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56533548 No.56533548 [Reply] [Original]

Look at these graphs. It’s like this all the time. If BTC goes up so does the entire crypto market. If BTC goes down so does the entire market. every once in a while you get an isolated green dildo on a specific coin, but it’s rare. For the most part it doesn’t fucking matter what you invest in because they’re all just following BTC. Also this board is full of coping bag holders.

>> No.56533556

kek true, that's why i have 60% in BTC and the rest in shitcoins

>> No.56533560

now show chainlink so the linkies can shut up

>> No.56533563

>For the most part it doesn’t fucking matter what you invest in because they’re all just following BTC
wrong, most coins will eventually go down against BTC forever.
You either just buy and hold BTC or gamble on new alts, bagholding old alts will guarantee you a less return than buying and holding Bitcoin (opportunity cost)

>> No.56533576
File: 69 KB, 550x732, yqt9uo0h52ey-284794385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true until it isn't and your coin gets a hyperbolic run , like doge last cycle, or like ticker bitcoin this cycle.

>> No.56533578

any vet knows that you buy BTC, then find some newfag shit that will potentially 100x in the bull.

>> No.56533583
File: 31 KB, 368x489, LTC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
