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File: 48 KB, 340x227, M-Selfie-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5657304 No.5657304 [Reply] [Original]

Try buying bitcoin when you have 100,000+ in student loan debt

Try buying bitcoin when your parents generation keeps insisting your an idiot for thinking about buying it, constantly being emotionally held hostage by baby boomers.

Try buying bitcoin when you're too stressed out about everything going on in the world (including Trump) to research whether its actually a good investment.

Try buying bitcoin after because of all of these injustices you've missed the boat and your generation is still doomed to be poor forever.

>> No.5657340

thanks, the internet needed your opinion

>> No.5657354

>100,000 in student loan debt

fuck you. you borrowed money for years and didn't work, didn't you. that's a fair outcome you utter cunt

>> No.5657356

Try manning the fuck up

>Stressed about trump

holy shit your a faggot

>> No.5657370

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.5657390

however you feel, you atleast have to agree the student loan ordeal is shitty for everyone and preys on young people (and their parents) before they even know what the hell they're doing.

>> No.5657405

>stressed about Trump

I literal faggot I see.

>> No.5657421

Fuck off libcuck.

>> No.5657445

i didn't even read that line holy fucking hell what is wrong with OP

>Trump prevented me from investing in Bitcoin by making me so mad when he sad those mean things about beaners that I couldn't think straight for two years afterwards

>> No.5657467

That's why you buy kucoin shares instead

>> No.5657507
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>stressed by trump

Lel, twitter millennials have a hard life.

>> No.5657532

This man knows whats up

>> No.5657535

Look at you.

Ok so you were born into money or your a greedy baby boomer. Now you've found a new way (crypto currency) to be a rich prick your whole life.

>> No.5657546

Some people would call it a racist coin. Some people are idiots, too.

>> No.5657568
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I love seeing poor people like you.

>> No.5657570

And yet millennials are the ones gaining the most out of this transfer of wealth
OP it doesnt matter when you would have been born, you are just a failure of a human

>> No.5657596


When I was 18 years old I was studying chemistry in university. I was also studying calculus, statistics, and took a history elective.

I promise you that at this point in my life I was capable of understanding that 100,000 dollars wouuld be a lot of money to borrow, and that the interest alone would make me a slave to payments.

OP understood that too. He however, thought that he could take out a massive loan, do easy classes about how white people are evil, and would then be handsomely paid in a sinecure position and coast through the rest of life being able to look down on everyone else.

Now it's time for OP to pay his debt.

>> No.5657611

Try buying bitcoin in a 3rd world shithole where the average income is less than 1k a month and with the risk of being back stabbed in a dark alley in order to buy BTC at an overpriced 50 percent more of buttrex value. You amerifags have life in easy mode. Even the ones that think they got it hard

>> No.5657684

>100,000+ in student loan debt
Don't take out loans.

>> No.5657713

>emotionally held hostage

What a useless point. Who cares about what the boomers have to say? You don't even need to use their banks now that bitcoin exists!

>> No.5657751

Some people will die in our cashless society. Fuck you for making stupid decisions and coming from a subhuman gene set that had no right to breed, faggot

>> No.5657771
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reddit: the post

>> No.5657800
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Oh and

>> No.5657814

You are not an american or not from our generation. You have no idea the damage their critisom does. We're talking PTSD inducing shit here.

>> No.5657815


I'll take the bait

You will be poor for the rest of your life.Not just because you are a living pile of shit excuses and are a moron(see your anti-Trump stupid seeping out).You'll always be the thicko following the herd, the bag holder. You will always make excuses for that but the main reason is you are stupid, characterless and entitled.I piss on you OP. You missed the best way to get rich this decade while to sat in a circle with similar morons crying over HRC loosing the election. Your parents are spastics who designed you for failure.

>> No.5657819

>the world owes me
liberals get out

>> No.5657843


>> No.5657844

>a firm handshake

>> No.5657874

No, I completely disagree.

>> No.5657879

Or they can use their goddamn brains and study somewhere where they don't have to pay these obscene amounts of money.
I feel no sympathy for the American students. It's 2018, for fuck's sake, why don't you study in Denmark?

>> No.5657907

Tried all of this and now I’m fuckin killin it

>> No.5657918
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>100k in student loan debt

Fuck you, you fucking faggot. You were stupid enough to buy into the scam. Congrats.

Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of us, including myself, busted our fucking asses to get scholarships to our state schools. Yeah I got into McUSNewsTop20School, but I wasn't stupid enough to cough up the 250k they wanted.

>0 student loans
>>20k in the bank, all earned myself
>STEM degree in process
>5k in crypto
>not even 20

Suck my fucking dick, you autistic twat. I only feel comfortable making this reply because I know for a fact that there are plenty of people our age just like me.

Get smart or get fucked. Looks like you already chose.

>> No.5657931

Why the fuck would the cakes subsidise education for something as fucking useless as an American millennial raised by liberals. They not even useful as prostitutes.

>> No.5657937

shut up pussy faggot. nobody held a gun to your head and made you rack up 100k in student loans for a bullshit liberal arts degree. but at least youre working on improving your life by complaining on the internet and blaming all your shortcomings on others

>> No.5657958

Fuck you pussy. Go hide in your safe space. Fuck I hate Millennials.

>> No.5657971

Im not blaming it on everyone. Just bitcoin and the greedy people involved in it.

>> No.5657983

Apparently they're too young to realize 100K dollars is a lot of money, how can you expect them to know that Denmark exists?

18 year old Americans don't know geography, or apparently what money is, but they do know about the Holocaust, Harriet Tubman, and Harry Potter.

>> No.5657985

For someone claiming to be so intelligent it's curious why you can't tell OP is a clear larp.

Anyway, you got a pretty backwards way of looking at this shit if you don't think that the way universities, faculty and loan providers colluded together to pilfer the futures of this generation by inflating tuition fees. That's not a fair playing field to pit 18 year olds with an uncertain future against predatory universities. Many of these universities will lie to you and tell you you'll get financial aid that won't come in, etc, and they'll feed you unrealistic expectations about what your future degree will give you.

It's easy to have your opinion too now that universities have reached an apex of greed and are basically a joke. 8-10 years ago opinions were very different.

Choosing to say this corrupt system is defensible because you have aggression toward the regressive political playground universities have become is pretty self-defeating isn't it?

>> No.5657987

>oh no life is unfair nobody told me this
kek, sheltered boy

>> No.5658033

life isn't fair faggot

>> No.5658034


good post OP
really got some giggles out of depressed me
thank you

>> No.5658064
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I think op might be serious.

>> No.5658070

Russian troll bot.

>> No.5658081

University of Phoenix is gotten 'spensive

>> No.5658091

No? I've worked full-time since I was 16 years old and have been attending university full-time in the evening too after turning 18. I only get maybe 1/5th of my tuition and books covered by financial aid and pay the rest off on my own at full rate. With all things considered, I can't afford many luxuries like the newest iphone or a good computer and I've been living in someone's living room but in exchange I've been able to consistently put $500-$1000 towards crypto every month for the last 3 years and passed the $2 million mark with XRP as of yesterday.

Fucking kill yourself you pathetic piece of shit for blaming others for your own shit decisions in life.

>> No.5658148

Why are americans so dumb? Just get a job and study at a community college before transferring.

>> No.5658167

T spend the vacation mining cpu coins on the entire work network.About 150 bucks worth. while closed for vacation and flipping it into moons. Up 12800% and have 10K. I will give you 500 bucks to get started OP but for that I get to watch you get fucked hard in the arse by two street bums. Time to step up to the initiative plate milennial scum

>> No.5658169

You guys are alright. Definitely gonna make it.

>> No.5658186

False dichotomy. I choose to dislike both universities and idiots who borrow six figure sums to to live in them.

Nobody has said that the system is defensible. It's easy to argue with a strawman, though, isn't it?

Regardless of how much of OP's tuition went towards the football team, he's a fool, and while his financial position may be unfair (not really, it's not like he's manning a machine gun nest in Africa or shitting on the streets of Delhi) -- Bitcoin is not unfair, nor is cryptocurrency. The poor and millennials have never been given such an opportunity, it's his own fault for squandering it and his alone.

And yes, this is a larp.

>> No.5658210

>tfw my parents paid for my student loans while I get to use my savings to gamble on crypto

get good mellenial or be poor

>> No.5658231
File: 49 KB, 200x200, pic_related_121813_Pajama-Boy-The-Obama-Machines-Id.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were being serious? I thought this was just some copy pasta from some faggot man-child.

>> No.5658240

Nice larp

>> No.5658253

Pump group. Looks promising. I just joined.


>> No.5658291

Instead of getting 100k in debt, I got a job for a few months, made 10k, then made 100k with bitcoin.

You got cucked by your society, sorry.

>> No.5658292

See this is what Im talking about. The system is rigged.

>> No.5658330

stupid argument made by stupid people

>> No.5658333

>student loan debt

>> No.5658519


t. king pajeet running the group

>> No.5658530

I'll at least admit that, if this is the big opportunity of our generation, it's a big fucking disappointment. I'm not jealous that it's making people money, that's great, but bitcoin seems like one of the biggest nothings in human history. It gives me, and almost everyone else, absolutely nothing of value. But it sure does waste energy for no good reason at all, which as you may have noticed is getting much more expensive then it used to be. What a sad product to end a sad miserable year. I really do hope it makes the winners of this pyramid scheme happy, because so much of the world is slaving away just for all of you to have whatever it is your searching for. Is it misery? Is that what you are buying and selling? Maybe it's the enslavement of humanity to a new world order--a cashless utopia where we can all be turned off at will. What the fuck are you people trying to achieve with this shit? I can't see one decent reason to believe in this garbage. Maybe the joke will be that bitcoin will make you all rich, but you're actions made the world so miserable that there will be absolutely nothing worthwhile to buy.

>> No.5658568

Finally someone else gets it.

>> No.5658598

>makes 2 million in crypto
>still going to college

>> No.5658605

Bitcoin made me a lot of money so I'm fine with it, thanks.

I'm going to use the profits to buy robotic drones to keep poor people from attacking me and my property, and the rest I'll spend on life-extension therapy.

>> No.5658635

Poor? Poor people don't have access to capital. That's what make them poor. You were able to borrow 100k. You aren't poor. Man up and go do something with that education you spent so much time and money to get.

>> No.5658662

You're a fucking massive idiot for not understanding how Bitcoin works.

This isn't hard.

1) Take out a massive loan and buy crypto.

2) Default on the loan.

3) Say you forgot the private key, and keep the crypoto anyway ;).

4) 5 years from now sell it, and pay off the loan if they still care, itl'l be a tiny fraction of your netwealth by then.

>> No.5658668

i am so glad that i came to 4chan for a thread like this

>> No.5658712

I already am considering defaulting on my student loans. Should I do this before or after?

>> No.5658759

>and pay off the loan if they still care,

oh they'll care

>> No.5658808

That's fraud, asshole. You're worse than this libtard.

>> No.5658817


>Try buying bitcoin when your parents generation keeps insisting your an idiot for thinking about buying it

The people who have been buying for the past 8 years have been called idiots over and over again

>> No.5658963

Nice meme

>> No.5659004

This. I'm a student and a student loan servicer for Nelnet, kek

>> No.5659223

>Went to school
>Took out 100k Loan
>Followed the heard
>Didn't take chances or blaze your own path

>> No.5659279

fuck me this guy gets it

>> No.5659288

im a bitch blablabla

stfu and buy PFR and BBT, dont miss these moons, dont tell your parents if you dont want to

>> No.5659290


And what have you done?

>> No.5659314

Stupid fucking arguments. You could have easily set aside money for crypto instead of intoxicating yourself with drugs and alcohol.

Try telling some girl working in a clothing factory in Bangladesh how unfair this all is. Get some fucking sense in your head.

>> No.5659353

>including Trump

instead of being stressed by Trump, you should be thanking god every day of your pathetic life that you are living under the greatest President in US history.

>> No.5659365

You're responisble for your own life OP. Can't blame this shit on anyone else, learn a lesson and think for yourself, have things your own way and don't be a sheep.

>> No.5659393
File: 48 KB, 967x725, IMG_1874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot

>> No.5659412

Holy shit dude, you make me furious. GTFO OFF MY BOARD!!!!



>> No.5659414

cry about it

>> No.5659472

>2) Default on the loan.
>flash forward 5 years
>trying to get your life together
>try to get a car, house, loan, credit card, etc. or anything else needed to function in society
>muh credit score

>> No.5659691

Co-owner of a business that bids government contracts and has millions of dollars flow through it every year.
How's the sheep life? Do you have a lot of friends?

>> No.5659716

What are you trying to prove by posting this?

>> No.5659788

I answered your question. You're not a risk taker kid. Stop wishing you would have been and get over it.

>> No.5659924

How could I afford to take risks when things could only get worse?

>> No.5659926

-Get a credit card with 0 apr% interest rate
-Use credit card to pay off your monthly loan.
-Pay off the credit card THAT VERY MOMENT
-After 1 year is up move to another credit card and keep chewing away at the principal without getting shafted by interest by Sallie Mae

>> No.5659944

Assuming 10k in crypto today, would mean you even need loans 5 years down the track.

>> No.5659948

Accept your defeat OP, complaining is what everyone else does and I think you don't want what everyone else wants anymore right?

>> No.5659991

You can't default on your student loans, they follow you through bankruptcy.

The bank literally lends money into existence out of nothing, and you're telling me it's fraud not to pay back this non-existent money.

The greatest misvaluation today is to think that 12.5k of literally printed out of nothing money... is worth 1 bitcoin which can't be printed, regulated, controlled in any way.

>> No.5659996

You are an idiot. You do realize that speculating on coins is a zero sum game, don’t you? 90% if traders lose money. Quit being worthless and create something, then you’ll get money. The world owes your faggoty ass nothing. Become less useless and get rich.

>> No.5660025

So in all that time you studied you could never afford to put some money aside to do other things than drinking with those new sorrority girls that really think you're a loser anyway and only date Harvard Chads?

Sorry OP but you obviously could, you just never dared to do anything. Even a 100$ is enough to start with, plenty of people do. But if thats to much of a risk, you shouldn't be here in the first place.

>> No.5660113

So is the some sort of overly complicated way of telling me to kill my self?

>> No.5660137

nice larp. it has all the right triggers.
reddit spacing.
Liberal Arts degree debt.
your, instead of you're
muh injustices

>> No.5660247

No not really, I'm just telling you to stop being such a fucking pussy and get over it.

>> No.5660251

You think millenials are gaining the most. Lol. You dumb fuck. Literally zero milllenials are whales. You are just chucked puppets getting played and wasting your life away hoping Bernie will save you. You have no idea what rich means. I’ve never paid over $900 for bitcoin and have a shitload. Who do you think is running up the value? It’s not me, it’s millenials.

>> No.5660310
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Its not bitcoins fault you didnt hop on early
It also wont be bitcoins fault when you hop on and it goes down

Can you guess who's fault it'll be?

>> No.5660354

Actually its the Lost Generation, the people that are 30's mid 30's that produced the most millionaires in this space. Millenials just find this way more fun because they all got short attention spans because of social media and cellphones. Crypto fits perfectly as everything is happening at once and you can quickly bounce from one thing to the next.

>> No.5660714
File: 114 KB, 480x608, akujamikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mined bitcoin in '11 with desktop computer as underage b& reading /g/
>mom says i'm wasting electicity
>later format wallet with 0.4btc from barely any mining

>> No.5660759

be a man. take your own decisions and responsibility

>> No.5660856
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>Getting a degree
If you are this stupid you deserve poverty

>> No.5660901
File: 38 KB, 720x909, 47CEF20A_5987_40D5_92E0_C8EEDA93230D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these reyarded normied chomping on the bait

>> No.5660974

Pretty nice b8

>> No.5661014
File: 255 KB, 400x471, CCD4482C-A23E-4784-A476-951DCC289B31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has been the best thread on biz in weeks. this is better than the normie rekt facebook threads because it's live. it's like jerking off to a cam girl instead of prerecorded porn

>> No.5661122

Now I just feel sorry for you

>> No.5661155

This thread is an obvious bait, but thanks for the laugh OP

>> No.5661206

Alright so apparently its my fault for not knowing I wouldnt be able to get a job even with a college degree, bitcoin would skyrocket, and in 2017 people would get a kick out of watching other people struggle through life.

Id end it all but you'd probably just piss all over me for that too.

>> No.5661338

jews, christians, and muslims

>> No.5661345

Missed on the property boom?
Missed on the stock market crash?
It's not too late to buy XLM!

>> No.5661795

your fault for choosing a worthless major
I chose Computer Science and paid for college the Asian goldfarmer way, through RuneScape goldfarming
debt free within 6 months
oh and I was also paid in Bitcoin :^)

>> No.5661801

its called risk OP, you think any of these investors knew what would happen? They took a gamble. Heck most people sold their BTC at the slightest 50% profits they got only to find out they could have made 10,000% more.

Starting to wonder if this isn't just bait.

>> No.5661862

If this is real, please kill yourself. Probably too much of a fucking pussy to do it.

>> No.5661896

>falling for the college scam

1. Literally just spend a few months non-stop researching everything you need to know on Google and then go apply for a job

2. Go in for an interview and be just as competent as anybody that just graduated

3. Get hired

>> No.5661949

step 1 dont take out a loan ever

>> No.5661979

Very, very fucking legit man. This shit is just rich get richer scheme. Those of us that NEED the money don't have the necessary capital to invest.

Honestly I think it's time for the government to step in and put a stop to all of this just like they did with online gambling. It's gone too far and these people shouldn't be making money doing this crap while I'm bogged down with student loans and no disposable income.

>> No.5662004
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>> No.5662013

Guess the normies really are on suicide watch

>> No.5662091

>Those of us that NEED the money don't have the necessary capital to invest.
There is no minimum capital necessary to invest in cryptocurrency. Poverty stricken pajeets are getting into crypto right now.

>> No.5662111

>Try buying bitcoin when you're too stressed out about everything going on in the world

Oh man hahahahahaa

>Should I be focusing on how to succeed, make money and make my life better
>Nah I will sulk about the state of the world and complain about politics on an online forum

This goes for both /pol/ and SJW shits but you fags will never make it, and don't deserve to make it. Everyone who bought in had the same situations as you, we just focused on ourselves instead of using the excuse of "the current year's racism/degeneracy" to be a fucking failure.

>> No.5662254
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>that wonderful feel when somewhere in this world there are actual non-larping retards in this situation.
This is the best timeline period.

>> No.5662656

>because of all of these injustices
>born in the greatest country of them all
fuck of and die, really.

I'm from literal shithole of Ukraine and I managed to get into crypto in 2017. If you can't save 1k is US, just fucking kill yourself and make the world a better place.

butthurt thirdwolder signing off

>> No.5662711
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Fuck off, I hope you die in the streets faggot.

>> No.5662754

t. snowflake

>> No.5662871

Meanwhile, you have op
>A sweaty, greasy, not very firm handshake

>> No.5662927


Dude give up, you don't have the mindset to make it. The other guy who called you a herd follower is right.

In the off chance that you got some Bitcoins a few years back (you wouldn't have), you would have sold them the second they begun to shoot up, and would have been crying right now about having sold too early. Only right now would you consider holding, but that is because you are a herd follower and everyone wants to HODL to 100k.

>> No.5663033

lmao y do u care? time to rebel nigga

>> No.5663037

>stressed about Trump
Anyone who blames their own shortcomings on Trump deserves to stay poor. Actually, that's why poor people stay poor and raise their children to stay poor. It's a mindset that you can't break out of.

It's like the retarded NEETs on here who blamed "the jews" because they missed out on XRP. Those people will never make it.

>> No.5663183

started with 900$ in march now got 200k

instead of whining you could have started already

>> No.5663197


This is true except for
>It's a mindset that you can't break out of

You can if you really want too.

t. Was raised extreme poorfag and also fell for /pol/s Jew bullshit. Managed to overcome both mental hurdles and get my life on track

>> No.5663208
File: 249 KB, 1198x836, 1501715579657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read past first sentence but years back I was mining bitcoins on gpus and Asics and my father and crackhead brother and would pull the plug on my Asics because apparently they used too much electricity.

My 73 year old father, who has never used a computer in his life, has recently discovered bitcoins moon mission. So he asks me the other day " what's going on with this bitcoin". Of course I play dumb and pretend not to know much

My crackhead brother who has always been jealous of me now despised me even more despite not knowing how many btc I own. Had to call the cops on him tonight because he went on a drunken rampage.

Going to be comfy when I finally realize some gains, get out of this house, and hear my brother an hero'd or OD'd from a family member down the road

Tldr nonbitcoiners are really really mad they didn't get in earlier

>> No.5663281

so you made yourself bluepilled? congratz

meanwhile i can see the world for what it is and still work on improving myself you just turned yourself into a cuck and are proud of it

>> No.5663359
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You could get 100 for less than 1$ for quite some time, why didn't you? Oh right, you're filthy normie.

>> No.5663444

hahahahahaha shame

I love hearing people in my generation fail. Born in 95, raised thinking im a social outcast. Finished school, did a trade even tough everyone went to university,I own a house and have no debt and can throw 10k into crypto , not giving a shit if it fails.
And all these "educated" idiots are debt slaved baristas.

All because i dont listen to anyone and do what I want.

Lol shame faggot.

>> No.5663497


Stay salty you loser /pol/ack fuck. You guys chained me down with your loser ideology for almost 5 years and now I am free of your thought. Fuck I am ashamed to look back on my /pol/ years when I actually became a neet because of all your dumb Jew conspiracies. You fags purposefully seek out dumb teenagers and fuck up their minds with your cancer ideology, and I will forever hate you little shits for it.

>you're a cuck now

Complete opposite. I'm a chad now.

But I would have been in an even better life position now, than I currently am if I wasn't brought to /new/ back in 2011.

>> No.5663621

No, they're trading the idea of a currency, and the determination of its worth is what someone is willing to pay for it.

Don't get butt hurt that you don't understand. I'm sure you don't understand why those dollarydoos in your pocket are considered worth enough to buy a loaf of bread or not either beyond the fact that you can go down to the grocery store and either you have enough or you don't. You don't understand what currency represents so you shit on the idea, because you don't have any. Cry me a river.

-t a poorfag making under 30k a year.

>> No.5663714

It is your fault if you decided to take courses on shit that wouldn't land you a job.

Whats your major? Any minors to back them up? Fall back plan?

You've never been truly poor. Now you are, learn to live like it.

>> No.5663855
File: 41 KB, 396x382, f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all that this post deserves right here. Thank you. Goodbye.

>> No.5663858

Give it to me I deserve it more

>> No.5663956
File: 77 KB, 720x338, Title_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so it's everybody else's fault that you put that money into a worthless degree instead of Bitcoin? That sounds more like you're mad at everyone else because you're a normal fag. Kys pajeet.

>> No.5663986

Congratulations you know what risks mean

>> No.5664009

>100,000+ in student loan debt
no one told you to go to this deep in debt.

>> No.5664066

I can sense testosterone deficiency.

>> No.5664079

>100k on useless degree
>lives at home
>blames trump for stress
We got the libtard numale trifecta

>> No.5664080

100,000 in debt? you dumb shit you chose your normie path, you bought that much education and still think you're on the bottom of the pole.

be greatful with what you have because it's a hell of a lot more than the vast majority of the worlds population, you emo cunt, cant have your cake and eat it too. why daddy why

>> No.5664110


>> No.5664146

>blaming /pol/ for your own failures and shortcomings for 5 years even though for many others that board has only impoven their lives
I bet you don't even see the irony.

>> No.5664158

The wojak is me, fucking my sex doll with the blinds open

>> No.5664258

It's still amazing to me that people with debt never ever blame banks, the jewish dogma is so abhorrent it's like a ocean.
People deserve the next economic crash and I hope it makes 2008 look like a tiny dip.

>> No.5664393


I don't think /pol/ has improved anyones lives. I know tons of other people from /pol/ that I have on steam, discord, or even know/knew in real life. It made every single one of their lives worse, they became more reclusive, became depressed about the state of the world. Like me, half of them quit /pol/ and had a recovery, but the few who didn't just got worse, holy fuck a few of my old /pol/ friends are in a bad place right now I feel sorry for them. Wasting their lives on political activism being useless agitators, constantly mad at the world, or worse, being paranoid conspiracy nuts living out of their garage.

>blame /pol/ for your shortcomings

It was a part. When you are a dumb underage from a poor family with no guidance, something like /pol/ telling you the world is against you because your a white male and that's why you don't have a gf and got rejected for your job etc is a big influence.

Yeah it might have been somewhat my fault too. But I brought myself out of /pol/ on my own. Once I reached my 20's and didn't have the mind of a retarded teen anymore I really started to sort through the fucking bullshit.

Now I got a job, gf, my own place, money, my crypto's are going great and I'm not really mad at anything or anyone, I feel happy with life. I was always angry at something when I was a /pol/ack. I am just pissed in this thread right now remembering how many years I wasted with /pol/ though.

>> No.5664476

I don't care about your excuses, hypocrite.

>> No.5664489

You are a massive faggot. Your parents dont own you. Being "emotionally" held hostage when you know the situation is like being hypnotized when you don't believe in hypnosis. Stop being a fucking faggot.

>> No.5664496

good. if everyone was rich it'd have no meaning. luxury only comes from the suffering of others. dont be an other

>> No.5664574


Butthurt bitch lol.

/pol/ will fail.