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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56531988 No.56531988 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy being a slave until you die. LMFAO

>> No.56532000

>Parasites are bragging
Thanks for the top signal :)

>> No.56532014

Wagies disgust me. Can the elites kill them yet?

>> No.56532039

Bearish signal

>> No.56532061
File: 55 KB, 720x405, resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagies are unironically human zoo animals. The wealthy use them as props! But in reality that's all their use really is.

>> No.56532112
File: 13 KB, 319x182, Screenshot 2023-11-01 184527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to post a 30 day comparison at least have something bigger than that.


>> No.56532113

To go on this. You'd have to kill 44 walmart wagies before it even came close to the amount of value that Charlie D'Amelio creates. Do wagies really?

>> No.56532159

I would sell my soul to you to help me survive the shithole am in anon. I would do anything anon

>> No.56532268

That bitch got a man face.

>> No.56532288

>2.5 mil and posting on 4chan
loser haha

>> No.56532319

>bragging about $375k home (aka poor)
>undoubtedly still making mortgage payments for another 300+ months
>thinks of himself as anything other than a slave

>> No.56532362

You know you were a wagie once too right? Without the wagie wages you made you wouldn't be able to gamble it in the first place. Just because you were able to get out of the ferris wheel doesn't mean you should start spitting on the faces of others.

>> No.56532391

>He thinks he is a big boy form making +11k on a month

>> No.56532399

i think you mean unrealized paper gains (which will be taxed)

>> No.56532500

What are you in that money could help?

>> No.56532519

I'm on a break right now.
Been working non stop for a few years to get the original bag.
Now I'm returning to my roots before it all started where I was just shitposting here for 10 years.

>> No.56532535

how do you have this much money in crypto without being anxious as fuck every day?
or is this just a small portion of your overall wealth?

>> No.56532540

When you have "make it" money wagies just seem sad and uninspiring.
Especially if you worked insanely hard to get where you are, took risks, and watched as your wagie friends remained as stagnant normies.

>> No.56532564

I kind of like working

>> No.56532566
File: 14 KB, 287x181, Screenshot 2023-11-01 194201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I post on 4channel is to brag to rentcels and poorfags

>> No.56532623

Holy shit, you are actually going to make it to 10mil.

>> No.56532651 [DELETED] 

Im in argentina, hyperinflaxion and debt its killing me EVEN working two jobs. Im in debt for when i had only one job and i was still helping my fucking mother. My ambitions and plans for the future went to SHIT. Honestly anon im not gonna bullshit you, if you can remotely help me i can give you my email

>> No.56532663

I've watched my account go up/down by 6 figures regularly. I don't usually open the ledger during those times though, not ready to sell anytime soon anyways so no point in seeing the red numbers.

Got a bit of extra funds (~300k) aside that can last me a few years if the entire market crashes and I lose my occupation but frankly I believe BTC will reach ATHs before I'd ever have to liquidate for any reason. After what I've seen with banks and other currencies I'm a full believer in BTCs potential.

Even if my current occupation didn't work out I'd sooner get a job delivering pizza than dip into the BTC/ETH before I was ready to sell.

Also it helps that I didn't get this by a lucky trade or something. I worked for it over many years and earned it over time which helps me not degen trade it.

>> No.56532668

itt: weak trash punching down

>> No.56532752

Based OP absolutely shit on bragging about his mortgaged property lmao

>> No.56532909 [DELETED] 

If you see this please send me an email anon. I would do anything for your help

>> No.56532957

why are you obsessed with a 17 year old? Are you gay?

>> No.56533109

That bitch is 17? She looks 30 lmao

>> No.56533151

what the fuck is that

>> No.56533220

Ooooooo 11k in a month. You're a regular Oracle of Omaha (no this post is not link related)

>> No.56533326

sick zestimate in November of 2023

>> No.56533416

Yeah and Ima post it in December and January bitch

>> No.56533457

Just cash out bro, live in a honda

>> No.56533511

this is only cause they print money and nothing means anything anymore.. why would you work for 40 years when they can just print your blood,sweat and tears out in 0.1seconds

>> No.56533516

Same actually. Despite the thread I made.

>> No.56533524

Now post your mortgage

>> No.56533535

If you are still around anon, please see this.

>> No.56533580

lol faggot argie, messi is a faggot and all argentinians are faggot subhumans, fuck argentina

>> No.56533589

Tell us how you really feel. But yeah, fuck argentina

>> No.56533595

>he's holding a moortgage (paying mostly interest frontloaded kek) that he got lured into with jewish low interest rates to lock him into his hoome while bitcoin is in accumulation
kek mommys basement chads stay winning.

>> No.56533598
File: 27 KB, 411x700, Screenshot 2023-11-01 214135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I could liquidate some crypto and/or stocks to pay off my mortgage right now. No, I'm absolutely not going to lmao
A low-interest mortgage is practically free money in this economy.

>> No.56533608

not even close, you are paying all the interest up front in a mortgage you moron, plus you are paying home owner tax and insurance out the ass LOL. I live with mommy and daddy and they take care of all the bills while I acoomulate bitcoin.

>> No.56533614

Ok you're based... I wish you a good life anon.

>> No.56533632

Yikes... I didn't realize earlier that I'm exchanging words with a child.

>> No.56533648
File: 62 KB, 669x656, 1688605037574418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mexican slaves paying mommy and daddys pension
>pension paying mommy and daddys paid off taxes which pay for all the spics and niggers in the school so I don't have to contribute to that, let the spic slaves labor to pay for mommy and daddys pension KEK
>collecting tons of bitcoin and gold for family wealth while hoomers slave away for mr shekelbergs interest and insurance and taxes to feed and educate tyrone and juanita
thanks for playing goy!

>> No.56533656

>Gonna need to build a new school for all these mexicans goy!
>raising the taxes another 0.9% this year

>> No.56533666

Thanks anon but i doubt i cant get out of this one. I really fucking need help i hope that anon saw my email.

>> No.56533668

>oh that zestimate you've been spamming on 4trans?
>yeah its time for a reassessment goy!
>fair market value!
>look at these comps!

>> No.56533973

Who is printing

>> No.56534028
File: 145 KB, 953x1080, 46514654042012424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one solution.

>> No.56534452


>> No.56534469

Haha enjoy doing everything yourself retard.

>> No.56534619

bump hoping anon see this

>> No.56534680 [DELETED] 


Eth bro i need to pay my morgage or they will kick me out, 3k would save me, but evena few 100 or 50 would be helpgul for a month at least, if anyone sees this, thank you in advance... i have a family, if you have anything to spare, would be grateful. Sorry for begging.

>> No.56534693

Probably cuz it's a man
A man

>> No.56534881

Dont fuck around anon im being serious

>> No.56535293


>> No.56536221

You will do aything?

>> No.56538010

Shut the fuck up. No begging.

>> No.56538068
File: 74 KB, 941x973, 1687986259916786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parasites control the money printer
>need nominal gains for risk free unearned reward
Stop shorting the market and start shorting fiat. I'm a fiat bear, I've been cooming for 110 years

>> No.56538266

braggers get humbled. it's better to be well off and humble. don't put that negative energy out. instead of ridicule, why don't you try to help people instead, i assure you it's more fulfilling in every possible way

>> No.56539209

Yeah. My life its going to be over.