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56582473 No.56582473 [Reply] [Original]

Wagie hate thread

>> No.56582477
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>> No.56582491
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>chink / russian / cia demoralization thread
good goy! for free?

>> No.56582503

Imagine actually living like this holy kek.

Back to the grindstone, wagie. I'm waiting for my parcel.

>> No.56582510

yes goy just like that just like we groomed you. le edgy stale troon humor. that will do the trick.

>> No.56582639
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If the boot fits wear it, wagie.

>> No.56582709

I always wondered how much of a fat cuck you have to be to actually act like this. His face says it all.

>> No.56582710

You nazi rightwing idiots really don't understand that he's your white, entirely non-jewish slave master, whom you vote for and politically support by being a rightwing nazi. And that he's not some fellow pleb capitalist worker slave like you, do you? Fucking rightwingers have no concept of what enslaved retards they are.

>> No.56582744

Why do you hate wagies?
These people keep the system running. I am glad that someone is doing these jobs

>> No.56582773

Imagine expecting the slave owning class to see the humanity in the slaves. Wow you people really just don't have a clue. BTW hope you know OP is the sort of person you're supporting each time you vote for Trump, any republican, any MAGA, any "libertarian" or any nazi

>> No.56582779

I have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.56582788


>> No.56582796

KEK OK have fun mr "working class hero". Someday, in this life or the next, you're going to become privy to just how badly you've been manipulated.

>> No.56582825

Trying to explain to a working class person the contempt with which the wealthy hold them in is impossible. And even when they do start to get the slightest inkling of it, what do they do? They go and vote for someone MORE rightwing LMFAO. And you sit there like "no, you're doing it wrong, you're doing the opposite of what you should be doing if you're not a total utter moron" but they won't ever understand. It's just so hopeless that eventually you have to just throw in the towel, move yourself to higher ground and accept workers are born slaves

>> No.56582831
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>> No.56582849

Hey like I said to anons above, supporting nazis means supporting OP and others like him.

I'm never wrong because I'm wealthy myself and I know how other wealthy people think of workers and manipulate them in the same way OP is trying to now (except the cat is already out of the bag for him since he already shared his distaste for working class people in the OP)

>> No.56582866

PS everyone see how this utter absolute hater of working class people who made this thread, now halfway through, tries to use your hatred of jews or some other identity politics to turn you against democrats (which are the more leftwing party in America)? I'm wasting my time anyway I've 100% learned my lesson from /pol/ that the workers are flat out stupid and the stupid will never wake up and become unstupid.

>> No.56582893
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Clean it up, wagie

>> No.56582910

I'm not a wagie, thanks though. To quote RFKjr, I'm in on the joke I just don't think it's funny.

Why don't you post another antisemitic attempt to manipulate the workers into voting for the rightwing out of hatred of jews.

>> No.56582916
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>> No.56582948
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>wagies when they have to do they job they signed up for

>> No.56582952
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>> No.56582965

seething jew

>> No.56583011


>> No.56583120

niggers? what else is there to say

>> No.56583773

>he thinks that people need to be told to hate Jews.
Lol, lmao even

>> No.56583812

Idk maybe there was something that set her off. But your right it was probably something minor like the gas station not accepting food stamps that caused that reaction

>> No.56583821

Dey called her the N-word n shieeeeet.

>> No.56584149

>/pol/chud migrates to /biz/real for better opportunities because he helped turn his homeland into a shithole
>still hates jews and probably migrants/refugees too
You couldn't cut this irony with a chainsaw

>> No.56584323

>Thinks he can be pro-Labor while supporting the Capitalist oligarchy's scheme of importing scabs to undermine labor relations and prop up Capital appreciation.
Lol. Lmao, even. My nigga you are not a union organizer you are a scab, your great grandfathers and their buddies would have beat the fuck out of you.

>> No.56584376

Bros been huffing whippets. Look at the whipped cream canister behind him.

>> No.56584588

>throws bananas
lmao 10/10