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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 399 KB, 2048x1385, F-J2NBLaEAAaEvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56607456 No.56607456 [Reply] [Original]

Once crypto mega moons kda will be $77 at least

>> No.56607490

That's weird, the site was basically unusable because of bots and horny people anyway. But why did they not introduce a paid addition, $1 entry, filter out all the bots. They just let it die instead.
Maybe it was a decline in users, where did they go I wonder, grow up?

>> No.56607510

Yes that is weird. When I was underage on omegle an underage girl showed me her breasts. Weird they finally shut down.

>> No.56607532


>> No.56607553

One time someone randomly posted 3 links and left, it was the first time in my life I saw pizza. I was 13 probably.

>> No.56607572

They were under pressure because it is impossible to suppress free speech on video only platforms. This is why we need Bitcoin with 1 TB blocks.
>When I was underage on omegle an underage girl showed me her breasts.
Did you show her yours too?

>> No.56607682
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Is we getting another bull market?

>> No.56607840
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Everyone except you, I know because my dad works at bitcoin.

>> No.56608102
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Bitcoin or BTC?

>> No.56608183
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>> No.56608422

Should have bought NEO…

>> No.56608619
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They are hyping the release of a testnet of a sidechain. They are on like 4 layers of vapourwave. Maybe the bullrun really is back.

>> No.56608692
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Back when neo launched I thought it was just a fork of ethereum and that it also uses the evm. Turns out I was wrong.

>> No.56610003
File: 247 KB, 1408x2048, F9wpOSJbcAA56OJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say hello to the new monero https://github.com/ZephyrProtocol/zephyr

>> No.56610116

Privacy Monero fork with UST algorithmic backing for ZEPH and ZSD.

>> No.56610132
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You're saying to go all in?

>> No.56610158

>free speech
you never used the site

>> No.56610160

Not sure. Maybe.

>> No.56610169

Homosexuality and pedophilia is free speech I think was the joke.

>> No.56611079
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Whenever I'm mad for some reason I end up treating other people worse, and it makes me feel bad every time I catch myself doing it.

>> No.56611300

Go fuck yourself useless tranny faggot shilling useless token.
Happy pillow crying bitch.

>> No.56611321

>useless tranny faggot
I'm not useless

>> No.56611412

the tranny shit is a gate keeping mechanism
unfortunately its working
would love to have a LINK like culture around KDA..

>> No.56611582
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>would love to have a LINK
I'm unironically still flabbergasted as to why this did not happen. We discover that chainweb is the only holy grail sharding implementation in all of crypto and no one cares, instead of the entire board realizing the value of something like this and instantly rallying behind it, it's just another pink shitcoin that went up one time.

>> No.56611711

wow, I've never seen an anime poster say it like that
but yeah

>> No.56612572
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>> No.56612654
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>> No.56612751

when's the mega moon ?
what makes kadena worth $145M currently and $20B in the future ?

>> No.56612814
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Then VINU will finally a dollar and have a 100x
If it's having bunch of 2x's now, if we have a mega pump HOO BOY

>> No.56612826

Posting anime in a KDA thread, the benchods are learning!

>> No.56612926 [DELETED] 
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Time to open a 50x long.

>> No.56612943

We're safe as long as they haven't realised we don't like underage girls or huge breasts.

>> No.56612974 [DELETED] 
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I'm losing a lot of money.

>> No.56613049

>le gatekeeping muh safe space
the tranny meme sticks to kadena for the same reason the roach meme sticks to avax.
there are high iq bizraelis that shilled avax at 50c (purged every thread by nigger janitors who do it for free)
but presently there are a majority of unironic paid shill pajeets.
There are jannies hodling both avax and kadena. one is most definitely trans, and another is a mutt mix of some sort.
the kda "community" is plagued with mentally ill transgenders, it is not a meme, try speaking in their discord or telegrams and you'll see what I mean.
kda threads are about 4 anons (one literal trans) circle jerking each other off for years. They are all insufferable to communicate with, even having banter with them is loathsome with the exception of maybe one anon who is tolerable. the majority have the temperment of a man with the dialect of a woman, truly an bominable combination

>> No.56613075
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It's hard work being the best poster.

>> No.56613076

>jerking each other off for years
Impressive, isn’t it?

>> No.56613086 [DELETED] 
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>maybe one anon who is tolerable
Thanks :3

>> No.56613120
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have you considered the possibility that you were wrong?
just like how you were wrong about 480ktps
just like how you were wrong about infinite scalability
just like how you were wrong about kaddex being "the most revolutionary dex on defi"
just like how you were wrong about founding members literally scamming hundreds of millions from their community
just like how you were wrong about "every L1 aside from kda going to zero during the bear"
just like how you were wrong about DNA
just like how you were wrong about Coinmetro
just like you were wrong about ignium
the list is truly endless

>> No.56613188
File: 522 KB, 2533x4096, F9Vjjs8bEAAf4pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. 480k tps as a marketing has always been insanity. Even if you try to justify it by saying muh with 5645323 chains it's actually correct!
2. horizontal scalability is infinite scalability, don't be a nerd muhh speed of light.
3. replace kaddex with "a dex on kadena", kdx was a scam and the second we realized it we said as much
4. which members? the italian fag has always been shady and we said as much
5. literally no one ever said that all L1s will go to 0, take your meds
6. I was not shilling dna
7. Coinmetro has the best app in crypto prove me wrong
8. Ignum we were wrong about.
9. list is endless but anon ends it. Many such

>> No.56613218

I think I was wrong about Kleros. It clearly does work and when the argentinian car insurance company grows im size Pinakoin will go parabolic!

>> No.56613219

Deleted my last post as to not reward racist, sexist and bigoted posters with (You)'s.

>> No.56613247

People from all over the world are supposed to understand the ins and outs of Argentinian road traffic laws and pass judgement on related matters?
Where can I buy?

>> No.56613729

Sorry english not my naive language, your saying go all in?

>> No.56613774

It will soon grow to be a multi dollar cooperative.

>> No.56614527

Just buy pepe and noisegpt you fucking retarded trannies, nobody cares about tech, its all about the memes and hype

>> No.56615260
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>effort posts calling us gay
We're back.

>> No.56615877

I'm spotting some serious rocket vibes with VINU, but my main bags are strapped with QANX and RIO. Riding that RWA and QVM narrative wave is my top priority right now and both are already up 3x from when I hopped on board.

>> No.56617405
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>> No.56617558
