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56548061 No.56548061 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else starting to realize he's not as smart as he's made out to be?

>> No.56548084

are you talking about the constant spaghetti code and sec security violations?

>> No.56548088

>slavshit mongoloid subhuman hyped up by russhits and chink scammers
yeah no shit

>> No.56548090

yeah, he is Russian

>> No.56548557

Ethereum is literally spaghetti code. They're unable to implement basic shit because of the underlying spaghetti base code

>> No.56548737

Why do you think so?

>> No.56548799

What is this vitalik hate? There's a second vitalik thread here >>56546689

>> No.56548854

He's a pedophile.

>> No.56548913

He's the long con version of SBF.

>> No.56548949

kek there are anons on this board that trusted Money Skelly over Money Belly

>> No.56549204

Everything will be sorted out in The Smerge. Just be patient.

>> No.56549237

What does this spaghetti code fud mean? That the code is written in a disorganized manner? Who gives a fuck as long as it works? I'm starting to think this is just one of those things that gets repeated over and over for no reason other than someone heard it from someone else.

>> No.56549449

If the code is not organized well it becomes difficult to fix bugs, make improvements, check for vulnerabilities etc.

>> No.56549511

The real bad thing about ethereum is that its over-engineered. For example: look at the protocol format for messages on Bitcoin. In the Bitcoin network you can connect to any node and send small messages serialized in binary to get back things like transactions. It's not perfect but the message format is functional and works. Then look at how its done in ethereum. To even get to the stage where you can exchange messages they have implemented their own bastardized encryption protocol.

Literally every possible way for how things could have been done in ethereum was re-engineered from scratch (and done so poorly.) It's just like: in software engineering its generally a good idea to reuse code, formats, and so on so that you don't waste time reinventing what already exists. But ethereum does this needlessly almost everywhere. They're a bunch of fucking retards, desu. Vitalik Buterin also makes me rage. He's a walking lolcow and pseudo-intellectual, and the ethereum community attracts precisely the kind of nerdy autistic faggot that buterin is though without any of the skills.

>> No.56549555

dont get why this guy hated on oracles so much. is it really just base jealousy of Sergey? IF so, that's crazy. Ethereum was a very important stepping stone for blockchain tech and he should be proud of himself. Crazy seeing ppl who have done 10x what ive done w/ my life getting all cucked and emo, truly no winners in this material plane.

>> No.56549611

Well, let me explain then. Blockchains allow a small number of contracts and programs to execute with minimal trust. The design doesn't require trust in a third-party to trust in the state. But if you introduce oracles you introduce a trusted third-party. This is kind of the anti-thesis to blockchain technology. If you rely on oracles you might as well just use make an account on the oracles website because either way -- you're still forced to trust their knowledge.

>> No.56549629
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All the good ideas came from Charles

>> No.56549636
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they think vitalik writes all clients. shitcoiners and maxipads aren't able comprehend what a multi-client ecosystem developed by independent dev teams looks like

>> No.56549653
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>starting to realize

>> No.56549663

It doesn't matter when the protocol itself is trash and all the clients are written in dog shit languages. There are some smart researchers at Ethereum but they're heavily a circle jerk that can't see past their own dogma.

>> No.56549676

gosh hes so fucking hot

>> No.56549704

>it has to be written in C++ or it's dogshit

>> No.56549753

I recognize charles. I interviewed at IOHK many years prior and seem to recall having a high opinion of them. They had excellent taste in tech but I got the impression they were trying too hard to stay on the cutting edge. If I were in charge of their software engineering I'd have stuck to less experimental frameworks and minimized cognitive complexity. They don't realize that for every obscure idea that you depend on you force your engineering team to have to learn to be productive. So if it's not essential you ought to not burden people with that. They're going to have a hell of a time trying to hire because of how esoteric their technology is.

>> No.56549801

all i see is everyone copying eth2.0. other chains were still working on the hopeless endeavour to scale L1 and now suddenly everyone is jumping on the rollup train. same with EIP1559, suddenly every other chain announces some burning mechanism to appease the deflationary crowd. the ethereum researchers definitely have the best big picture vision of what blockchain will become over the next decade, others mostly still have a mindset of ten years ago.

>> No.56549843

Bitcoin already had a smart contract system that allowed for complex smart contracts before Ethereum existed. You're unaware of the innovation and history that already existed in 2013 and before it. Most of what Vitalik and his friends are credited for inventing was invented by other people. Even the precursors for off-chain payment channels was around in 2013. Ethereum didn't invent shit. You don't know a thing.

>> No.56549879

are you one of the faggots who claim that SCRIPT is turing-complete? there will never be a non-academic UTXO based smart contract system. not on bitcoin, not on trash cardano, not anywhere. there is a good reason why ethereum is account based and implements an actual virtual machine at its core.

>> No.56549971

It's gonna be fun this cycle watching ETH niggers desperately yell into the abyss that everyone should be buying ETH for some random inside baseball technical reason while new normies who don't give a shit about all of that buy SOL and other L1s that will absolutely grow more.

ETH is gonna get lit up by the simple fact that it can't produce the amount of Xs that smaller chains can. ETH is pure midwit strategy for this cycle.

>> No.56549977

>I made Bitcoin... but COOLER

duh. Industry of coattailing faggots.

>> No.56550073
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I have no idea how smart (or dumb) is he but literally never, ever, ever, ever in 7 years here saw anyone living rent free in incels heads as him so based in my book