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56530736 No.56530736 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that life gets way better as a man after 30 if you’ve “done the work” to become successful and make 200k+?

>> No.56530760

yes but only if you're fit and not bald
that means going to the gym and taking finasteride before 30

>> No.56530766

yes, 30s are the new 20s
and don't get married before you are in your 40s
then marry a 19 year old

>> No.56530771

Its a meme. If your 20s were fucked your 30s will be as well, unless you see getting some woman whose had 15 boyfriends before you who will now accept you as her BF because you got a good job? then i guess...lol

>> No.56530775
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Yes and No

Life is what you make it, but money gives you options - and those wide range of options (and the ability to enact on them) should give you confidence

I can expound on this some more, but just answering your questions

>t. Just turned 29 last week. Made 250k last year. Been making 100k since I was 19. Software Engineer

>> No.56530821
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Fitness is key

being fat and old with money is cuck shit

I will never feel wealthier then the time I was 18 years old making 80k in the pre-COVID economy - I wish I tricked off then, but I still believed in love and "women liking you for who you are" even tho that is still true

money is just a prerequisite for courtship

>> No.56531087

It's at least true in my case (making a little over $190k annually). I spent most of my 20s in college, went to music fests and traveled the world a bit, and lived like a poorfag until I bought my house during the pandemic at age 32. Then I finally started getting noticed by women and got my first gf. Life gets better.

>> No.56531692

No, I'm brown and no matter how much I make, I'll never get a cute gf.

>> No.56531741

I make 90k but I live in Deep South so I live like king. In Seattle I would be poor. I grew up in the north and I am suprised how nice south is. A meal at a decent sit down restaurant cost $10 here, gas is less than $3 per gallon. I’m not even 30 yet but I have a PhD and enjoy my job a lot, wife drains my nuts twice a day. Life is actually really good compared to the suffering of being a grad student.

>> No.56531769

Not according to my hairline.

>> No.56531911

what did you do?

>> No.56532020

Im 34 and about to be homeless in a shithole that fucked me again and again. All the plans and ambitions to the trash

>> No.56532059

This is key
If you're a successful man in your 30's who isn't fat and bald, that signals to women that you're
capable of being disciplined in more than one thing at a time.
Not being bald signals that you don't have shitty genes (even if you used DHT blockers to keep the hair)

On top of that, women in their 30's are desperate to snag a successful man and are easily manipulated.
The younger ones you'll want to target for a long term relationship are also easier to talk to when you're older and can flash a little bit of money.

Pretty much everything is easier when you're in your 30's if you manage to avoid fucking your life up.

>> No.56532115

If you are wealthy you can just hair transplant instead of taking troon chemicals

>> No.56532196

When I went to high school I didnt even own a cellular phone. I am old now and my life is OVER

>> No.56532297
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can your wife drain my nuts?

>> No.56532308

>Is it true that life gets way better as a man after 30 if you’ve “done the work” to become successful and make 200k+?

The government will keep on trying to genocide us.

>> No.56532330

Truth is, we all become used to women after a year or two of fucking like a rabbit.

>Im 34 and about to be homeless in a shithole that fucked me again and again. All the plans and ambitions to the trash
where are you from?

>> No.56532357

>gets gf at 32
Thanks anon. You made me feel better at 23. I have 9 years to work my ass off to get a financially stable job. I think I'll leave my NEET cave pretty soon.

>> No.56532359

It's more about becoming a full package guy. You have status from your job, you are in shape, you have game, you have spending money, a decent place, you finally don't dress like a dork wearing gym shorts everywhere and have a stylish haircut
>t. 28 years living in big city and women treat me better than they used to even though I was already a chad growing up

>> No.56532388

>Truth is, we all become used to women after a year or two of fucking like a rabbit.
Yeah I cheated on her a week before we broke up when I was on a solo vacation. It's unrelated though and she doesn't know it happened.
I don't recommend waiting that long. At least get some sexual experience even if you can't get a gf in your 20s.

>> No.56532429

>tfw 29 and not even close to making it

At least I’m finishing up my masters program next month.

>> No.56532534

Life doesn't become any better unless you're a brainless NPC. By 30's, every smart person, poor or rich figured out that life is devoid of any meaning.

>> No.56532742

$200,000 isn't what it used to be. It's like $130,000, or really $120,000 after tax. You work 10 hours a day. Your life is dedicate to work and you maybe lift, have good teeth, and all your hair. You are still a boring old man though.

>> No.56532759


Fucked at birth fucked for life amirite

>> No.56532800

You're absolutely right. I work 45-48 hours a week (mostly 12 hour shifts) and only get 3 weeks of vacation each year. If my NW reaches $3 million in the coming bull run, I'll probably bump down to working only 20 hours a week. Then I can start my real life hopefully before I turn 40.

>> No.56532844

> On top of that, women in their 30's are desperate to snag a successful man
Gross. It’s only worth it if you can get 18-19 year olds

>> No.56532845

My 30s started pretty fucked. I got married but also became a huge pothead and an alcoholic. But I’m 39 now and have 3 kids, born again Christian, and completely sober.

>> No.56532857

I think you understood, but I am not trying to talk down to you, it's just a fucking depressing reality that $200,000 net is not enough to escape. Honestly, I am not sure $300,000 net would make much of a difference close to 40. Now, at 25, $200,000 it's a completely different story.

Good luck in the bull run to come.

>> No.56532866

phd and only 90K?

>> No.56532899

I’m in my early 40s, single, make 233k. It’s honestly like living a dream. At this point I don’t even want a woman. Anyone who says money doesn’t make you happy or solve problems never had money. I lost interest in dating after my salary got to a certain point. I make more than I can spend now and waking up every day and having absolutely nothing to worry about is the greatest feeling on earth. I e replaced a wife with money and just pay people to do what ever I’d normally have a woman do, but it’s an easy financial transaction and I don’t have to deal with any bullshit.

>> No.56532938

>12k gross a month (way less if paying mortgage and saving for retirement)
>waking up every day and having absolutely nothing to worry

Other than, you know, going to slave work and figuring out how to retire and reminiscing about not having a family.

>> No.56532969

Are you in the US? What app or website do you use to find women? I've paid for sex before but only when I was traveling in other countries.
There are half dozen other things I'd rather do on most days rather than work but it can be quite enjoyable. Idk how OP feels but not all work is soul-crushing slavery.

>> No.56533034

Argentina anon. Hyperinflaxion and debt its killing me. Salaries are shit and ii cant barely survive