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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56583364 No.56583364 [Reply] [Original]

Or is everyone more depressed right now? What kind of slop are they feeding everyone, I feel fine but everyone around me seems super depressed right now

>> No.56583383

>My fellow demorilisation bots. Aren't you sad?

>> No.56583393

Just you and the other jews

>> No.56583481

end times
fake economy is failing

>> No.56583490

I feel great
I sure see a lot of posts around about "guys, have you noticed everyone is sad" wierd.

>> No.56583530
File: 680 KB, 1020x574, 239823912321bswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel amazing.
blackswan is about to launch.
you guys can stay poor and depressed

>> No.56583539

See but nobody I know has lost their job yet, nobody I know seems to be struggling, they’re buying new cars and stuff still. Things are honestly not that bad financially right now

I myself am not depressed, but I’ve had multiple friends and family members admit deep depression very recently. I’m wondering what’s happening

>> No.56583585
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Im depressed but its not really the kind of lay in bed sleep all day depressed. only half the days now. that being said almost everyone I talk to online is depressed or sad and everyone is financially struggling. its only going to get worse and more tough as we go forward so im just doing my best to make it work. hopefully I can make some profits off a few tokens and keep my head a bit above water.

>> No.56583635

Jews are having the time of their life. Americans are trashing their economy to bolster the Israeli military yet again, and Netanyahu announced they will take all of Gaza for Israel after they ethically cleansed the region.

>> No.56583715

Permanently erase 30-50% off your wages and cash savings due to retarded policy decisions. "Why is everyone so depressed?"

>> No.56583876

No complete opposite ever since the coof i dissociated from society nothing more comfy then seeing the consequences hit the normies
Also free yourself from the expectations of others

>> No.56583906

Distance from God - no spiritual solution to the every increasing problems. No purpose. Hopelessness and futility in all they do.

>> No.56583933
File: 122 KB, 860x1147, stjohnswort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel worse too, thinking about taking pic rel, maybe it helps before i really start to lose my mind

>> No.56583965

Under Trump 50% of America was optimistic, 0% unoptimistic. Under Biden it feels like 0% are optimistic total. Polarizing as he was he still encouraged many.

>> No.56584104

I like herbs. Try ground blue lotus and mexican dream herb anon, I really liked it when I was depressed

Most people made money during covid, due to the huge government stimulus checks that was more than their savings.

>> No.56584144

I feel great too. But times are tough for a lot of people out there. If you don't have your shit together by your mid 20s, this world will run right past you and you'll probably never catch up. Imagine being aware of the life-changing potential of crypto but being too broke to invest.

>> No.56584194

Most people don't see themselves living "under" some bullshit celebrity or give a single fuck about what warm body occupies the white house.

>> No.56584195

Yeah 12 billion for Isreal, mostly paid in ammunition, that will ruin the US economy. That's not even pocket money faggot