract, there's no agreement.

>> No.56620802

Morally zuck was in the wrong of course he obviously still their idea
But of course the brothers are retards for trusting a jew

>> No.56622553

reminds me of musk and the early tesla guys.
did he fuck them over? yes
did he make the company better? yes

>> No.56623587

It wouldn't have been facebook under the wrinkleass twins
also the twins don't have powerful kaballah jewish connections liek zucc does, never would have take off almost guaranteed
they were handed $1B as charity, they did nothing really and later they succumbed to the same practices, only allowed to exist because the kikes allow them to
dogshit ass gemini

>> No.56623622
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lmao even

>> No.56623827
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The DARPA lifelog researchers who built it deserve the credit