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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56594903 No.56594903 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56594915

Why what

>> No.56595130

just why

>> No.56595886

Because fuck Google

>> No.56595902
File: 109 KB, 887x878, biden blast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead coin. I still hold because why not, but this coin and Brave is a massive failure.
What a shame. I really liked it.

>> No.56595947

>massive failure
brenden, like all silicon valley fags, hates btc
go on HN and look at the seething rage from these javascript homos
its no surprise he thought he should mint his own shitcoin.
best outcome now is brenden is arrested and jailed for sec violations

>> No.56596189

brave failed? I think it's a good web browser

>> No.56596234


>> No.56596254

it is and that's annoying cos I want a better or at least equal alternative

>> No.56596571

It ain't mooning bro. This is like the third time its hit 22 cents in a week. It will go back to 19. ALWAYS does.

>> No.56596650

One pibby by this iddy

>> No.56596670

batty bois

>> No.56596682

Patiently waiting for thots

>> No.56596962

yea they really do take it up the arse

>> No.56597757

boomp for this useless scam token and dead thread

>> No.56597999

Get fucked retard. I have 200k BAT. I have a right to fud

>> No.56598114
File: 6 KB, 222x250, 1545160536302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good buy in price right now.
Anything under .25c is pretty OK.
I recently doubled my allocation at .17c. /biz/ assumed it was a joke thread. Not making the same mistake twice, i'll fucking hold until this takes off.

>> No.56598519

You have a case of being gay, kiddo.

>> No.56598545

>best outcome now is brenden is arrested and jailed for sec violations
Will that make BAT moon?

>> No.56598547

yah, its pumped from .221 to .226 - ngl this bullrun is incredible.
great job team!

>> No.56598566

>It will go back to 19
Hope so, not done packing my bags

>> No.56599013

just how many users are there left collecting rewards now after the purge?
will this metric become available?
will brave pay more to users looking at ads now?
has anyone seen any difference to the rate of ads being shown?
do we think the cause of this small pump is in line with the market trend or is the reason something else?

>> No.56599209

I've been seeing more ads on my end. Several per hour. Not sure if it means anything though.

>> No.56599507

>use firefox with adblock installed
>0 ads, works perfectly fine
>try out brave
>get no ads from websites but instead brave, the browser itself, shits out the most intrusive and annoying popup ads possible
It's a browser made for brain dead mouth breathers.

>> No.56599609

Is Brendan is finally gonna flip the switch this time? If not he’s gonna make the final survivoring BATniggers capitulate hard and burn Brave to the fucking ground once the fud campaign kicks into high gear. They had 6 years of vBAT fraud to fill their coffers. Meanwhile I work commission selling cars and I’m about to be unemployed. I DCA’d 50k into this piece of shit so he can afford 4 martini lunches everyday. Also, fuck that jannie faggot parker too. That is all

>> No.56599629

So they have to show the few remaining users more ads to make up the difference.

>> No.56599840

>the most intrusive and annoying popup ads possible
In what way? What would the least annoying and least intrusive ad imaginable look like, to you?

>> No.56600511 [DELETED] 

interesting thanks anon
how about BAT earned per ad? did it increase also
bullshit, you have to enable rewards to get ads
go back to /g/ and next time at least get your shit together next time you post here
seems too logical for brave, but big if true

>> No.56600539

interesting thanks anon
how about BAT earned per ad? did it increase also
no you didn't cos you have to enable rewards to get ads
go back to /g/ and next time at least get your shit together if you have to post your bullshit here
seems too logical for brave, but big if true

>> No.56600548

>Also, fuck that jannie faggot parker too

>> No.56600578

I just want Brendan to know I'm not spending 30 bucks on fees to validate my account on gemini so he deposits bat there and if I'm not getting batties I'm not turning ads on. Faggot.

>> No.56600611

many such cases
Verification not required

>> No.56601037

>I'm not spending 30 bucks on fees to validate my account on gemini
Since when does account validation require fees?

>> No.56601909

>he hates BTC
and yet BTC has been integrated into the Brave Wallet, curious! https://twitter.com/BrendanEich/status/1722367467027312931

>> No.56601997

just needs to be easier to collect awards, end of story

>> No.56602021

Fucking retards never implemented a built in wallet to received BAT, instead they used the WORST 3rd party as a custodial that needs full KYC before you can access your earned BAT.
Then they've just nuked everyones BAT that didn't KYC with uphold.

BAT is dead, they shit the bed so bad. Browser is still good, I just turned off all ads.

>> No.56602022

wtf! this is actually really great!
about 4 years too late, but hopefully this starts to right the ship......
however this brings to the realization that BAT is probably doomed now. if Brave can transact BTC natively....and you offered users the ability to receive (a) BTC or (b) BAT for watching ads....which do you think that 99% would choose?

>> No.56602200


>> No.56602526

So does this mean they're finally shitcanning BAT for BTC? Bullish for Brave if so.

>> No.56602871

Checked but we ain't mooning unless you bend over.

>> No.56603010

Yeah who knows, there will still be the KYC to stop the pajeet clickfarms whether BAT or BTC, but I'd be curious to see what will happen now. If they were smart they'd do it 50/50

>> No.56603095

I think the Brave ad ecosystem can only ever work with BAT, but anyways it's always good to have easy access/integration with BTC, SOL etc. within the browser

>> No.56604758

i'm so tired of holding this piece of shit, missed so many opportunities because of It and i hate It even more because i really believed in its potential for all this time. i should just let it go and buy something else but what

>> No.56605905

Please sell so we can finally moon. Idk who held us BAT all these years but if it was you I’d like to find out

>> No.56606462

fucking piece of shit

>> No.56606624

Because you need to make a same-day wire deposit with cash or some shit and my bank will charge me 30 bucks to do a same-day wire deposit.

>> No.56607001
File: 16 KB, 467x483, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything mooning or breaking out
>limpdick BAT struggles along, refusing to pump

every few years I delude myself into thinking "this time it's our turn" and every time I'm wrong

>> No.56607776

We went up a cent last night bit my LINK went up $1. Fucking piece or shit.


>> No.56608054

I entreat you: sell ! We can't get this balloon off the ground carrying this freight of faggotry.

>> No.56608433

>Is there a fee for an online wire transfer? Yes, there is a $20 fee per wire transfer initiated in Online Banking.
I'm not paying 20 bucks for a fee so I get spammed with ads. And BAT seems to be sending my BAT into the ether, so I'm just not bothering. This is a stupid ass coin.

>> No.56608451

>of 2019

Kill yourself redditor.

>> No.56608861

Go make a wire deposit queer
I've never had to do it for a single exchange but sure

>> No.56609564

>pretends to pump
>dumps more than anything else

it’s over

>> No.56609602
File: 110 KB, 1339x595, Ooooooof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking a. Luke. Do something!


>> No.56609766
File: 46 KB, 923x400, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dead, broke ATL a couple weeks ago. Move on and buy Bitcoin or new alts before this becomes BBBY levels of pathetic

>> No.56609893

that is pathetic, how did they get the tokenomics so fucking wrong?

>> No.56610020

Wrong? They made their money, pivoted to a new revenue model and left you holding the bag. Why would you keep rewarding them when they express open disdain for BAT bagholders

>> No.56610144

Where's the open disdain again?

>> No.56610201

I need a thot fix NOW to cope with these bags. Fucking hell this token has been nothing but a disappointing scam like the rest

>> No.56610316

SOL 6x

>> No.56610416

>Why would you keep rewarding them when they express open disdain for BAT bagholders

>Where's the open disdain again?
you mean like eich calling the holders rent seekers? or them never once ever delivering on a promise that they made about bat? where ISNT the open disdain. i bet they wish they could just get rid of the coin completely and go on without it

>> No.56610645

best posts itt
all made by honest and non-simping lads

>> No.56610658

Your fat whores are weighing the coin down so cut the ballast

>> No.56610787

Accumulating bigly on this dip

>> No.56610795


>> No.56610858

it’s tragic how everything goes up and this piece of shit just crabs, then it fucking dumps with everything else lmao

>> No.56611181

>butthurt baggies dump every pump
I knew this would happen. It’s the fate of all old tokens

>> No.56612164

I don't understand why the devs decided to kill BAT. It was a good way to make a passive income while browsing the web. I tried connecting it to a wallet but the stupid site required a cellphone to take a picture, and the website doesn't even function correctly on a phone. I couldn't use a camera on their broken site, therefore I couldn't access the wallet. All my BAT vanished.

>> No.56612728

>All my BAT vanished
many such cases, anon
and they never even gave a reason but it was obviously costing them too much for monthly pay-outs vs income from advertisers

>> No.56613723

They hired too many retards and couldn’t figure out how to make their ad system profitable so they have to keep chasing VC handouts. Brave is a great browser but the business of Brave is a complete failure and BAT is an absolute joke of a token used primarily to dump on retards like us

>> No.56613881

>so they have to keep chasing VC handouts
Is this true? I thought Brave hadn't raised money in several years.

>> No.56613888

Brave doesn't hold enough to dump on us. The problem is they won't give it any utility. Tons of promises - pay with BAT, keyword staking, BAT rebates on swaps in Brave wallet. None of it came true. Instead Brendan keeps drinking and BAT keeps sinking. Really makes you think.

Fuck Lobes and Luke. I had so much hope.

>> No.56613955

>they won't give it any utility. Tons of promises

this shit is getting old. I thought a lot of the delay was for legal reasons but it’s getting to the point where they need to just hire non-pussy counsel if said law firms are shitcanning all of the token’s in-browser utility.

What good is legal counsel if all they do is tell you “no you can’t do that”? Look at XRP/ripple, that shit is 10000% a security but they had the right law firm to help them beat the case and send the SEC home with its tail between its legs. Brave needs to fucking sack up and pump the token already

>> No.56613978

Checked and based. Agree 100%.

You hear this man, Brendan? Luke? COME ON

>> No.56614076
File: 38 KB, 1273x621, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least its showing life. Clawing back to 22 cents

>> No.56614248

It's not just their legal counsel. A lot of Brave employees hate BAT.

>> No.56614278

exactly - fuck, I hope that cuck luke still lurks these threads

>> No.56614379

none more than lobes
he's probably seething rn as BAT slowly climbs a bit (see >>56614076)
"I can't even enjoy this 4th martini" [storms out of the cocktail lounge] [squeezes his huge head sideways through the door] [hisses to himself as he trudges along the shit and piss soaked streets of san francisco] "fucking rent seekers" [takes an uber back to his 3rd home]

>> No.56614434

>"I can't even enjoy this 4th martini" [storms out of the cocktail lounge] [squeezes his huge head sideways through the door] [hisses to himself as he trudges along the shit and piss soaked streets of san francisco] "fucking rent seekers" [takes an uber back to his 3rd home]
Kek. Based. Fuck that guy.

>> No.56614463

I asked Brave's new LEO AI if BAT is a good investment.

>Brave Browser's Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a cryptocurrency that has gained popularity for its innovative approach to online advertising. However, whether it's a good investment depends on various factors and market conditions.

>BAT has shown promising growth and has been listed on several reputable exchanges. However, the cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, and the value of BAT can fluctuate rapidly. It's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before investing.

>Additionally, it's important to keep in mind that investing in cryptocurrencies is not the same as investing in traditional assets like stocks or bonds. Cryptocurrencies are highly speculative and can be subject to market manipulation, security risks, and other unforeseen events.

>In conclusion, while BAT has potential, it's crucial to approach any investment decision with caution and do your own research before making any investment decisions. It's always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or a registered investment professional before making any investment decisions.


>> No.56614488
File: 54 KB, 324x882, LEO Fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also asked LEO whether Brave cares about the price of BAT.

>Brave Software, the company behind the Brave browser, does have a vested interest in the value of Basic Attention Token (BAT) as it is the native cryptocurrency of the Brave platform. However, the company's primary focus is on providing users with a privacy-focused and secure web browsing experience, rather than on the financial value of BAT.

>Brave Software has stated that it will use a significant portion of the BAT tokens it receives from users to fund content creators and other value-added services on the platform. The company has also expressed a commitment to transparency and accountability in its use of BAT, and has established a system of governance and oversight to ensure that the token is used in the best interests of the Brave community.

>That being said, the value of BAT can fluctuate based on market forces and other factors, and it is not guaranteed to increase in value over time. As with any investment, it's important to do your own research and consider your own risk tolerance before investing in BAT or any other cryptocurrency.

>> No.56614493

the fucking toppest of top keks

>> No.56614518
File: 33 KB, 324x533, Eich Defense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets better. Pic related

>> No.56614535


>> No.56614567

leo the cowardly lion

>> No.56614592 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56614901

>I'd like to point out
leo probably talks with a lisp

>> No.56614912

nudified? hot damn...

>> No.56615420

Kek I knew he was sensitive about his head size. I would wear it proudly if my head was that size

>> No.56615928

What was it?

>> No.56616083

>do you have a source for that?
leo was trained exclusively on HN comments...