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File: 27 KB, 640x420, pepe-frog-lede-9-28-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56555721 No.56555721 [Reply] [Original]

>finally get first girlfriend at 29
>she is 27
>in my car at night
>ask her if she wants to give me a blowjob
>"No anon, I am too old for childish stuff like this"
Thanks I guess.

>> No.56555728

Drop her. Why you even dating a used hole? 27 is retirement age for modern women

>> No.56555730

just whip out your boner next time and say “it aint gonna suck itself” rather than asking her to

>> No.56555731

If you were a certain type of guy you wouldn't even need to ask lol. Get better

>> No.56555734

Sodomy is a grave sin anon. Become traditional catholic and find a nice unvaxxed virgin. Your current relationship seems like you are a simp.beta.provider, you are getting sloppy one hundreds...

This women thinks she had her fun and now wants a loser.to.settle.down with. Go all in chainlink btw.

>> No.56555737
File: 183 KB, 602x720, laughing faker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the used up roastie meme

>> No.56555738

lol cuck, ask her to let you watch her fuck a nigger

>> No.56555739

she is right lol
why would you do this in a car seriously?
at 29 you should date to have kids, you want the mother of your kids to suck dicks in a car?


>> No.56555741

bjs are lame. Grow up anon

>> No.56555760

>why would you do this in a car seriously?
Because I wanted to try it out. I had a rough growing up, was trying to get out of poverty, worked full-time next to college and I finally have a good job and money to do stuff but she denies so much because apparently I am "childish". I never dated before her and she refuses so much
>doesn't give me blowjobs
>doesn't want to go to parties if we are invited
>sex is kind of bland, doesn't even ride me (says that real life is not like porn)
>never dresses sexy, that's for young girls
>sex only 1-2 per week after extensive long dates of talking
>doesn't kiss me much because "that's what teens do"
I really was blinded by Disney what relationships are like. This is no fun, everything I want to do is "childish" and I "should not try to make up for my past". Fuck.

>> No.56555764


Literally none of you ever had sex.

>> No.56555767

You shouldn't ask but make statements like "it would be beautiful to get oral sex from you right now", in a non pressuring but assertive way.
Also just because she says no once doesn't mean she doesn't want to, try to create physical contact first, women respond to touch as men do to optical stimuli, then with some feeling for the situation that you obviously lack try to gently find out whether you can escalate or she really doesn't want to.
Also you should do all the sex stuff as quickly as possible and only afterwards commit to a relationship if it's a good match.

>> No.56555771

Here sex is legal and costs 30 bux. I've had plenty.

>> No.56555776


if you literally have to ask a girl for sex/blowjob or you have to carefully choose your words you are a beta faggot

>> No.56555787

I can show you the door but can't pass it for you

>> No.56555796

if you need to put that much effort in getting a girl to touch your junk you are ngmi or picked the wrong chick

>> No.56555798

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.56555799

Not memeing this time but why are you still together with her? Sounds like she's not even attracted to you. It don't why guys like you put up with being treated like shit by women

>> No.56555805

dude it's obvious an incel larping

>> No.56555808

She is mostly using you anon, she is no attracted to you that's for sure. Be careful lots of red flags. Wouldn't be surprised if she is cheating on you.

>> No.56555815
File: 37 KB, 720x732, F84Bq6EWgAAnq-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have and i regret my sins, i repented, you ought to do the same

>> No.56555817

its a larp

no girl pretends to be old and unfun on purpose

>> No.56555819

I've seen plenty of guys in his position IRL, usually I feel sorry for them at first but then I realize that they willingly let themselves get trampled all over

>> No.56555822

This joke is overused but opposed to a simp alpha provider?

>> No.56555823

Not true, many women do if they have multiple guys, op will end up raising someone else's child as this rate.

>> No.56555828

yeah thats what I said, if its true he's a beta fag but it's so obvious a larp to get (You)'s

>> No.56555830

If you don't want children don't bother with women. If you want children marry a virgin. Make sure they aren't completely brainwashed, younger is less brainwashed/ easier to undo.

>> No.56555831

If a woman doesn't give you a ton of affection when you're both in your 20s then she's going to turn into an iceberg in 10 years and you will be exponentially more miserable than you are now.

>> No.56555835

this is why you dont date seriously at the start
make it in crypto
buy a boat, fuck like a dozen zoomer thots who are submissive
then settle for someone who wants kids asap

>> No.56555836
File: 62 KB, 712x687, 1612117016018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you have the be the MAN. Being the MAN in the relationship means LEADING BY EXAMPLE.

Suck a dick right in front of her. With great eagerness and joy! Show her first hand how amazing and fun sucking dick is! She will surely gobble your knob and gargle your spunk if you put on a stern display of cock sucking prowess.

Make her loins envious and remind her the joys of womanhood by putting on a good show! ITS UP TO YOU ANON. THE POWER IS IN YOUR HANDS (jaw)!!!

>> No.56555841

What do you know about her past? Not every girl is or was automatically a whore. For example, many younger girls experience pain during sex and therefore really don't like fucking around randomly. Also, must guys are shit in bed and some girls need really long foreplay. Live isn't porn and every girl is different. The pill also often fucks around with their hormones or libido. You can make this relationship work, if she wasn't a whore before meeting you and has a low bodycount, don't let the incels here fool you. But if she was a whore before you met her, you better dump her.

>> No.56555845

No you are supposed to ask her

>M'lady do I perhaps have your permission to ask you for consent for you to touch my private parts pretty please? Only if you want to and it's not too much trouble you see

girls get wet as shit when you ask them instead of just sticking your dick in their mouth

>> No.56555849

Perhaps it is a larp, however this thread can have useful advice to other anons here. Also 1000 LINK is the suicide stack.

>> No.56555850

> But if she was a whore before you met her, you better dump her.
you can never know that retard. Women are like chameleons with multiple personalities for chads and simps.
The best you can do is take the passport bro route and find a trad wife in the third world

>> No.56555860

>gf wants to be respectful and not suck cock in public like a street whore
>4chuds who claim to be "trad" lose their shit

>> No.56555870

>third world
>you better racemix goy
Fuck off kike. I've met enough decent girls that wanted a decent guy to take care of them. But you would need to leave the house for that.

>> No.56555882

>almost 2024
>he still wants a white girl

oh no no no

>> No.56555889

Terrible take. Ops posts.clearly indicate this women is having sinful acts with him but won't do certain positions and is withholding herself. Most likely she has other men taking care of her, or she is unable to pairbond with op or pills have made her mentally retarded.

>> No.56555896

>He doesn't know about hymen inspection day

>> No.56555905

Whenever I see an WMAF couple here in Europe, the man ALWAYS looks like a complete fucking loser. No exception. I just look at them in disgust whenever I see them, the same way I look at the low class white women who are holding hands with niggers or other shitkins in public.
Enjoy your happa kids.

>> No.56555909

third world women are the same as first world women dumb cuck

>> No.56555918

Spoken with the calm assurance of someone with no experience with either.

>> No.56555921

It's literally ogre. Pick up your dignity and leave. You shouldn't tolerate this level of neglect.
There are girls out there that aren't nearly this selfish

>> No.56555923

Yes, what matters is faith, a good women has always been hard to find, even worse now days.

Who shall find a valiant woman? far and from the uttermost coasts is the price of her.
[Proverbs 31:10]

>> No.56555925

I'm from France, lived in Eastern Europe, in SEA and in LATAM

Women are the same everywhere just like jews are the same everywhere

>> No.56555924

he's going to find exactly what he deserves. a very trad woman who sucks and fucks the first foreign cock with low six figures USD attached to it.

>> No.56555929

he wish he had 100K
otherwise he would not have to travel in order to get laid

>> No.56555932

No they aren't, what a baffling statement completely unrelated to reality. Would you say men are the same everywhere? Scamming, retarded, yes man call centre Indians the same as "can't stand within 6 feet of each other without freaking out, silent Nordic men". Culture, genetics, climate, class all make a MASSIVE difference. Even within South East Asia Thai women are NOTHING like Filipino women. "They're all the same." How? Just a baffling viewpoint.

>> No.56555938

fuck off retard, if you think a "trad" filipino woman would even think about dating a white cuck you are deluded as fuck

trad women don't date foreigners

the same way high society thai women will never even talk with a disgusting farang like you

>> No.56555941

>I just look at them in disgust whenever I see them


>> No.56555946

its depends how westernized she is and what kind of people she follows on Instagram.
Most 4chan anons best choices are dating Introvert homebody's

I've met a few ESXX types and theyre the biggest hedonistic whores

>> No.56555951

>fuck off retard, if you think a "trad" filipino woman would even think about dating a white cuck you are deluded as fuck
>trad women don't date foreigners
>the same way high society thai women will never even talk with a disgusting farang like you
But I'm not saying any of that. I'm just saying that women and men are not the same across cultures. This should be obvious even to a toddler. Surely as a Frenchman you don't consider Muslim French to be the same as Christian French? And surely, surely you don't consider African immigrants to be the same as 100th generation French? Or maybe you do, I'm kind of baffled by your aggression and have no idea what crazy thing you'll shout at me next.

>> No.56555969

Unfortunately it is somewhat true. I went on a date with an ugly chinese girl, going on a walk through a busy city and I'm sure that multiple guys laughed at me in passing down streets. Before anyone says people were laughing at me directly or I'm being paranoid, I've been on many dates walking through the same city and no one had ever laughed at me. It didn't cross my mind until after that dudes were probably laughing or smirking because of this loser stereotype of a white guy dating an asian.

>> No.56555989

Oh boy where to start with this thread

>thinking all women are the same and every woman will be like his first woman


>having your first gf at 29

There is simply no excuse for this. If a man does this 99% of the time he spend his time fapping to porn instead of approaching girls. I've met men from all walks of life. Poor, middle class, productive, unemployed but they've always had chicks if they simply tried hard enough. When a man gets his first gf at 29, it's always because of the porn.

>> No.56556006

I mean your choices are your own. If you want the woman you're dating to make you look good by extension that's perfectly fine, go for Stacies or at least high class Asians.

>> No.56556032
File: 45 KB, 640x724, 2ceUe83BzBZSPq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek anon she views you as an inferior male who will financially provide for her now that shes hit the wall

>> No.56556038

Why do polcels always talk about “value” when they are unemployed, out of shape shizos? That’s why you are incels, because nobody wants to be around you, you have no friends, much less any women interested in you. But keep coping how the hecking Jews are keeping you, the “white man” down.

>> No.56556042

>If a man does this 99% of the time he spend his time fapping to porn instead of approaching girls.
No it's because autists struggle in the modern world, modern women are psychos. They literally murder their own children...

>> No.56556055
File: 443 KB, 777x679, 849578397389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive had sex thousands of times

>> No.56556103

This is a run of the mill excuse. Every time when i ask the man question "Did you spend your sexual energy fapping to porn or did you approach women IRL" and they answer truthfully, they spend their time on porn.

>> No.56556141

Lol ask the nofap shizos how much pussy they are getting. The answer is ZERO. The only difference is they are even more sexually frustrated. Normal people simply seek out women to have sex with AND watch porn when they feel like it.

>> No.56556149

I don't watch porn and I never even kissed a girl, let alone had a gf

>> No.56556162

This holy shit lmao

>> No.56556214

Looking at porn is a grave sin, 'pleasuring' yourself is also a grave sin.

>> No.56556224

> Oral sex
> Childish stuff
What kind of childhood did she have?

>> No.56556253

Bros it's getting worse and worse...


>> No.56556258

Anon, this is high quality bait. Bravo. Even the jannies allowed your thread to still be in the catalog

>> No.56556324

You seem needy but that’s because you lack experience. That gf sounds pretty based af and mature you might have to move one your levels are not near each other

>> No.56556361

>asking for bf
>she doesn’t just give it to you
>even worse she doesn’t say to you “i want to suck your dick hehe”

Total virgin detected

>> No.56556362
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I'm 27 and never had sex.