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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56533165 No.56533165 [Reply] [Original]

i was in the chainlink thread in 2017 when all the anons were creating a smart contract to pool up ETH to buy the linkies to get around the poorfag limit
i didn't buy in.

>> No.56534824


>> No.56534839

i wish biz would find the next eth or link
nothing since link in 2017 and 2018
maybe it was the last piece of the puzzle, the infrastructure
the various blockchains are largely interchangeable

>> No.56534873

Link is the next Link retard

>> No.56534916

the next link needs link to be finished before it can be created. eth was born from btc, link was born from eth, the next big thing will be born from link. most likely it will be some homogenous L0 that leverages CCIP to allow users to seamlessly transact across all chains. maybe that's what the BBCA shit is so maybe link really is the next link.

>> No.56534935

The 2018 low was close enough, plenty of time to have bought then.

>> No.56534951

I know what the next link is. It doesn’t exist yet because I haven’t started building it.

>> No.56534964


>> No.56535068
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same OP. I was too busy still chasing ICO shitcoins

>> No.56535533

Grats on missing out in eternal wealth

>> No.56535682

I bought Chainlink for like 11 cents, then sold for 5 cents a month later.
Early 2018 I think

>> No.56535728

same I was in the assblaster threads but thought it was weird cos link wasn't doing shit during the 2017 bull. I have a small stack now and accept I am a brainlet inferior to those who bought big early.

>> No.56535770

Maybe after link it'll be xrp

>> No.56535925
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>Watched XRP moon 30x
>Watched FUN moon
>Watched MOON moon
>Watched DOGE moon
>Watched SHIB moon
>mfw watching everything except my shitcoins moon

>> No.56536122

We found PNK but the team turned out lazy and incompetent.

>> No.56536556

They didn’t do the needful

>> No.56536963

dont feel bad OP, the ATO made me sell mine at a dollar, then i DCAd back in all the way to $50 fml

>> No.56536984

lmao I was working a dead end job legit poorfag status, if the concept of DCA would’ve hit my dumb poorfag monkey brain I would’ve been in a great position now if I only DCA’d $10 a week then. >t. 2k linklet

>> No.56537004

link was never 5 cents USD, not even in etherdelta, unless you fat fingered ETH amount in sell order

>> No.56537015

XRP is quite literally a useless normie coin that was used to hide Link.

>> No.56537076

I bought an entire 500 ETH pool myself and more on EtherDelta. I sold for a big profit, but I sold almost all of it under $1. 2019-2021 was hard to watch. I have a mere 20k linkies now.

>> No.56537117

The next LINK will be an omnichain dapp built on top of CCIP, basically a single front end for users and it does all the jumps between chains and contracts in the background without you even knowing it.
My bet is that it will first be a universal DEX aggregator where you can buy whatever shitcoin with whatever wallet on whatever chain. Then it's probably going to be something like a crypto ETF (a bit like GLP on GMX but with all the tokens in the top 200) where you can just get global crypto exposure without thinking and it will attract a ton of money.

>> No.56537267

If link is link then we are fucking lucky to buy right now. I'm going to DCA untill the day I start yo slowly sell.