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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56558633 No.56558633 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56558659

The best part is this is probably going to be drawn out for a whole decade.

>> No.56558664

>Wells Fargo is the U.S. Govt. now

>> No.56558670

When is it starting? Next year?
Please say next year

>> No.56558671

U.S can never fall into an official recession since they keep fudging the jobs and GDP numbers.

We're soon gonna have depression era levels of disparity with soviet levels of propaganda

>> No.56558672

Eh. All banks are really franchises of the federal reserve and they own the government. The fact that they're separate organizations is arguably a minor technicality.
>nb4 elections
Obviously that doesn't matter.

>> No.56558675

>banks failing left and right
>us gov confirms recession
get your money out of the banks while you still can. You're going to start seeing messages on your banking apps like "Due to national emergency withdraws are paused" "Due to racial inequality you are currently in que to withdraw, your place is queue is number 200938382209"

>> No.56558678

Fair enough.

>> No.56558686

>screenshit thread
The holy trifecta of cringe

>> No.56558695

>fudging the jobs and GDP numbers.
You do realize that there are institutions and laws and shit to prevent this right
USA is not china ffs

>> No.56558696


>> No.56558722

Laws mean nothing if not enforced, which they won't be.

>> No.56558841

>fudging numbers on a spread sheet magically creates more real products and repairs infrastructure.

>> No.56558874

>change definition of recession so that the government doesn't have to claim recession
>conditions deteriorate to the point where they have to admit we're in one

Kek fuck the federal reserve and every juedo anglo fuck in Washington DC

>> No.56558892

Folkes, things is better than they ever been!

>> No.56558908

it's just revising down, chud

>> No.56558918
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>We're soon gonna have depression era levels of disparity with soviet levels of propaganda
we're already there. look at measures of inflation for "food at home." they claim 25% since the onset of the inflation. not year over year, but 25% since early 2020. meanwhile even the dumbest of normalniggers will agree, not even accounting for the kikery that is shrinkflation, that prices are up closer to 50%.

>> No.56558922
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The US is 50 years ahead of the rest of the world in propaganda. They've convinced all the cattle that just because there are laws and oversight committees and no bloody, violent Gestapo, then there is no real harm being done. But those sort of third world corruption methods are now outdated by several centuries. Nigger cattle like this, and most of us frankly, can't make heads or tails of this world when everything is a psyop. In a few centuries, any outside observer will conclude that this really is a prison planet in every possible sense of the word.

>> No.56558931
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>Excluding the volatile sectors of food and energy

>> No.56558952

Bulllrun confirmed by my dick in your mom's ass.

>> No.56558961
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the plane has landed.... softly.

>> No.56559017
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Might as well be at this point.

>> No.56559031
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>muh laws
Tell me again how Jeffery Epstein's clients all faced justice.

>> No.56559217

case schiller keeps on printing new ath after ath.
another new ath dropped just a few days ago.

>> No.56559242
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>> No.56559279

propaganda levels have been way above soviet levels for years, at least soviets didn't tell you that men can become women through genital mutilation

>> No.56559308

why could i see this happening lol.

>> No.56559312


>> No.56559319

I read somewhere they intentionally remove stuff like beef and use chicken breast instead since beef is "not a necessity".

>> No.56559332

>zero clue
I wish that were true.

>> No.56559518

yeah they say as much in the methodology. it's a scam because it doesn't actually measure inflation, it measures an ideal consoomer.

>> No.56559531

krugbros we did it

>> No.56559567

When you go to Kroger or Walmart and your bill is 300 but your bags of whatever grocery items is next to nothing you know shits fucked. Do this every two weeks. That's 600 a month for not much of anything to show for it. Back in 2008 I can remember doing a grocery run and forking out maybe 200 for a whole month. The sad part; Prices will never go down. Inflation itself may but the price you pay for whatever sure won't.

>> No.56559582


>> No.56559598


in a RECESSION nobosy can get any bitcoins while struggeling with their daily lifes...

>> No.56559736

I actually don't know a single person that believes the government about inflation, which is really a testament to how much these boomer Jews have lost control of the narrative. Now will anything actually happen? Hmm

>> No.56559801

>people in my bubble think like me
mhmm the reality though is that people don't care about facts, they choose a faction and will support whatever the faction leaders say, liberals will say that the inflation is low because that's what the liberal leaders say, if conservative leaders said the inflation was low then the conservatives would support that, facts and stats are besides the point, what matters is what stance your tribe is taking

>> No.56559803

Do we get flooded with cheap cocaine again?

>> No.56559837

>Muh bubble
I'm white, I associate with all kinds of people. You know, diversity and all that.

>> No.56559848

no you're not tyrone rodriguez

>> No.56560622

Tyrone Shoelaces.

>> No.56560623
