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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56552928 No.56552928 [Reply] [Original]

Cringe thread

>> No.56552998

>Greatest impact for good

Aka tikkum olam. Aka globohomo agenda

>> No.56553015

>earn to give
>got rich from "arbitage"
so many red flags

>> No.56553016

Cmon guys, he's just your standard average Jewish guy in a tshirt and old sneakers with white socks. He's just doing this for the greater good not himself, and the advertising reflects that.

>> No.56553034
File: 9 KB, 260x264, jebt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, remember this?

>> No.56553046
File: 27 KB, 358x361, 78e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he even wears autism shoes!

>> No.56553071

this. never once thought of touching this centralized garbage once.

>> No.56553072
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>if you only knew how bad things really were

>> No.56553121
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Even when Sam was on stage with Bill Clinton and Tony Blair; he kept that same drip.

>> No.56553176

You in?

>> No.56553212

I hated him ever since I saw this vid, you can tell he's being pathetic on purpose to try seem more honest

>> No.56553372

What a fucking slob. His shoes are untied what kind of retard trusted this man with any of their money?

>> No.56553391

Its a failed concept to apply logic to altruism. Sure, it sounds good that one should spend money on clean drinking water to people in the desert as opposed to causes more close to the heart, but did this guy even do something like that? All we hear about are the campaign contributions. You can tell he doesnt actually care about whats good, just that good is considered good and he must be considered good for doing it. It displays a kind of bizarre senseless and whoever preaches it cant be trusted

>> No.56553409
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top tier cringe

>> No.56553445

If you didn't stop here, you're a total newfag

>> No.56553451

>I'm in on because make the global for
>Crypto I want to biggest impact good.

>> No.56553479
File: 507 KB, 2501x1878, subhumansleeps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes literally retarded

>> No.56553525

Just found this gem on YouTube shorts as a also just found out that retard NasDaily is funded by the world economic forum

>> No.56553546
File: 9 KB, 150x158, 1327154443685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He transformed 200k into a billion through the arbitrage market before FTX. Personally I think SBF rotting in a cell is a waste. The baggie is a jannie and a tranny on HRT.

>> No.56553575

it was an act, he was trying to look the part of an autist tech nerd incel
>trust me bro I'm just an innocent awkward nerd

>> No.56553590

>He transformed 200k into a billion through the arbitrage market before FTX
not true, you bought his con. typical for conmen to portray themselves as remarkable geniuses with secret sauce like Madoff did. SBF got seed capital from conning some retarded investors. though did get on the leaderboard on BitMEX for a week, so he probably did have some alpha, but nowhere near what he claimed.

>> No.56553600

He wasn't on the Bitmex leaderboard for just a week Faggot. So was Alameida Research

>> No.56553615

The "I'm in on crypto because I want to do good" bit is also hilarious. He was trying to sneak his way into the high-class finance elite by indicating that he never cared about dirty crypto shit, he just saw an opportunity to fleece the filthy swine who participated in crypto and then he would take his winnings elsewhere.

It's really good FTX imploded when it did because this con could have spiraled into something a lot worse.

>> No.56553634

He was just doing what shitcoin scammers have always been doing but he did it on a LMAO bahamian exchange thinking he could get away with it. #SILKROADED

>> No.56553641

This is true. However I don't think the man is fully guilty. Sure he hired a bunch of faggot quants to start his company and made bank but that's just the name of the capitalist game. I don't believe he made it all in arbitraging either

>> No.56553671
File: 112 KB, 396x385, 1693061272633716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought the lie

>> No.56553702

>I exploited a 1k price difference to make a billion dollars and the exchange let me keep dumping on them
No. Where did he get the 200k to buy the bitcoins to arbitrage with?

>> No.56553741

>He transformed 200k into a billion through the arbitrage market
how retarded do you have to be to believe this semitism. think for a second, he would have never gone broke if he had that golden goose