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56556717 No.56556717 [Reply] [Original]

alright co-authists, i have been thinking about something and i can't wrap my head around the fact that i can't seem to get answers.

chainlink posted on twitter that HSBC (660 bn AUM) is bringing gold on chain. `since there is not a collaberation YET, i can only guess they will be using CCIP to tap into huge liquidity and POR to validate the gold is in fact in the vault.


>> No.56556719

it is well known the paper gold market is 100 to 200 times larger than the phisical gold market.
why would a goldbug prefer a paper promise above tokenised gold wich is vallidated every day of being in the vault.
why isn't every goldbug in the universe talking about this shit? it will pump their bags to valhalla when every goldnug switches from paper gold to tokenised - vallidated gold and they found out there just isnt enough gold no?

tell me how am i wrong here please.

>> No.56556727

>KYC on every single token

>> No.56556741

chainlink DECO as privacy solution.

>> No.56556743

You're not wrong but PM maxis are kind of retarded and think "crypto" is a scam, and the market is fully honked so neither Link nor gold will appreciate as a result of this because fuck you that's why.

>> No.56556755

the token is literally just a paper promise

>> No.56556770

Pepe Stiff and gold money did it and they stopped doing it because of the KYC expenses

>> No.56556787

It kinda is a scam though, it has no inherent value (energy is not value - you can't melt those bitcoins down and "release" the energy so NOTHING is stored in them - you can't harvest back that wasted energy)

And the main problem with crypto is there are 10,000 different coins all with pretty much identical usefulness, therefore the potential quantity is infinite. There is no reason "Bitcoin" is considered the "store of value" instead of Dogecoin except for "trust" and people believing it has value - exactly like fiat.

>> No.56556796

wich is actually backed. i don't own alot of gold, but righjt now i get a picture every month of a piece of gold in the vault stating its there.

what is laughable, ofcourse.

>> No.56556801

you are mostly correct, BTC does NOT store value, rather the value is in the now, mining does give it value but that is only what it cost to mine today

also BTC is not special in any way, and since its value is derived from mining you can always use another chain

>> No.56556808

I imagine holding physical gold is a hedge against a full collapse. In the event SHTF or they confiscate it again, if you don't hold it physically, it'll just get taken from you. In this respect, tokenized is the same as paper contracts

>> No.56556821

Or you could just… get physical gold bullion. And not have to worry about any of that.

>> No.56556826

yeah, batteries, gasoline, bullets, food, water
all come way way before any gold

and if you do gold and silver you have the difficulty of verification, is this really gold

>> No.56556827

See this is what I meant when I said they're retarded

>> No.56556831

i think you underestimate the quantity of people who hold paper gold and think it's convertible 1 to 1.

>> No.56556844

you pay a hefty premium and you can't sell it whenever you want.

>> No.56556847

Seems to me the people powerful enough to conceal that theres no gold are also powerful enough to conceal from Chainlink validators that theres no gold. But thats just me shooting from the hip, YMMV.

>> No.56556853

>it'll just get taken from you
Lost it in a boating accident, sorry.
>difficulty of verification
Sigma metaliytics.

>> No.56556866

crypto can be isnta verified

>> No.56556919

>hefty premium
Depends entirely upon what exactly it is your buying, and regardless, all products and commodities have a “spot price” and “real price”. Go ahead and order a steak and then look at beef commodities. There’s a cost to bringing tangible goods onto the market.

>> No.56556931

Are we still talking about SHTF? Lol

>> No.56556937

all you need is some sort of internet, mobile internet is relatively easy to keep up

>> No.56556984

What makes you think all crypto won’t go to zero in the event of a serious economic crisis / SHTF scenario? Bitcoin cannot be readily traded for necessities in the event the economy takes a nose dive, a lot of people don’t even know what crypto is, most (90%+) don’t own any or have any interest in it. Now don’t get me wrong, crypto is great, but I don’t believe it to be the be all, end all to the future of finances. There’s a place for cryptocurrencies, and a place for gold, and yea, they can overlap in some cases

>> No.56556993

>You're not wrong but PM maxis are kind of retarded and think "crypto" is a scam
I mean, there is more scamming going on in the last 10 years of crypto than the last 300 years of traditional finance....

>> No.56557002

>Bitcoin cannot be readily traded for necessities in the event the economy takes a nose dive
Bitcoin can barely be traded for necessities NOW, without exposing yourself to being cheated.
Let alone in a "happening".

>> No.56557013
File: 294 KB, 2048x2048, fd5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does
but it will be near zero, and since it is there, you will be willing to accumulate and sell some batteries to your fren

>> No.56557019

Notice I put crypto in quotes. We're not even talking about crypto I just said it that way to prove how clueless you guys are.

>> No.56557048
File: 1007 KB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2023-11-04 10.45.29 - Create an image of a crying face emoji with a round open mouth, crafted from polished gold. The emoji should have a gold reflective surface, tears com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no blud is actually restarded

>> No.56557247

yes i know, that´s also a benefit of tokenization.
the premium is almost gone.

>> No.56557332

my key takeaway from this is that people don't care if they get manipulated.
they are going to care when it matters, and when it matters they are going to be late.


>> No.56557664

you would be wrong to assume anything other than an initial low % capture of that 660b AUM / gold mcap, like 1-2% optimistically, within the next 5 years. None of this will happen overnight, the only thing that happens over night is pump and dump VC / whale scam tokens. Link is a 20 year hold chuddies

>> No.56557695

i know it is a slow progress.
i´m just saying people are going to go for truth instead of trust in the long run and i think the gold markets is going to change drastically because of it.

the goldbugs should be all over this.
they are not.

>> No.56557700

>Or you could just… get physical gold bullion
this is so fucking dumb

>> No.56557720

>which is actually backed
what's the difference between being told a digital token is backed by gold and being told an etf is backed by gold?

>> No.56557737

The first mistake was ever trusting Chainlink to begin with. I won’t believe anything those people say until they actually release a function product (no beta versions don’t count) AND actual institutions are using their product AND no testing and experiments don’t count.

>> No.56557743

being told is the problem.
i want it verified.

>> No.56557756

i am not going in discussion with you because you are stupid.

>> No.56557885

>being told is the problem
i never asked you about a problem. i asked you what the difference between the two is

>> No.56557893

How would the reserves get proven in a better way than GLD proves its reserves?

>> No.56557941

If you can't hold the gold you don't own it. Don't fall for the (((tokenized assets))) scam, stack actual physical metals.

>> No.56557979


>> No.56557984
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i got about 15oz of gold. whole point of gold is to hold it physically. but if this chainlink doohicky pumps the price somehow, i'm all for it

>> No.56558004

Wait genuine question. When chainlink data providers provide info on the amount of gold on in a vault, wouldnt they just be grabbing from whoever is controlling the vault's servers which is slightly better than a paper promise as its a constant stream of data but still subject to lying/manipulation? Someone enlighten me.

Unless we start having these gold vaults where you have various people of different parties constantly checking the price or a single gold vault in which sensors or real time camera feeds are placed but the sensors and camera feeds are from multiple parties that are clearly not colluding.

>> No.56558014

json parser solves no problem
it is trusted and not decentralized and it is not an oracle

>> No.56558023


>> No.56558032
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token not needed
if you will parse jsons then why not just pay in USDT ???

>> No.56558043

i tell ya what

>> No.56558064
File: 37 KB, 567x562, 1663260577978615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will tell you some more.
Binance offers all what chainlink does for free.

>> No.56558200
File: 3.86 MB, 4080x3072, 1668932935015913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PMs for the regular man have to be held physically.
It may be interesting for large insurance or pension companies, but only idiots would buy PMs as paper.

>> No.56558323

I agree. who's to say someone hasn't taken the physical gold and replaced it with blocks of cheese? I'm unsure how a digital token 'proves' the gold's existence in any more a meaningful way than the etf does

>> No.56558385

It's an interesting problem that might have some solutions in modern technology with IOT and ML technology. I could envision a series of vault racks with pressure sensors that measure the weight of gold bars placed on top in conjunction with machine vision cameras that allow the measurement of the size and color of the gold bars. This is still a partial solution though because there is always the custody problem that the custodian is going to be messing with these technological systems.

In the future I can imagine maybe a completely automated gold vault with a series of external auditors and maintainers with none of them having full access to the vault. The vault would have to be governed by a purpose built AI which may serve as the trustless custodian.

>> No.56558394

Oh someone answered it in another thread I created >>56558105.

Of course I'm trusting this anon but it seems chainlink isn't necessarily just multiple data providers grabbing multiple server data and coming to a consensus. The whole part of multiple consensus is done at the sensor level which is considered part of the chainlink process still if I'm not mistaken. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this as I though the chainlink process was limited to being able to have multiple data providers pull from multiple server data and coming to a consensus but if the anon in the other thread knows what hes talking about it goes to the hardware level as well. Now I dont understand why couldn't the multiple sensor providers just collude at that point but it at least is a start for my understanding

>> No.56558399

The difference is that supposedly the tokenised version will have to verify that it is connected to a specific 0.001 troy ounce of gold.

I personally would like an explanation as to how they will be doing that but I can't find one.

>> No.56558405

But see, you're talking about it in a hypothetical its not a solved problem. Isn't this something Chainlink has solved and we can all feel comfertable with physical asset verification from now on?

>> No.56558418

There isn't any confirmation that they're using chainlink to do this. They could easily be using an entirely custom system that they can manipulate.

>> No.56558580

fractionalised physical gold already existed for years for retail
bullionvault for instance is pretty good for this purpose, there really isnt a token or oracle needed here as both the phys collateral and the depositor claims have to be checked by a third party that can be as corrupt as can be

so if you want to trade gold there already exist deeply liquid online markets and if you are a goldbug this is just another paper gold leveraged 200 to 1 unbacked

>> No.56558719


>> No.56559840



i already posted the video from the 16th minute they are showing how they do it.

i don´t trust the institutions with their third parties saying the gold is in the vault, and you should neither.

>> No.56561380

origyn is already doing that on icp

>> No.56561447

it still seems centralized. Its his own sensors and shit