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File: 44 KB, 762x415, Capture d’écran 2023-11-07 à 21.01.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56585574 No.56585574 [Reply] [Original]

Only retards bought "chainlink" instead of Bitcoin

>> No.56585582


>> No.56585916

>Capture d'écran

>> No.56585936
File: 13 KB, 286x184, Capture d’écran 2023-11-07 à 21.33.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be quiet mutto

>> No.56585952

link has outperformed btc since its creation retard

>> No.56586001

tu parles à un babtou certifié maintenant

>> No.56586006

>Capture d’écran
this pathetic ESL french mutt kekfuddie can't even post chart as fud anymore lmao

>> No.56586147

si t'es pas expat en 2023 t'es une pute à juifs

still at -75% from ATH

you failed at the IQ test

>> No.56586149

yo, chainlink va tout déchirrer ce toreau-course, ce toreau course va déchirrer la grosse chatte a ta mère la pute, en gros, la chatte à ta reum va etre tellement ecartée a la vision de chainlink à 1000$, tu pourra y mettre ton bras complet.
et c'ezmst pas une éxagération mon gars, je te garantit qu'on va tous "make it" on sera tellement riche, que macron va vouloir nous sucer la bite cet homosexuel avec son trav de fhomme la. azyyy si t'es pas all in dans link tu mérite ce qui va t'arriver, tu mérite la pauvreté, tu mérite de pépon les sionistes a l'assemblée.

azy mon gars, sergey va nous sauver

>> No.56586158

140+ IQ here. I passed.

>> No.56586172
File: 3.24 MB, 3840x2160, 1641236646817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sergey est juif

>> No.56586199

i guess all the people who called that an accumulation range were correct huh

>> No.56586250

-75% from ATH and Bitcoin is going to shit the bed hard lol

>> No.56586333

ton père à pissé dans ta mère ou quoi

>> No.56586375

Ayaaaa le cuck qui paie des impots au Frankistan juif

>> No.56586389

>you failed at the IQ test
you're the low IQ, retard. and even in 2023 from bottom to top, link outperformed btc

>> No.56586390

This but by Bitcoin he meant Chainlink and by "chainlink" he meant anything else.

>> No.56586407

>Bleeds sats for 3 years.
>Bleeds usd for 2 years.
Yeah, should've sold retardo.

>> No.56586425

>Bleeds sats for 3 years.
>Bleeds usd for 2 years
and it still outperformed btc, retard.

>> No.56586444

enjoy your bags
sergey is a russian jew
not his first scam also kek
what's the point of your token btw?

>> No.56586460

>what's the point of your token btw?
you're too low IQ to get it, that's why you have to live in bulgaria like a poorfag

>> No.56586468

Tbh the only worse test is xrp vs any other crypto that actually engages in bull runs. :/ my bro has over $100k of xrp and hede have retired already if he had picked literally any other top 10 crypto.

>> No.56586485

give me one good reason to hold a bag of "link" tokens please

i want to laugh

>> No.56586500

link/btc has bottomed and has started its bull. that's it.

>> No.56586507

j'avou j'ai le seum, mais bon tant que cet enfoiré de gros porcs ruskov mz rend riche je vais feemer l'ozil pour cette foos ci.

>> No.56586528

y'en a beaucoup ici qui sont fini a la pisse, mais bon il a raison en vrai nike sa maman, faut partir de la france putain vivement ce toreau course je quitte le frankistan une bonne fois pour tte, la je galere ma maman a supporter bfmtv, cnews et hanouna, j'en peux plus de ce pays de merde.

serfey SAUVE MOI!!!!!

>> No.56586541

putain t'es sous-solé toi

>> No.56586574

> Macron! Pute a juif!

>> No.56586575

continue de payer les retraites dorées des boomers et le rsa de Bakary qui nique ta soeur dans sa clio 4

>> No.56586579
File: 556 KB, 1399x1622, BB974B2F-530E-4BD7-8EA5-5CEC1F160485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56586604

nn mais je voulais traduire BASED, bon...tu m'as pas compris, mais je suis dac avec toi la france c'est fini c devenu israel.

deja tu me conseil quoi comme pays?
ensuite comment je fais pour cashout?

>> No.56586629

>la france c'est fini c devenu israel.
not quite, there are 20% of arabs in israel. it's on its way though

>> No.56586675

France is more than 30% brown

>> No.56586691
File: 3.38 MB, 3840x2160, F42F3292-5793-4AC7-8E9F-84E6C6E92CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc atm banishora

>> No.56586733


>> No.56586979
File: 40 KB, 500x500, chainlinkgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.56587055
File: 104 KB, 1074x984, 1613249201166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tis nie alsof Frankijk beter is me al die negers

>> No.56587101
File: 217 KB, 1553x1367, 1687717303354119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only retards bought "chainlink" instead of Bitcoin

Chainlink started this bullrun, dumbass.

>> No.56587308
File: 2.30 MB, 2502x1492, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outperformed btc
Not in three years it hasn't. Nothing but bleed. Have fun holding your last run alt post ath, bro

>> No.56587462

it has since the launch of of the link token, retard

>> No.56587505

>Nothing but bleed
during the bear market btc bled against the usd, the only correct move was to liquidate every crypto, not to be in btc.

>> No.56588233

C'est à moi que tu parles comme ça, mec?

>> No.56589015

shut up french fags
> t. french fag

>> No.56589114
File: 252 KB, 500x718, IMG_3283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white pepe knows those retards are ngmi

chainlink on its next run up easily this bull got my bag ready

mimicking its graph also the bitcoin of memes token

we longing this fkin shit bro bros or whats the call

>> No.56590053

you can't fail iq tests