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56527733 No.56527733 [Reply] [Original]

Is this board full of absolute fucking idiots. The conspiracy theories, rants, and absolutely abysmal IQ level that now exists on this board are the only things that ever make me question Link.

Can I really make it with Link when I know that so many people on the left side of the bell curve own Link too?

It wasn't like this back in 2017. There was intelligent conversation here. The board wasn't full of retards who think that Bill Gates is using a vaccine to cull the cattle. There was plenty of shit posting, but it was ironic and funny. Now it's just racist bullshit to see who can be the most racist fuck on the board from the type of people who you see on the news getting arrested for pepper spraying women after they wouldn't put out.

But Link is literally the center of everything in crypto. I've never seen such obvious suppression in my life. The chart is set up for a huge movement. So maybe the absolute fucking mongoloids left on this board are just going to get lucky and make it even through their vacuous skulls can't even comprehend what Link really is.

>> No.56527739

dee arr en ess

>> No.56527764
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>Is this board full of absolute fucking idiots. The conspiracy theories, rants, and absolutely abysmal IQ level that now exists on this board are the only things that ever make me question Link.
>Can I really make it with Link when I know that so many people on the left side of the bell curve own Link too?
>It wasn't like this back in 2017. There was intelligent conversation here. The board wasn't full of retards who think that Bill Gates is using a vaccine to cull the cattle. There was plenty of shit posting, but it was ironic and funny. Now it's just racist bullshit to see who can be the most racist fuck on the board from the type of people who you see on the news getting arrested for pepper spraying women after they wouldn't put out.
>But Link is literally the center of everything in crypto. I've never seen such obvious suppression in my life. The chart is set up for a huge movement. So maybe the absolute fucking mongoloids left on this board are just going to get lucky and make it even through their vacuous skulls can't even comprehend what Link really is.

>> No.56527773

Fuck advocates

>> No.56527786
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stfu nigger
poor form to not check dubs but you're a newfag astroturfer so who wouldve guessed

>> No.56527791

I don't give a shit if you sell or not
Thanks for proving my point

>> No.56527808
File: 348 KB, 600x477, 4B9F3090710B4FD7A8A854D4EF1943AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha everyone look at the midwit and laugh

>> No.56527810

we're still here, anon, but there's no such thing as arguing in good faith anymore, so what's the point of doing anything other than lurking? here's a good one from a thread yesterday:
>not op here but have had, i guess, similar enough thoughts.
>the risk economy , as i understand op to mean it, is pretty much what everybody thinks of intuitively as capitalistic.

>buy low, sell high, but there's risk you can't.

>make a plan to get logistics in order (risk), make a plan to get margins in order (risk), make a plan to reach consumers (risk) , make a plan for transaction finality (risk) .

>invest in future (risk) .

>always risk. but chainlink enables a world of derivatives that can offset risk against each other (thanks to smart contracts and smart api data) while at the same time being 'accordingly' (and mathematically) balanced out with / against / for / upon / besides / on top of / under AND ALONGSIDE each other so that the risk is all the way over there after the separation in the mantissa.

>I understand this future too OP.

>But it's like that often remembered post about that time yet to come in that now forgotten empire speaking of that infamous map of the world, called 'The Cartography of the Now', which was found in the desert and used such exactitude such that its ratio was 1:1, reaching such a peak of copying and perfection that the map of an entire city took up an entire city. In other times such rigour and exactitude in science has been and will be less appreciated so that 'The Cartography of the Now' will fall to pieces, to ruins, and be inseparable from that which it sought to convey cartographically. Still some remains of the map remain, here and there, to and fro, but such exactitude in science will never be reached since.

>tldr: we are more than piano keys and the golden palace will be rejected again.

>ps. never selling.

>> No.56527834

knowing they culling the cattle and understanding link arent mutually exclusive, youre a midwit and a faggot

>> No.56527855

I wish I saw this instead of the TNN or poo poo pee pee posts. Thanks for sharing. I'm probably better off to just get off of biz again. I only come for the Link news anyways, and I could probably follow some Twitter user for that. It's just not the place it once was.

>> No.56527870

I don't really care about your insults. If the vaccine was culling people then everyone who got the shot would already be dead. 2 more weeks am I right!?

>> No.56527896

>but there's no such thing as arguing in good faith anymore
I mean, this is on the chainlink team for letting sentiment deteriorate. They could’ve assigned a couple of employees to this board and made a general link thread. They instead ignored holders. Everyone is starting to hate advocates too.

If Sergey wasn’t so stingy with information and so greedy with the dumps the situation wouldn’t be so bad.

>> No.56527909

You are why they fudpost, you are the stereotypical 110 IQ and nobody wants you here. The fact you, or anyone like (you), holds link, is the only bearish signal left. Nigger.

>> No.56527921
File: 16 KB, 300x174, proven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just proven that you smell like shit, fattie
>captcha confirms

>> No.56527930

it will never be like it was, but that's the nature of life. we'll never be young again either. no use paying attention to the natterings of maladjusted children, though I will admit it is somewhat depressing to swim through the sea of human inadmissibility.

>> No.56527932

it's so weird how you let your mind be programmed by telegram trannies

>> No.56527935

True but it has been like this since 2018 but after last bullrun it has been worse than before

>> No.56527939

ah fuck, i tagged the wrong post. this was meant for >>56527855

>> No.56527944

You're the last jackass I'm responding to. Let me guess, your IQ was measured at 115 so now you try to insult others by saying that have an IQ of 110. I don't need a response from you, because I know that's exactly what's happening. I don't have any crayons to help with this explanation, but if I was to insult others using your same plan of attack then I guess I'd say they had a stereotypical IQ of 135.

>> No.56527961

CLL owes us nothing. I'm honestly just grateful there's an assets I can buy to let me partake in the transformation they'll be ushering in. and as for the "dumps," only an actual retard would think those tokens wouldn't be circulated eventually. this is exactly what I signed up for, i'm just constantly flabbergasted that so many others are so dense.

>> No.56527969

Thanks for the responses. I think I'm done with biz after today, but I'm glad to know others from 2017 are still hanging around. Maybe I'll stop back by after Link hits new ATHs to thank those who shared it back in 2017. I'll probably hang around this thread for a bit to see how many more insults I get before I head out.

>> No.56527971
File: 91 KB, 1000x654, only2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked double dubs

Is right. Time has passed and most of the anons from back then got everything they need from the board. Most left and some still lurk like you and me. Others fud their own bags.

This reminds me of early Bitcoin days. /g threads filled with smart conversation, eventually turns to spam and spins into its own board. Some solid convo still, but ultimately becomes a but of ETHheads and junk shilling.

To be successful as an investor is to see through the noise. Image attached is all you need.

Based OG

>> No.56527978

It doesn’t really matter if this was the doing of trannies or not. Current sentiment is trash and is seeping to normiespace. Go to plebbit and it’s full of fudders, ask anyone if they think Sergey cares about links price and the answer 9/10 times will be a big NO. This could’ve been avoided, this is crypto after all, tech isn’t too relevant to price, look at shib.

The chainlink team needs to get their shit together marketing wise or the price will stall hard this run. They have until a month prior to the halving to make it happen or they’ll become the betamax of crypto.

>> No.56527992

I hold more link than you.

>> No.56527997
File: 1.12 MB, 1257x891, 1629727000378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.

Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
Your days of shitting up biz with this astroturfed psyop are over. You've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the WEF agendas, and for that you will pay with your miserable life.
All the shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for you linkies, the game is over for you.

>> No.56528006

>CLL owes us nothing
Then I owe them nothing and I’m karmically free to keep shitting on them. This is a two way street.

>> No.56528055

>>CLL owes us nothing
Then I owe them nothing and I’m karmically free to keep shitting on them. This is a two way street.
kek the street shitting pajeet fuddie cant help but reveal himself

>> No.56528123


>> No.56528138

my girlfriend recently made this point to me
I realized she was right, it took like 2 minutes of deep introspection and I realized that we are right
they are wrong
look at 9/11, covid, everything these past few years shows that the "smart" people are just elevated but wrong.
all the "wrong" people said don't take the vaccine, now those who pushed the shots hardest are saying please forgive us for it we didn't mean it that hard.

sadly, conspiratards are right
my only concern is being killed for holding LINK

>> No.56528164
File: 185 KB, 1051x843, 1618097652034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my only concern is being killed for holding LINK
Every Chainlink bagholder will be hunted down, stripped of his coins and thrown into bottomless pit for the next 10,000 years.

>> No.56528213

Listen to me you faggots, your so-called tears won't stop tokens that want to pump from pumping, ffs get a project you all head over heels, I got OGBX, one big project with Polygon as partners and I'm fucking okay with that as I start getting my low-caps stacked up, y'all need more research to do.

Stop tail wagging around Sergey

>> No.56528252

Lmaoo the midwit is someone who cares about vaxxed/unvaxxed. Way to out yourself completely.

>> No.56528256

I wish my dad listened to me in 2018

>> No.56528382

No one cares, retard, just sell and move on

>> No.56528396
File: 141 KB, 1244x1244, IMG_0161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56530127

Im a 75IQ ditch digger propping the chainlink boat since 2021's top. I plan to be exit liquidity for sergey and his bigmac addiction for the remaining decade . Good luck fella

>> No.56530224

A cuckold and his money are soon parted

>> No.56530479

OP you are a prime dunning kruger midwit

>> No.56530504

>The board wasn't full of retards who think that Bill Gates is using a vaccine to cull the cattle.

The dude literally went on record saying they could do a good job controlling the population with vaccines.

You can't be this fucking retarded

>> No.56530640

slightly above. Give him credit for understanding Link's value.