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56600162 No.56600162 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how many times I shake, my dick leaks droplets of pee. Why is this? How can I prevent it? And most importantly how can I profit off of it?
t. 39 yr old boomer who still hasn't made it

>> No.56600196

When you’re done peeing, push up on your balls from behind them and push the last bit of pee out. It helps get the last bit out whether you have prostate issues or not.

>> No.56600201

This only happens to me if I spend an extended amount of time sitting.
I only noticed it for the first time during the lockdowns because I spend most of my days on my feet.

>> No.56600204

wash yo penis cracka

>> No.56600206

Get yourself checked out dude. You've got a prostate or bladder issue.

>> No.56600413

Same. They say it’s weak kegel muscles but I don’t think that’s the problem for me.

>> No.56600478

it happens
there is always a period of about 30 seconds after i am done shaking that another drop will leak out. i just put a piece of tissue paper in between my dick and my pants so that it soaks up the leakage instead of it getting on my pants. And then throw the tissue paper away.

>> No.56600512

why is a 39yo man asking for advice with pissing? the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.56601232

You need to flush your prostate with chlorophyll or iodine
Drink a couple drops of lugols iodine with potassium iodide in water every 4-6 hours
Or a tablespoon of chlorophyll in a glass of water every morning and night

>> No.56601247

Khakis with rubber lining would fix this

>> No.56601259

I think OP might be unfortunately circumcised.

>> No.56601270

stop masturbating

>> No.56601315

I have this issue as well. I have to wear dark pants so the pee pee doesn’t show :(

>> No.56601325
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I don't have a gooch rod to do this

>> No.56601329

The Jews got to his penis while he was a baby
>many such cases

>> No.56601346

if you have to strain when peeing you either have a prostate issue or a stricture
otherwise maybe you have the beetus and your piss is sugary and sticky

you can profit by fixing your issue now and investing the money you would have otherwise spent on worse medical bills in the future

>> No.56601349

You can fuck a granny, then put all that cash you make on red 10 times in a row and become a gazillionaire

>> No.56601353

u need to bounce up & down on the balls of ur feet while swinging ur cock, the right momentum takes some practice but u will have no pee stains. "shake it 3 times ur playing with urself" is jewish mind games

>> No.56601359

You have to cork the peehole wifu toilret paperu faggot kun

>> No.56601545


>> No.56601712

imagine the stench

>> No.56601863

I don’t wash my pants either and I inhale the smell all day at my desk

>> No.56602594

when i shit i try to pee all my piss out but no matter what happens, 5-10 minutes later i need to pee again without fail
why???? help me internet computer i dont know what causes this

>> No.56602646

I usually push on my prostate from the rectum. It gets all of the pee out and feels really good. Sometimes I even let out a load moan. No idea why.

>> No.56602679

My doctor said its because of lower back problems, and that he himself has this problem. Apparently lower back is tied to bladder

>> No.56602832
File: 237 KB, 554x554, F0tNnH7XgAIyiHs[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I place a bit of toilet paper inside my foreskin, that will absorb the last drop of pee.

>> No.56602856

Are you on stimulants? Adderall did this to me really bad.

>> No.56602866

Sit when you pee and relax your whole body. Resist the urge to squeeze your bladder muscle at the end and there won't be dripping.

If you can't control your bladder muscle it's too late.

>> No.56602881
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After peeing tuck your penis underneath your balls and keep it back there with thigh control. Every Chad I know does this!

>> No.56602901

This makes sense. I messed up my lower back at around the same time I had this problem. Been going to a chiro but it’s not getting much better.

>> No.56602985
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I have the same issue. Unironically, stop masturbating and it should clear up in a week or two.

>> No.56604624

I've haven't masturbated since December 30th of last year, and I still get this problem all the time. I think it's just one of those things. Better than fishy vagina at least, because it's only a few drops and underwear can be quickly changed.

>> No.56604787

you can also use your hand to like, squueze out the absolute maximum of pee out of the dick then use a toilet paper to absorb .

i don't leak in my pants when i clean up decently and don't rush things.

>> No.56604928
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>Shake it once, that's fine
>Shake it twice, that's okay
>Shake it three times
>You're playing with yourself again


>> No.56605091

Kek. I have this problem as well. I just do a little squad down and it comes out.

>> No.56605099

Press on your taint. I'm not joking. Press on your taint.

>> No.56605280

Dihydrogen monoxide, anon. Oral solution, 2L a day. Things will get worse before they get better but keep at it

>> No.56605303

You probably don’t even have to pee unless you’re drinking a lot.
I have OCD and will get out of bed over and over thinking I have to pee, shaking my dick and standing in front of the toilet for 10 mins trying to get those last droplets out.

>> No.56605462

anon, you've likely got chronic prostatitis.
it's a bit of a rabbit hole and it's unclear whether the cause is bacterial, viral, behavioural or genetic. I'll do a quick run down.
You pee, it doesn't stream out like it used to and when it does you remember what it was like and remember that what you're doing now isn't normal. You strain, you tug, you breathe, you squat, you sit, you stand, but still drippage.
I mean, as things go, it isn't that big of a problem but was better without.

Early chronic prostatitis without painful symptoms is just that. However next level in the game isn't pleasant. Had acute prostatitis and the pain was nuts. Read about it. I'd suggest fixing it before it gets to the next level.
Doctors are clueless about it and the invasive procedures they have aren't what i was after.
Fixed it myself (partly thanks to info i found online and partly thanks to my own experimentation) .
Made my own medicine tablets, yeah, took a whole bunch of supplements (30+), stretched like crazy, massage gun, prayed, kept it warm, broccoli protocol.

Kept a rigorous journal. Time woke up, time went to sleep, quality of sleep, mg taken of this mg taken of that, dreams, how long stretching, wake up with an erection or not, how many times toilet, what i ate, what i drank, weather, level of pain, etc etc. Excel 4chan autist type.

Did this after meting different doctors (private and public) and realising they knew very little about it. Online learnt much more. As one example anon, was reading 70's Soviet era research phd papers on overcoming chronic inflammatory prostatitis with bee propolis. If you knew the rabbit hole. Hundreds of hours reading trying to find a way.
The pain levels were high anon. Kidney stone level.

Did a broccoli protocol. Walks. Affirmations stuck up on the wall. Doctors had given up and said it was going to be a chronic condition and was told about lifelong pain support groups. Was going to be a road of opioids.


>> No.56605514

before the appointments (longish waiting lists) for said groups i had overcome it. Pain gone. Pee flowing.

Spent bucks anon.
Pure cranberry juice (not the half acerola and a quarter apple juice one) costs like $10 per 750ml.
You know what a prostate massage is? Yeah i was never doing that. It's a rabbit hole anon but i turned what appeared to be a chronic condition into an acute one.

The issue recurs frequently enough and i go back into 'focus on pelvic relaxation' before it returns. The body is ill at ease and simply communicating it with you by showing you hey, don't gotta be like this, help me to help you.

how to monetise it?
turn it into an ebook and sell it.

i thought about it but honestly, i'm good. not quite an og but early linker here. happy to give the info away for free.
my doctor wanted to see my journal (excel type spreadsheets full of info quantitative and qualitative) and i know i know the way to overcome it. Not the only person who knows, by the way, there's a few different forums online where different people found individual but essentially similar enough methods (each with their own little touch) and have documented it kind of like how i am now quickly summarising it for you.
Behavioural or bacterial and so on, i don't actually know the answer as i've slept with enough women that maybe yeah, it's something related to that, or maybe it's connected to referred pain from osgoods schlatter's and slipped discs from when i was a very sporty teenager (eagerly playing through injury when rest was probably required) or perhaps it's from modern sedentary lifestyles.

Look, i am going to link you to the most budget youtube video. You'll watch it and think who is this and why should i try. Am just prodding in the direction of the rabbit hole anon. You don't need to go down it and hopefully what you have is just the pee issue and it isn't your body warning you of something else that proceeds from it. Perhaps just save what i have written.

>> No.56605537


nothing to do with me. just a guy who stretches what needs to be stretched in order to help the issue you described stop. Try it, for 2 weeks, every single day, 30/40 minutes of stretching, and you'll see a huge improvement. Try everything else that you find down the rabbit hole too, figure out what works for you, and you'll be good.


>> No.56605540

is this the same shit where you sometimes have painful balls/perineum that goes away when lying down?

>> No.56605579

I didn't have that anon, but from having gone down the rabbit hole i described before i came to learn that many issues that we have from things down there are related to, and put under the title, cpps.

it's been called different things over the years and because it's such an all-encompassing name it has sub categories but, generally, from what i came to understand from so much reading on it all is that if you work on the pelvic area then most pelvic area issues will improve.

>> No.56605631

yah doc said pelvic exercise as well but desu I should probably just stop drinking so much fucking coffee

>> No.56606077

I'll let you all in one a little secret that will change your life. i don't have much wisdom to give but let me impart this for the benefit of all mankind and i will not have lived in vain.

There's a little kinda pee pipe on your taint. if you do a quick rub from the ass-end of your taint to the base of your cock, the last bit of piss will squeeze out. it takes 2 seconds.

inb4 reddit spacing.