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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56566533 No.56566533 [Reply] [Original]

>I learn a skill from a book I bought online for $50 to go from a $55k salary to $79k

Why aren't more people learning in their free time?

>> No.56566541

congratulations for moving from peasant code monkey slave to junior code monkey slave

>> No.56566559

In my cucked country you will probably earn the same fucking salary even if you change, this if some retarded recruiters will forgive you for changing your career course and hire you

>> No.56566563

> doesn't bother mentioning the fierce competition for entry level jobs in this current economy
> nice larp faggot

>> No.56566669

I'd rather die than learn this monkeybrain shit for a measley 79k. Luckiluy I make much more doing real gigawizardbrain shit.

>> No.56566686

Pajeet thread lmfao

>> No.56566786

>t. ranjeet "randy" singheshkwarala (contractor), junior oracle database administrator

>> No.56566903

>Having a WFH job makes you a panjeet now

So I guess biz works retail or grocery

>> No.56566942

Worse: Europe

>> No.56566977

What are you actually doing at your job? I'd love to be paid to just write sql all day but the problem is they expect every "database programmer" to write shitty dot net core web apps and frontend bullshit and documentation and 90 page fucking explanations of HOW you're going to do something you've never fucking done and didn't sign up for, shit like that

>> No.56567286
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>not just pirating the book

>> No.56567309

some people prefer paper books

>> No.56567916

Reading books is easier than reading a kindle

>> No.56567978

Bros been thinking about diving deep into learning Cloud. Is it worth it?

>> No.56568063

I’m also studying for my Sec+ certification. I was wondering if learning SQL is worth it to secure a comfortable 70k job.

>> No.56568181

Do you have a bachelor's degree? It's pretty much required now

>> No.56568189

Cloud what?

>> No.56568205
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>> No.56568206

Cloud engineering.

>> No.56568218

Nah I have my AAS in Network Administration with IT support specialist experience. I’ve been heavily considering going back and getting another associates or transfer my credits for a full bachelors though.

>> No.56568294

Unfortunately you're gonna get filtered. Because of the WFH/hybrid schedule HR now gets thousands more resumes. Unless you know a manager who can vouch for you I doubt you'll get in with an associates. Why do you wanna move though? Isn't cyber security a big growing career path now

>> No.56568436


>> No.56568450

SOL For Data Analytics

>> No.56568487

It’s from a community college and it’s a barebone network admin degree. I’m talking about getting a cyber security associates or transferring my associates to a bachelors with more rounded education. Im trying to go the certification route before heading back to finish my bachelor’s

>> No.56568519

Idk it's absolutely bonkers that some people haven't realized they can learn almost anything for free or very. Heap and profit from it.
>Self taught IT and project management who went from $30k a year to $100k a year in 5 years.
>Inb4 "$100k isn't a lot of money"
My life is literally night and day from what it was five years ago and I stalled around $100k because I've been focusing on family and children.

>> No.56568928

Alot of people me included, get filtered by the starting point. None of us have no clue where to start.

>> No.56568940

how do all the slice of life i've watched could help me with data analytics.

>> No.56569007

I've been doing this for 3 years now. Read like 50 Wiley / Packt books. Picked up the skills. Problem is that you can't put "I read textbooks" on your resume. I've picked up so many skills that I have trouble fitting them in and moulding them towards each specific job. Learning more in your free time is good, OP. Just remember that when you start to learn more than your peers you become less like them. This will lead you to questioning every task you are asked to accomplish and you will yearn for brainiac tasks. Then you realize those brainiac tasks all require qualifications that leftist institutions provide. I just signed up for a degree recently and now I have to suffer listening to lectures about socialism from professors who are compromised and have control over my GPA. I have to write bullshit essays about the plight of the average working person and lie about their struggles. Then I came to a realization... The world needs people who do not learn in their free time. In fact, the vast majority of humans exist solely to serve the small minority. Humans are nothing more than tools of other humans. This is life. Keep learning but remember it comes at a cost. It costs your soul. You have to live with the choice you make to learn. The real test for a person comes when they realize this and if they are able to fly under the radar without making these insolent posts on an anonymous basket weaving forum bragging about the fact they learned what a database is and now they make $79k which was worth $55k only 13 years ago in 2010 or $4.4k in 1923. When you yourself come to this realization, what will you do OP? Will you go mental? Yes. It's all about what you do to ensure that others don't know what skills you hold, it's about what you do in silence. I am just getting there. Good luck.

>> No.56569055

>Problem is that you can't put "I read textbooks" on your resume. I've picked up so many skills that I have trouble fitting them in and moulding them towards each specific job
that's why you need to create projects on your own applying what you learned and then show them those, retard.

>> No.56569097

Lol. I cleared a quarter million last year. I'm doing fine for myself. That's not the point I was making. Doesn't matter what projects you have, or how many landing pages you can make. It's about knowing to who, where, when and how. Not what. Learn how to delegate, not do.

>> No.56569098

Physical books are the best. Coding books are probably the one category I wouldn't buy though because the shit goes out of date fast, plus half the text in them is literally just code so I feel retarded as fuck whenever I'm flipping through pages of c++ or whatever.

>> No.56569787

>Alot of people me included, get filtered by the starting point. None of us have no clue where to start.

How? are you just retarded?

>> No.56569815

wtf is with all the SQL job spam copypastas lately? Are companies finally realizing that noSQL was a mistake and trying to psyop more people into the field?

>> No.56570277

Theres a shitton of stuff out there saying start with this and start with that. I dont even know which language I should learn first

>> No.56570843

>I dont even know which language I should learn first

Yeah you sound like most people.

>> No.56570931

>still uses SQL or SQL-like API to query it
>many such cases

>> No.56571074

>>Self taught IT and project management
How did you do this anon? It's overwhelming with so much info to find the right tools to use to learn

>> No.56571139

>The year of Lord Fauci +3
>Learning s*l

>> No.56571183

I learned it in 1988 at university, have used it ever since.
Idk how anyone could be employed in IT in any role without knowing SQL. Is there any business that doesn't need to store structured data?

>> No.56571291


The duality of /biz