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56578358 No.56578358 [Reply] [Original]

Should I move to the upper west side? What is the rent situation there?

>> No.56578437

Isn't that the faggot zone or was that decades ago?

>> No.56578556

I'm pretty comfy in Hell's Kitchen. I'll probably buy in the UWS though when interest rates settle since it's good to raise a family.

>> No.56578606

Idk, do you have enough money?

>> No.56578622

Oh you mean boystown? Hell ya my wet anus fren.

>> No.56578627

Is it worth moving to NYC? No meme replies.

>$200k+ per month income, on track for $300k depending on business growth next year
>26 years old
>can live wherever in the world, but NYC seems good for business and meeting people

Is NYC just a meme or is it actually worth the move?

>> No.56578635

Sorry, I meant $20k not $200k lol

>> No.56578656

I will sell my soul to you to help me survive the shithole am in anon

>> No.56578672

Everybody that actually matters left nyc 3 years ago. I'm amazed at the retardation of the people that are still moving there trying to make it. It's like they're all in denial or something.

>> No.56578871

Move to Ft Lauderdale. Just picked up a 1 bed condo with large kitchen, living room, shower and balcony for 145k.

>> No.56578902

I make about the same and live here. It’s great for friends and dating and meeting people. So socially, I’d say yes. Taxes and rent are insane though

>> No.56579199

The east coast is such a bizzare abstract concept. Like is it really just an endless dense urban area? Just buidlings and streets everywhere? Where do you go to hunt or fish? Where's the forests? Where's the mountains? I've only ever lived in small town PNW. I can't deal with the lack of nature

>> No.56579281

Yes, UWS and UES are best options in NYC for young, career focused people. Pleasant, the most family friendly, not many homeless and relatively clean and close to parks. Wife and I make combined 350k however, and even that is only enough for a good 1bdrm with a doorman in a luxury. Leaving NYC in the next few years - not because I don’t love it, but because it really is borderline retarded to be paying 4K/month.

>> No.56579303

Yea im the the woods on the east coast and wont say where, but from boston south is depressing souless concrete. I cant imagine being permanently in a stinky city, but ill almost never say it cus i want you to stay there.

>> No.56579308

Exactly. My boss wanted me to move there but I said they would have to double my pay and I still wouldn't be that happy about the situation.

>> No.56579391

If you are a heterosexual man, nyc is amazing for dating. It’s a reverse San Francisco where every 20 something woman wants to move there

>> No.56579826

I personally did not like it there, but your mileage may vary. Lived in SoHo.

The pros for NYC are the same as the cons, which is basically like; there are a fuckton of people there. There are downstream effects there too such as limited physical space and high costs.

However, this can be good or bad depending on your personality.

I also found the culture of NYC to be a little too pushy for my tastes as well. The people are friendly, but in their own way.

If I was 26 and considering it then I would probably just do it. You have little to lose at that age and much to gain.

Just be aware that you will feel poor in NYC on $240,000//year gross income. As insane as that might sound.

Anyways. Good luck.