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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 20 KB, 750x490, riccardo-fluffypony-spagni-deixa-seu-cargo-na-monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56545170 No.56545170 [Reply] [Original]

Notorious programmer, convicted felon and Thai prostitutes enjoyer Riccardo Spagni (aka fluffypony) just stole $500k from the Monero community fund to continue financing his glamorous lifestyle.
The monero project can no longer pay its developers and will likely be sold to a VC or government agency.
Cope thread: reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/17m6w9e/psa_ccs_wallet_incident/

>> No.56545178

uhh, is he named for the cute pink original fluffy pony, or... those other things...

>> No.56545221
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, boston ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I needed to know about this guy is that he is a watchfag.

>> No.56545223

You forgot glowing fed informant. The feds are holding this fat fuck by his fluffy balls.

>> No.56545234
File: 463 KB, 766x860, 1698774635342439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why specify the nationality of the prostitutes?

>> No.56545375

This faggot got into problem over some tax shit few years ago and ever since his twitter posting habits changed, he is quiet and very mild goy. I knew they did aomething to lmoa. It is over.

Also very good catch.

>> No.56545474

He’s a scumbag for sure but he’s a billionaire why the fuck would he bother to steal this

>> No.56545643
File: 630 KB, 1024x487, Screen-Shot-2018-02-10-at-17.13.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he's a billionaire
Allegedly. Those ladyboy can get pretty expensive especially when you have degenerate tastes.

>> No.56545694

>Just to add to this, it's entirely possible that it's related to the ongoing attacks that we've seen since April, as they include a variety of compromised keys (including Bitcoin wallet.dats, seeds generated with all manner of hardware and software, Ethereum pre-sale wallets, etc.) and include XMR that's been swept. See tayvano's thread here.
W-wtf bros are we in danger too? Aren't hardware wallets supposed to be safe?

>> No.56545739

what do you think is more likely: common random number generators used by billions having a mysterious unknowable flaw, or people who should know better leaving their funds on a wallet for 7+ years and eventually accidentally exposing their keys

>> No.56545795

The one they set in 2017 is untouched though, if I understand correctly it is the one that was set up on an offline computer that got compromised, somehow.

>> No.56545806

No nigger he was ssh into a Ubuntu hot wallet which was also a full node from his windows machine. Kek retarded, Easy target for countless hackers who want a payday.

>> No.56545961

you could throw millions at monero devs and they still wouldn't be able to add true membership proofs into their compromised ringct model.
they don't have the talent, which makes sense since its just a fork

>> No.56546129

Fluffy pedo is cia, always has been. Tor is pozzed too. Use 0xMonero

>> No.56546360
File: 404 KB, 1934x1588, Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 10.08.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All we need is unironically ZCash without any of the pozzed PoS and non-shielded transactions. Monero is a fucking joke like the rest of crypto, maybe because everyone got in this space to make a quick shekel and gives no fucks about the fundamentals. The fact that Monero, this clunky security by obscurity garbage cooked up by amateur methheads is the #1 privacy coin today and nobody else is interested in privacy is just fucking sad.
I'm convinced Bitcoin itself would have hardforked to include privacy, but glowniggers killed Hal before he got to finish his magnum opus.

>> No.56546423

zcash was destined to zero with the 20% perpetual premine going to the devs that sell forever, it never stood a chance. then vitalik swooped in and took their only feature leaving them for dead.

monero is only #1 because nobody wants to get paid in something that only goes down like zec. it has nothing to to with privacy tech, the people using monero only need low level privacy in the first place.

endgame is just privacy through upper layers. base layer privacy was nice before they decided monero wasn't important enough to just outright ban in some countries or platforms. if using your privacy tool is as bad as using blacklisted coins on a public network you're no better in either case.

>> No.56547971

lol, faggot

>> No.56547982
File: 379 KB, 2082x1226, 1690773742833919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thai prostitutes enjoyer Riccardo Spagni (aka fluffypony) just stole $500k from the Monero community fund to continue financing his glamorous lifestyle.
mario did it

>> No.56548051
File: 3.06 MB, 640x640, 3YJIPZblw97W6b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt he already get arrested after he was stupid enough to fly straight to uncle sam

>> No.56548475

>if using your privacy tool is as bad as using blacklisted coins on a public network you're no better in either case
how so? unless you compromise your privacy yourself, how would anyone know you're even using it? how can you even compare it to using an un-obfuscated public ledger?

>> No.56548529

Welcome to crypto.

>Wanna fund a criminals lifestyle? Buy crypto today!

>> No.56548632

if you're capable of hiding your usage of it you're capable of doing the exact same thing on an auditable blockchain.

monero doesn't solve any of the legal problems of blacklisting funds or coin taint because where those issues exist the end result is the entire monero currency/blockchain being treated as tainted.

>> No.56548788

holy shit, i just sold all my monero. thanks for letting us know about this.

>> No.56550543

he buys nice watches and wine, what have you ever done loser OP?

>> No.56550567

Only $500k? He wouldn't have bothered

>> No.56550625

BASED, they can't prove shit



>> No.56550656


What? Redpill me on watchfags?