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56601641 No.56601641 [Reply] [Original]

Is buying a house for cash stupid?

>> No.56602222
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You should always take the mortgage and invest the cash, while getting the mortgage interest deduction.

>> No.56602461

no, never be beholden to kikes at any time for any reason

>> No.56602472

Building a house cash would be ideal.

>> No.56602477

the only potential issue is the seller is the owner of the house, there is some trickery when you can have the cash but still take out a mortgage to use the banks legal team to check owners and then pay for it fast

>> No.56602486

this is the best, you can do much better than the shitboxes they sell

>> No.56602585

>what's the big deal? Why when I was 17 and wanted something I didn't ask for a handout. I didn't borrow money. You know what I did? I saved
>I went down to Joe's grill, gave him a big firm handshake, and flipped burgers for 35 cents an hour and let me tell you it took me ALL SUMMER before I could afford my starter home
>the youth today have no work ethic

I hate boomers so much it's unreal

>> No.56602587

not at all

>> No.56602600

>Well there's you're problem, your driving around a truck that costs $10,000 just because your roofing job demands it
>You don't need a $10,000 truck, you need to sell it and buy a mythical $1,000 truck that will reliably start every morning
>rice and beans

>> No.56602604

No, because a house isn't an investment it's a shelter. How can you truly be comfortable and rest your head at night with a mortgage knowing some kike banker can take away your home at any moment? The thought of owing and paying a kike hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest makes me literally nauseous.

>> No.56602620

Too many people do not realize that participating in usury has costs as well. Further, betting on previous performance in markets to persist during an obvious empire collapse is incredibly naive. Owning your home outright is the best financial position you can have in the USA right now, hands down.

>> No.56602623

I think it’s recommended not to since you can use the liquid cash on vidya and other investments like the next get consoles so your money is worth more liquid than it is all tied up in one asset

>> No.56602644

id rather rent and give my money to a non-jew then participate in the act of usary

>> No.56602669

No, obviously not if the interest rates are higher than you would make investing your money.

>> No.56602676

This. The peace of mind that no natter what happens my shits paid off . No jews owning me.

This actually sounds pretty interesting. How hard is it to get housing permits? And costs for the build? How much does land cost by itself as a % of a normal house? I want a house thats not just a wooden shitbox but one with some metal frame support and a basement bomb shelter

>> No.56602691

building a house costs between 200-300k if you hire people to do it. varies a lot by area and time. right now is pretty decent as material prices are down and the labor is more freely available.

>> No.56602695

I bought a condo in cash last bullrun, best decision I ever made. My bills are very little, car paid off too. Before last bullrun my mortgage was 1100/mo on a 190k house(bought a short sale, house was a piece of shit). Life is so much easier when you only have to buy food and utilities. It is such a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders, I will never get a mortgage again.

>> No.56602736

No, it's literally the only way to own a home. Mortgage fags are just glorified rentoids.

>> No.56602864
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Nice try, Abraham Shekelstein Cuckelburg

>> No.56603020
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powers that be will try to meme you into pumping your cash into the market instead of investing it into your house and massively lowering the amount of interest you would be paying and lowering your monthly payments

>> No.56603028


>> No.56603128

You're still beholden to them even if your house is paid off see: property taxes, maintenance, utilities, etc.

>> No.56603221

this is why it's important to unironically find a house innawoods and learn how to fix shit. also utilities can be reduced with a solar panel and a wood stove. only thing you cant escape is taxes, unfortunately.

>> No.56603411

no. you should never be in debt in life. to anything or anyone.

>> No.56603450

no ones stopping you from shutting off the gas and electricity to your house, chud

>> No.56603633

right now no. when they drop rates again yes.

>> No.56603720

Once upon a time I bought 2 acres 20 min from a seaside city for cheap. No-one wanted bare land out there for some reason. Then I found a house that was on council land - they wanted it removed so they could use the land for something else. I offered 5000 and they were insulted so I offered 8000 and they agreed. It was a solid native timber 3bdm 100 years old. Then I got a company to move the house onto the land. I paid for a septic tank, water tank and power connection.
Over the next couple years I planted trees, built a big shed, improved the driveway and did up the house, just paying what I could afford and doing it slowly.
Finally had a valuable asset and made a killing when I sold it.

>> No.56603791


everyone here larps about living innawoods off solar panels and wood stoves. trust me living like that is fucking gay and everyone should stop romanticizing it. living without utilities and having to go out and bring back water and gas for the rest of your life in a wood shack isn't heckin based.

>> No.56603953

You're not getting a guaranteed 7% in this market.

>> No.56604046

the ONLY thing dave has ever been right about is his whole
>never finance, always pay the full amount up front

beyond that, his whole financial life plan takes a literal lifetime to complete and even then you are gonna be lucky to be retiring off $1.3MM while u are left with just maybe 10yrs to spend it before u fucking die.

>> No.56604054
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>No jews owning me.

you forgot someone