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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56597736 No.56597736 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ has been quietly accumulating RVP for over a year now. so how much do you have anon?

>> No.56597769

I wrote this crap off as a scam. That anon warning everyone not to buy this years ago when it was heavilly shilled was right

>> No.56597771

Shhh... were quietly accoombaiting

>> No.56597782

I made all of my money last run on scams. All of crypto is a scam to be honest. If you "invest" knowing that, you can make a shit ton of cash.

>> No.56598069

so how much rvp do you have?

>> No.56598090

>anyone bought this pajeet ass scam
lol if you fell for their shitty astroturf campaign you deserve to lose money

>> No.56598104

I sold it all in 2021, literally twice. Got 10x both times. Shit was so cash.

I told everyone, including fucking yahweh loves you (the retarded twat... did she make any money last bullrun? Lol), that crypto is 100% fake and gay. Take profits when you can.

>> No.56598107

how much do you have?

>> No.56598174

I sold, might buy back in for the launch of the new rsquared scam. seems like an easy 2x

>> No.56598220

>rich people wont scam
it was the funniest scam ive seen
>new york auction
>revolution populi
>clearing house

>> No.56598244
File: 205 KB, 1280x960, 546ba49bd9d158bbe0b1e980689cadbfcf21394b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rich people won't scam
>Clearing House for crypto.
>Social Media

>> No.56598251

Might be.

I'm not ready to get back into crypto yet. I hate gambling. I treat crypto like a game of poker. Not a fun game of poker either. I need green marks sitting at the table to grind down for an extra years pay over a 2 month period. Everyone sitting at the table now got their shit burned, and they'll be more cautious.

>> No.56598298

This shit is a fucking confidence trick scam.
>They have enough money
>Successful people don't go in public to make a quick cash grab, they already have all the money that they need
>Fair point, though in RVP's case it's more than just one guy, rob rosenthal, todd aydelotte, gary chan, and david gelernter, all in it for a scam?
>Most of them are already somewhat famous in their fields and rich enough already. Why would they ruin their reputations with a crypto scam?
Why do you guys think rich people cant scam? They have nothing to lose. Boomers dont give a fuck about crypto, and if it fails they can just go "oh well volatile market guess we failed" despite having put in literally no effort. The reason they dont heavily market their scam is because they want to get away with it with as little attention as possible so people do not point out that they have no product, that they are confidence scammers, and so they can continue to be dirtbags in the future long after this project is declared dead.

By the way genuine question to baggies, has anyone here even looked at the whitepaper?
Looks like a toddler made it in 5 minutes.
I've seen fucking dogcoins with more text in it.

>> No.56598317
File: 256 KB, 1125x1080, 64a1325052e25bd870a0da05c952c6741d8aee17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine making a communist name for a capitalistic banker coin. Imagine not only making a "clearing house for crypto" (holy fuck, crypto is a clearing house, RVP just increases risk from 1 to 2), They actually advertised RVP as a social media blockchain? It's an unfinished vaporware byteshare fork that doesn't even know which kind of midwit it wants to attract so it just markets to all of them.
Communists welcome.
Clearing house welcome.
Social media welcome.
It isn't any of this, but it sure will try to catch the hype of all 3 despite delivering none.

>> No.56598366

Dude... you're going bonkers. Lol.

>> No.56598376

It's just what I do. Baggies aren't allowed to try and revive this scam. If they want their money back they should find a new shitcoin.

>> No.56598659

nobody's debating whether it's a scam. It's obviously a scam, but this rsquared shit looks like an easy 2x

>> No.56598701
File: 201 KB, 535x800, 1390768730170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the token migration a giant scam or am I being paranoid ?

>> No.56598726
File: 103 KB, 768x735, Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 4.15.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part of this particular scam is they go into their github and make meaningless changes routinely to make it look like they are doing actual work. The changes they made in hundreds of files 3 weeks ago was to change the copyright dates on hundreds of files.

>> No.56598788


>> No.56598840

I bought this shit early, and sold for a solid 7x and walked the fuck away.
At no point will they make any meaningful product, and they have put forth exactly zero effort into the project.
While ICP claims the /biz/ title of scam, they atleast routinely do work and integrate things. RVP did absolutely fuck all since launch.

>> No.56598940

of course its a scam, poeple want fresh charts and pretending they are new.

>> No.56599120

>pretending they are new
There may be some money to be made though. Kids love shiny new scams.

>> No.56599329

imagine this shit goes to $5 this run kek,

>> No.56599366

>imagine pigs can fly kek
there's people who are good at cons, then there's people like rvpeepoo who cant market for shit and dont understand normalfags, retail investors or the market itself.

>> No.56599470

yeah i got shilled and bought $400 dollar bag, and forgot about it, i have seen scams make massive returns in bullruns all it takes is some normie marketing and shilling again