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56577502 No.56577502 [Reply] [Original]

Been watching link threads since 2017. Just wanna say grats to all the oldfags who actually held through up to now. The idea that there are a shitload of 20k+ link wallets owned by bizfags is actually bullshit. I remember clear as crystal that initial pump to $17, and the vast majority couldn't even hold to that top. There was a massive flood of threads (true cope, not memefud) of people bragging about the money they made selling at $9 ,$12, or $14. Not a small amount of money, but they were all very confident that this was the moonpeak.

Now, of course, they wanted to rope at $50, and if they haven't already roped, are almost certainly angry that link is now stable at le moon peak of 2020. If you are STILL holding, you deserve a grats. If you are a newfag and bought in between 5-7, grats to you as well. You will make a lot of money this run if you don't spill your spaghetti.

>> No.56577518
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Major reporting for duty.

>> No.56577525

breh biz bros got in from 10 cents to 50 cents. selling at 14 dollars is good for this absolute shit token trash. sergey printed 650billion tokens and gave them to himself. link shoeld be renamed to fat sergey simping token.

>> No.56577545

I'm a poorfag who could only get 1500 in 2018, held all the way up, sold quite a few at 30-50 though, but nowhere near enough. Sold none on the way back down.
I have 3k now, with 2k staked forever. So I feel good, but still bad, because 3k is nothing compared to some of you, but oh well, you can't have everything in life.

>> No.56577568


Yeah, not too many of us actually went in hard at the very bottom. Those that did mostly sold as early as $1 or $2. Again, that's not a small amount of money, but they did objectively fuck up.

I'm the proud owner of fat sergey simping stacks and I'm still not selling. Time has vindicated my choice.

>> No.56577569

I have 8 link. What am I in for?

>> No.56577588


Lots of money. Verification not required

>> No.56577600

>moon peak
The peak in 2020 was at 19 bucks though.

>> No.56577664


>> No.56577797
File: 59 KB, 900x675, 150053945_418505305908878_5018004593516981085_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grats linkbros. also did that big shorter get liquidated yet?

>> No.56577883

maybe a 800 hundred bucks in a few years at least.