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56537544 No.56537544 [Reply] [Original]

I've been grinding since they first started opening the casinos during the pandemic. During lockdown I played for fun online, and thought I'd try it irl. It's shockingly easy to do. I just go bright and early and make sure to play against depressed boomers that are LITERALLY there to lose their pension and SSI checks. I just make sure to pay the floormen to set up a low stakes limit table (talking $1/$2) and then pack it with old people. I make like $300/day minimum...but then there's days where I lose too. However on average I make about 50K a year....and that's just playing from 8AM-12PM.

>> No.56537575

Sorry sweetie, my IQ is too high to be gambling. Happy for you though.

>> No.56537646

I played a little
>he thinks better than fair odds constitute gambling
there's always a correct amount to bet given the hand, potential opponent hands, pot size, and how many chips you have. even if your odds are 40% to win but the pot is 30k and its a call for 20, youd take it every time, as an extreme example

>> No.56537660

Poker hasn't been good for 10 years unless you get into good home games it's time to level up kid there are softer markets

>> No.56537693

for quants, who aren't big on gambling, poker is one of the best due to the fact you only pay for a hand when its your blind but you see 8 more hands between now and then. additionally most tournaments have a single buy in at the start so really your number of hands to money going in are quite high. the battle is to pay the blind, not eliminate people, simply time at the table will see people eliminate themselves. its actually hard to lose if you really approach it retardedly

>> No.56537765

Based and Doc Holiday-pilled. That sounds like it would be a lot more enjoyable in afternoons/evenings but your "strategy" seems to be targeting a certain kind of player...

>> No.56537812

He's there to win.
They're there because they haven't died yet and are bored.
It's not like he's busting into nursing homes trying to shakedown senile pawpaws.

>> No.56537833

I didnt say it's bad. I said it sounds like you can only find boomers in the early morning.

>> No.56537857

As you yourself admit, in order to win money it turns into a job. 10 hours a day of grinding through hands, and you have to make sure to scout out good tables or else you're fucking your profitability. My tech job is easier... lol

>> No.56539036

Man, if you dudes only knew how fucking stupid you sound when you say “sweetie.”

>> No.56539075
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>> No.56539160

I don’t even do any of that math. I’m just a rock that only plays good hands, bluffs every once in a while and am very strict about how much I’m going to play. If I’m playing $100 then as soon as that money runs out….even if I’ve made $1,000 (it happens all the time) I still pack up my shit and leave. I only tip the dealer when I win and never talk to anyone either and ZERO alcohol or drugs. I do ridesharing like maybe 20 times a month as well and I’ve always wondered why more people don’t do this. I can’t have a boss or fucking coworkers; I just can’t. Before this I was selling research chems online and cutting bicycles at the train station and then selling them for $20 to the first taker. I used to make a lot of money jacking up cars in the middle of the night and taking their tires and selling them to a tire shop, but I’ve never been arrested and I knew it was just a matter of time, so I left my life of crime behind me. Yes I’m white btw. Like preppy clean cut white, but when I go to the casino I literally have outfits so I look like an alcoholic homeless man.

Thank you for reading my story. Oh and crypto is a scam btw. I don’t know why everyone here is all into it.

>> No.56539241

4 hours at best, and sometimes I’ll scope out coked out zoomers with their clearly OF girlfriend whose probably paying for their entire bankrolll. Those fuckers don’t care if they win. They literally enjoy calling and raising and acting like douchebags. I’ve always found it interesting how you never hear about fuckheads like that and stupid dealers that fuck up the flow not getting their heads blown off. You would think there would be at least one mass shooting at a card house here in the US, but even in Vegas that guy was shooting people at a music festival. It’s like stepping into a different dimension.

>> No.56540449

teehee, little sugar plum, get over yourself!
you're probably a "that's a man" poster anyways

>> No.56540656

I'm intrigued. I only played once with coworkers and lost, I'm sure it's easier if you're not drinking.

>> No.56540684

Grinding 1/2 for a living sounds like an absolute nightmare. You’re probably larking anyways as 1/2 usually isn’t beatable for 50k a year. I was an online pro back before Black Friday it was okay but not something I’d want to do for the long run.

>> No.56541456

>grinding sounds like a nightmare
It’s like being paid to listen to music for 5 hours a day.

>1/2 can’t yield 50k
That’s the average but this year isn’t over yet and I’m closing in on 80K

>Black Friday/online poker
Those days are done. It’s just software playing against software, always playing the best hand. Like there’s people that have whole rigs set up with a set amount, and if the software loses enough to get that amount it leaves the game(s). That’s just playing the slots at that point. I’m talking about reading people and manufacturing fake tells and bluffs. Preying on your opponents face to face, irl.

>> No.56541500

Could you make money at a casino playing algorithmically without bluffing and ignoring whether you suspect others of bluffing?
I knew someone who made 100k+ a year playing bridge with old people. You don't even gamble they just paid him to be on their team

>> No.56541512

Yeah I do it online 4-6 tables at a time
Works great

>> No.56541919

Well yeah I mean if I was that good then I’d be playing high stakes. I’m just a guy that knows how to play poker. I don’t make it anymore complicated than that. I don’t keep a ledger or calculate my variance or anything like that. I simply make sure to stay disciplined.

>> No.56541967

with properly played poker you absolutely should cash every tournament regardless of hand. the only exception is if youre playing all against all pros who defend every flop, never all in, etc.

>> No.56541979

>I’m talking about reading people and manufacturing fake tells and bluffs. Preying on your opponents face to face, irl.
If you were any good you wouldn’t be stuck at 1/2.

>> No.56542036

Oh lol maybe I have a touch of the tism, I figured just memorizing the stats would be easier than trying to psych out boomers

That's what I've always heard and thought it was from memorizing the stats for the various hands. The one time I played for (small) money with some engineering coworkers I was the paypig.
>have good hand bet big
>they have better
Just got bled dry but I've always been interested in it and getting better. Maybe it's cause the zero sum aspect of it is kind of like crypto.

>> No.56542046

Holy fuck look at all the boomers. Who the hell would ever want to be there

>> No.56542050

I already answered that question retard. I’m NOT that good.

>> No.56542077

it is from memorizing the stats, just watch some WPT youll realize what hands are (they give the stats from a perspective of knowing every hand so not perfectly usage but abstractable) and how to play them quick enough. the main thing that constitutes poker is how big the pot is and how much to bet into it given the size and strength of hand realizing you arent always the nut. advanced stuff like continuation betting or even bluffing and on the rare occasion like a final table all ining are the more wild card type of uncontrollable things but you save those for after you've cashed (like top 50 is usually a cash)

>> No.56543413

You have no idea what you are talking about.