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File: 978 KB, 1080x1920, o leary sandwich.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56543838 No.56543838 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, what's your excuse for not saving money by making your own food at home?

>> No.56543850

t. guy who hasn't been in a store in the last 30 years

>> No.56543864

this guy's public opinions do not match his private ones and he shouldn't be trusted in any circumstances. for years he talked shit about bitcoin publicly while knowing its prospective value and buying it

>> No.56543872

>99 cents to make a sandwich
maybe in retardia. a twelve inch sandwich made at home will cost several dollars and I will have to make more sandwiches before the ingredients rot or I wasted my money. maybe instead I just want to buy a fucking $5 footlong KEVIN

>> No.56544017

I hate kikes so much it's unreal

>> No.56545459

This dude was also a fervent defender of FTX.
You should value things based on a time-money relation, anyways.
>If I make $80/h and I waste 30 minutes making a $1 sandwich I technically lost $39.
>If I make $80/h and save 55mins by ordering something I'm technically $73.3 in profit.
And this is humoring his dishonest $1 sandwich number and not bothering to argue that your limited time on earth is actually worth way more than your hourly wage.
The retard is not even mentioning actual mealprepping which would actually make sense, he's straight up talking about on-demand.

>> No.56545473

he's a massive piece of shit

>> No.56545482


a takeout meal might cost $15 but grocery shopping in the post coof era costs your dignity

>> No.56545490

Are you fucking retarded? Do you just not know what anything costs? You're a retard or a child, which is it?

>> No.56545519

You're not making 80 an hour at home cooming to hentai playing league and refreshing threads anon

>> No.56545523
File: 13 KB, 612x383, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point this hard

>> No.56545560


Farming is time consuming and expensive.

>> No.56545593
File: 66 KB, 1000x667, 1671106601371035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have a freezer?

>> No.56545595

If you're a high level executive that's always rubbing cocks together with other high level cunts then sure you can say making sandwiches is below your paygrade but at that point you're basking in millions anyways. If you think you're suddenly too good to do any housework because you got your first job that pays more than min wage you're a waste of flesh and should be tossed into a Jimmy Benzo annihilation camp for at least two years for ego deflation.

>> No.56545699
File: 42 KB, 1200x628, mehh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still missing the point
You are the target demographic for these grifters (the one who made the tiktok and mr wondercuck)

>> No.56545707

miss this, fag
*unzips incredibly girthy twitching gamer cock coated in pulsating veins*

>> No.56545727

Concession accepted.

>> No.56545846

Dude, have you ever had a job? Youe not earning money when youre not on your job.

>> No.56545862

Lifestyle creep is a real thing but he's making his point like a sports hot take commentator.

>> No.56545931
File: 135 KB, 400x384, 1656461329991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point THIS HARD

>> No.56545941

Life tip: cook a shit ton of chicken and put it in different containers for the next few days, and just reheat it with water and add stuff to make different chicken soups

>> No.56545951

Boo fucking hoo you spoiled child. You can buy a pack of lunch meat and a loaf of bread to make a sandwich for a dollar or two.

>> No.56545968

This guy is such a piece of garbage. I've always hated him. It's weird to me how untrustworthy he comes off as.

>> No.56545971

But also this fuckers opinion is a meme. I dont care about making a sandwich. If i work, the very least im going to do is eat something nice while im working.
Whats the matter with this guy? Why must i min max life? No, im good bro, if i just save money i may as well just kms after i get old like him with all muh couple of hundred k saved and be all depressed

>> No.56546010

>If i work, the very least im going to do is eat something nice while im working.
very based anon. take the actually enjoying life pill instead of just focusing on profit.

>> No.56546032

Something tells me he's only just come to this realisation himself, but doesn't need/want to do that.

>> No.56546034

ITT zoomers rage at any suggestion of not using the goyconvenience

>> No.56546053

I couldn't give a fuck about what his real opinions are or what his motivations are. If you're smart you can see that this is solid practical advice. This is really basic stuff, but it's basic stuff that seems to be beyond so many people. You actually get made fun of these days for bringing your own lunch in to work if you're a wagie. When I was a wagie I just told them to fuck off.

First you budget your spending so you spend as little as possible. Then you reorganise your life so you spend even less, and only keep what really matters to you or keep it as a goal for when you're in a better situation. Then you make sure you save at least 30% of your monthly income. But really, preferably 50%. Then you invest, both in assets and in yourself.

You start building by cutting out everything that is unnecessary or frivolous. If you can spend 10% of what you're currently spending by making your own sandwiches and coffee instead, then you're a fucking dumbass if you don't do that.

People are buying the latest smartphone, leasing cars, they have 50 subscription services to goyslop, they order deliveries, they eat at restaurants. They waste food, they waste electricity, they waste water, they throw things out instead of repairing. The list goes on and on. Then they complain that they can't afford anything. It's ridiculous.

We are living in the one of the most abundant periods in human history and we have fucking retards complaining that they don't have enough money. It's genuinely ridiculous.

>> No.56546054

I work 400km from home 4 days a week and day from home. I sleep in my car and fast for 4 days of the week. It has all kinds of benefits, health, character development, and it also saves money.

Get on my level fucking oleaery. You aint shit

>> No.56546062

>We are living in the one of the most abundant periods in human history


>> No.56546076

Compare the lives we lead to 100 years ago faggot. Or even 70 years ago.

Just because we're living in a very temporary time of economic downturn doesn't mean that the average person doesn't have access to things that would make kings jealous from a few centuries ago.

>> No.56546092

>Compare the lives we lead to 100 years ago faggot. Or even 70 years ago.

What about it?

>> No.56546111

We have way more money and resources than they did. Than pretty much every human that's ever lived really.

How retarded are you?

>> No.56546143

>the average person has access to things that would make kings jealous from a few centuries ago

Lets see if this slogan holds up to scrutiny

Medieval king
>rich and powerful
>vast amounrs of land and lebensraum
>unlimited fresh naturally produced food
>servants to cook his food, warm his bath water, suck his dick
>his own personal army of armed soldiers
>sperm count in the billions because endocryn disruptors werent yet invented by the juice
>not being tracked and manipulated by technological gadgets

Average person in 2023
>so poor he cannot afford quality food, considers lab grown meats
>loaded to the brim with depop chemicals and nearly or effectively infertile
>guaranteed to develop cancer from emf radiation and industrial toxins
>under constant surveillance through smart devices, cameras and computers
>owned by bug government, big banks, big business, big pharma..
>constantly fed propaganda, no opinions of his own
>lives in a pod
>constantly told to do more with less
>a slave to consumer products and services

I could go on all day

>> No.56546163

I cant believe how blind the public is and this clown carries on his racket after getting outed for the huge conman that he is over the FTX disaster

>> No.56546174

Ok you are clearly trolling

>> No.56546184

Spend some time in the real world. When was the last time you didn't eat real meat with a meal? If you're worried about chemicals, you can stop eating ready meals in plastic containers. If you're worried about surveillance, get off the internet, stop using phones, etc. You're not owned by anyone. When has the average person ever had their own opinion? Do you know anyone who lives in a pod? Because I don't. People constantly DECIDE to do more with less (and the reason they have less is because they make bad decisions with what they have).

Also I didn't say that we're richer than Kings. I said we have access to things that would make a king jealous. Meat was a luxury for a medieval king, its now part of a staple meal. Information required a library, we have it in our pockets.

You need to interact with normal people more. You're a schizoid. If you'd get off 4chan once in a while, you wouldn't be a doomer and you'd see how good it actually is. The internet in general is pervasively pessimistic.

>> No.56546199

>Meat was a luxury for a medieval king, its now part of a staple meal.

Lol. Medieval kings ate as much naturally grown meat as they wanted. The meat you eat was grown using questionable methods

You are dumb as a pile of bricks

>> No.56546217

I'd say you should read up on your history more, but I'm sure you think that it's all a lie and it's a conspiracy to make us think we have it good, while not even questioning the concept of medieval kings in the first place.

Meat was a luxury, that's why we have different words for the meat vs the animal. I'm not explaining any further, you're so far gone that it's not possible to have a rational conversation with you.

I hope that you break out of this at some point.

>> No.56546232

I hate these fucking CEO cunts. They have never fucking worked a single day in their life.
Don't fucking tell me they have, if they had worked a single day in their life they would know how to run their businesses. Fuck these cunts.

A person does not make $60k a year on minimum wage.
A person does not have time to make food, they are forced to purchase a $15 lunch.
They are forced to pay $40/day on transportation if they own a car.
A person is forced to pay $7/day on rent if they don't own a home.

These cunts should be required by law to provide a free meal to their employee for every 3 hours worked.

If you want to make more money by working overtime, sometimes a person needs to spend $15 on lunch.

>> No.56546239

>A person does not have time to make food, they are forced to purchase a $15 lunch.

I never eat lunch

>> No.56546243

You're making $80/h around the clock?

>> No.56546246

>I'm sure you think that it's all a lie
Probably most of it is, use your brain motherfucker if you think a king didnt eat as much meat as he wanted

>> No.56546252

You shouldn't be making your own sandwich ever. That's the job of your fertile 20yr old wife.

Also Kevin is a snake. He's actually truly disgusting. I used to think it was a persona but no he's really a disgusting greedy cunt

>> No.56546257
File: 57 KB, 1064x884, 1673940617853711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another autist misses the point entirely
The state of this board lmao

>> No.56546258

You know what these fucking cunts do?
They sit down, 6 hours a day, looking at a screen, deciding what information they need to hide from their employees to steal as much wealth as possible.

Fuck you.

What do you do? You have a smoko? -12 years of your life on average. Missing a meal? -20% performance production on average.

>> No.56547691

Intermittent fasting improves health and mental clarity

>> No.56547730

It takes you 30 minutes to make a sandwich? No wonder men beat you

>> No.56547835

By what measure. Owning a bigger tv? The average size of a homestead a hundred years ago was hundreds or thousands of acres

>> No.56548157
File: 96 KB, 1706x960, cheap and healthy food done in 2 minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It takes you 30 minutes to make a sandwich?
>the sandwhich that you make in less than 30 minutes