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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56556353 No.56556353 [Reply] [Original]

zoomers student loan payments have resumed

>> No.56556360

Based. No survivors.

>> No.56556367

No one is paying that lol

>> No.56556375

Two words, my little zoomie nigger;
Thanks for playing!

>> No.56556387

They'll take your car and garnish your wages if you don't. The only way to avoid paying at that point is to work off the books for an extreme discount.

>> No.56556392

Hey So basically I'm just gonna not pay back the loans
I Know..... UGH I know... It's just that I'm not gonna pay it is all

>> No.56556403

they can only garnish up to 25%
there's no legal precedence for asset seizure, only garnishment of wages and withholding of tax returns.

>> No.56556417

They can do whatever they want little zoom zoom

>> No.56556418

I immediately got my payments paused again

>> No.56556433
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I have no student debt but all of my customers do. How do I profit off of boomers.

>> No.56556459

You retards, Biden enacted zero consequences for not paying, they can’t garnish shit. Interest is still accruing, but whatever.

>> No.56556468

im 34 years old and on PSLF with a $110k salary (JD/CPA lawyer for the fed govt.) you will forgive my $350k of student loans and you will like it, niggerlips.

>> No.56556478
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I haven't paid mine since 2010 and have no plans to. I'm fully confident my creditors will go broke before I do, since I'm bitcoin rich and my creditor is the US government.

>> No.56556486


Thats on top of taxes, thats gonna be 55% with boomer pension tip, zoomoid.

>> No.56556498

see >>56556468. was not going to college worth it, knowing that i make more money than you AND knowing that you bankrolled my education?

>> No.56556504

'Zoom zoom' is the gayest comeback of them all, as though 30 year old boomers were so visibly hurt by 'ok boomer' on the playground that they, with trembling lips, come back with the female version of your name

>> No.56556521

Your cope (and larp>>56556468) is hilarious. Don’t forget to tip!

>> No.56556527
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just turned 34 and finished paying my house and my car
pay up zoomie, time's up

>> No.56556572

They'll just sell you to China for organs and bone-meal to recoup what they can. I intuited many years ago that a student loooaners would get utterly fucked in the end, as they deserve. The smugness of the retarded college kid as they plunge headlong into the most obvious trap ever just so they could Have Sex™ was a sight to behold. Pretty much on par with taking the vaxx and being smug about it like they all were. A lot of you niggers don't realize that many of the lessons from the pandemic (the masses are literal livestock) actually played out in slow motion years before the big, obvious one.

>> No.56556608

They literally haven't, for another year there no penalty to not pay, interest just accrues. One year closer to the 7 year debt erasure or whatever it is.

>> No.56556621

ok zoom zoom

>> No.56556668

The 7 years restarts every time you make a payment lmfao. Oh, and when the federal government is your creditor, there is no statute of limitations ;)

>> No.56556677

Do people really put themselves in debt intentionally?

>> No.56556680

if they ever garnish your wages just sign up for an online masters program at a shitty school and take the bare minimum course load to quality for loans, i think it's 12 credits. you earn 6 months of forbearance every time you do this and there's literally no immediate or lifetime cap on grad plus loans for graduate programs. you can quite literally rack up millions of debt and never have to repay a penny.

>> No.56556689

Lol, lmao even

2024 bullrun is primed and I don’t have to pay anything until October penalty free.

>> No.56556691
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>garnish his wages

>> No.56556979

>garnishing wages
Most zoomers make fuck all at best in some minimum wage retail/fast food slop shit. At that point odds are more will just go full NEET/hikki.
>they will take your car lol
Most zoomers have nothing to take, and likely do not even have a license let alone a car.
I don’t have any loans to pay but anyone who actually thinks they will pay all of that shit off at large is a fool. Zoomers have literally no stake in the game of society whatsoever outside of online grifters.

>> No.56558887
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>ok boomer
I'm disappointed that boomers broke down into tears over two little words I thought they were from boy's don't cry generation?