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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 1410x732, its over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56586075 No.56586075 [Reply] [Original]

>I sold
This was by far the worst memecoin of the ETH casino this year. These guys raised a ridiculous amount of money at launch to try and properly make something of this pos but the best they could come up with was some retarded vidya game that no one will ever take seriously or give two fucks about. Community funds are near empty once again with the socials trickling into the ground.

>> No.56586101

why did I buy this man? WHY!?!?!?

>> No.56586230

We were swindled

>> No.56586952
File: 504 KB, 1008x1286, 0CA38EDB-0CFD-4570-BAF9-BCE75DDC5E0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real dogbat enthusiasts are migrating to blackswan
>functional casino games with clear odds
>active dev
>eth chain( no jeet layer 2’s)

>> No.56587407

No ghostbro and santovi working together no buy

>> No.56587521

>retarded plebbitard tier pajeet telegram community
>scam devs
>shitty token distribution
>snipers still waiting to dump

It's was over before starting

>> No.56587544


>> No.56587689

It had a real chance with revival sentiments for about a month then people started to dip when they realized no one had any serious plans or funding for it.

>> No.56587706
File: 40 KB, 455x600, 1668958908652301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearty kek

>> No.56587829

and yet it will 100x
And biz will sleep on it until reddit starts pumping it
And biz will buy the top, again

>> No.56587963

the fucking contract literally ends in D0B0
Its the chosen one

>> No.56588095

Falling wedge
Captcha: 208WN+

>> No.56588136

what Reddit? Shits just as dead as Twitter.

>> No.56588336

please kill yourself
>Reddit is dead
no wonder dog bat eth has dumped

>> No.56588825

good luck trying to play anything with eth fees
this is how all the 1uck scam clones tried to "fix" and "improve" on the original 1uck contract
every single one died off
only the original is thill here
I wonder why

>> No.56589657

It wasn't an accident. It's trivial to generate vanity addreeses

>> No.56590490

It had potential, problem was presale baggies would dump on every large increase of buys that came in. One of the presale fags was always bragging about dumping in the TG so I imagine people just didn’t want to willingly just give their money to some dbags who did this while fucking over a lot of the original dogbat crew. If you’re going to launch a shitcoin make sure you don’t have a bunch of paper hand bitches in your presale crew. Bizfrens is still here and we have a great crew of diamond handed studs ready for our next release, we encourage true holders in our private TG group.