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56523162 No.56523162 [Reply] [Original]

Back when I was 18 I used to post b8 about how I would be a Chad making 400k a year and a bunch of pinkjaks. I used to be considered the young guy here. I used to laugh at the oldfags. I thought I had all the time in the world

Since then I've achieved nothing except aged and grown weaker and uglier. I never even kissed a girl. I'm 25. Worst of all, I know it is all my fault. I'm too scared to even stand. Too scared to even make a friend. To really say something. I fancied myself as a temporarily embarrassed anime protagonist and listened to all the /pol/ motivational posts about how we would be the next Alcibiades. Instead, among the insects I am microscopic. I can't look back at a single moment of my life with pride. I can't think of a single thing anybody would like about me. Hate. But not even. I am pathetic

>> No.56523172

well let this be your rock bottom moment. onward and upward retard

>> No.56523181

Go to /adv/ you fucking faggit, not your blog you stupid incel

>> No.56523186

What upward? I am old and busted. Past my prime. I will never be talented st anything because I am beyond the age of talent meaning something. There is nothing within me to love. Not a single instance I can look back with pride. I think I just was never meant to be anything but a failure. I used to think I was smart. How delusional.

>> No.56523250

the problem is your attitude and you create a self fullfilling failure prophecy in your head and you live according to that.
like if you only imagine yourself as a failure then this is what you will eventually become and you will stay that way.
you also shouldnt base your entire self on the opinions of others. you have to go your own way and live your own life.

>> No.56523263

It would help if you didn't said or believed retarded things

>> No.56523291

Just hold Chainlink, that’s all you have to do

>> No.56523330

It’s time to come to Jesus anon. You have accepted that you are pathetic, now realize that without Him you can do nothing. But with Him, anon, the weak grow strong. God bless you.

>> No.56523368
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>I think I just was never meant to be anything but a failure. I used to think I was smart. How delusional.
That's probably not the greatest outlook to have anon.. its never too late to turn things around no one is perfect ser.

>> No.56523382

>used to post pretending to be a 26 year old kissless virgin as an 18 year old
>now I'm an actual 26 year old kissless virgin
isn't that funny h-haha

>> No.56523389

You’ll get used to it.

On the flipside, you can actually grow as a human being now that your delusions have been beaten out of you.

>> No.56523393

You don't sound 25, more like 15. You're posting fucking Sasuke how are you 25

>> No.56523415

Fellow faggot. you are not old. you are just coming to the age of maturity where you mind is setting in motion the drive for you to achieve everything you have ever wanted.

Life starts here Anon

>> No.56523490

Hey buddy you're on the right path.

Now you know you're gay and weak right now correct?

How do you solve it?

Firstly. Go workout.
Secondly stop masturbating. Particularly porn. It's easy to tell when men are simps over women and those two things are the main reasons why. Coombrain.
Third. If you are a drunk, stop.

25 is literally nothing. You're a baby. You have like 5 years of a buffer before you actually become pathetic.

Start with what I've said.

Life as a man is always competition. You can die here and that's fine because it softens my stomping feet, or you can figure out what I'm doing and stop being such a bitch. Muh lazy ass is saaaaad. 25 it's ooover. I'm gaaaaayyy.

Stop watching anime too faggot. Everything is that is some baby brained dopamine mine the japs are making you easily killable with. Shit is literally the gayest medium.

You lack masculinity. Think of what's masculine and participate. Cowboys and shit right. You think John Wayne would watch some funkopop butt fuckin show about male volley ball players?

>> No.56523510

Think about what you're envious of right now. It's older rich men I'm pretty sure. Meaning at 25 you are....a literal baby. Read a book you absolute queen.

Stop drinking and stop being a nigger. I KNOW both are your problem. Life sucks. Delete FB, hit the Gym. Lawyer up.

>> No.56523521

I workout. I don't watch porn. I don't drink. I don't watch anime.

Still a kissless virgin

>> No.56523545

>stop enjoying life and start serving the pussy god
Lmao what it's like to be 18 and full of hormones
Life doesn't suck, you made it suck because you think that's bad ass lmao

>> No.56523566

Hold Chainlink retard

>> No.56523572

I do that as well. Also checked

>> No.56523574

>oh no I'm a virgin that means I'm a loser according to degenerate media such as American Pie

Who the fuck cares dude? Go be a virgin, go be the most muscular and knowledgeable virgin on the planet. Pussy is overrated and will only seek to enslave you.

>> No.56523578

So you tried doing nothing and now you're all out of ideas?
How fascinating.

>> No.56523579

4Channel: Your Personal Blog

>> No.56523590

The locaaal whores are whoooores

No shit faggot. They're whores. Shocking that some barfly bitch that can barely read is a whole bag of drama and little else.

Don't kill yourself tonight bro.

I'm poking you because us oldfags were the same thing at 18 and 25 and 30 etc. I assure you you're not that special. Yet atleast.

Find a male you respect and emulate.

If you have friends that are losers dump em.

Remember what you were like as a young man and go back in someway. It seems like you have something you're mad at yourself about. I was a sexually weird rampaging drunk around your age. It's fairly common especially these days. Again the porn thing. It's all over everything these days.

Women at gyms are less modest than alot of whores 10 years ago. Men masturbated to those whores 10 years ago and signaled to women that's what they like.

Wahhh I'm gaaayy and saaaad daaaaads

Bruh fucking die or get your fucking dick up. You hear me you beautiful weeb fuck.

Muh Attack on Titan I'm a dopamine Walle drunk potato chip eating lump.

You're lovable bro I'm sure and some of your issues aren't as bad as you think.

I'll weeb it up for you. You are a saiyan right now. We will call you Puupuu. You just got your shit beat in. Dick is hurting badly. You eat shit and sleep foe three days and recover even stronger. Maybe one dayaruu you'll be a Super Saiyan PuuPuu.

Again here's some head kisses now stop being gay. Big bad PuuPuu had a bad dayaruuuuuuu.

>> No.56523603

I'm literally saying to not serve the pussy God.

His life sucks. Sometimes that's the storyline you little retard.

Now make me weep because of your determination and strength Puupuu

>> No.56523643

>I'll do exactly what society asks me to do
>wtf I don't serve anybody I chose to do exactly what society wants me to do all on my own
I guess I was that stupid at 18 as well. Ask boomers why they chose to tune in and drop out, you'll find out yourself soon enough. See where playing their game gets you

>> No.56523652

I too wasted my teens playing 100% video games and nothing else. Now we must make up for it in hard work in things you actually care about, NOT hard work for a fat boomer

try anon or perhaps just ldar and cry to other losers

>> No.56523675

When I was 25 I got clean off meth heroin and fentanyl and got into recovery. I was a real sick fucking loser and I hated myself very very much and rightfully so. Nothing to be proud of in my life. I was an ungrateful self-centered shithead and I finally realized there was nothing I could do to change myself. And even though I wasn't virgin I was fixated on the idea of being an unlovable incel forever because I was a failure in that area. Now I'm 31, married, earning 75k a year (before tax) and I have some savings in bitcoin. I've seen many cases worse than my own turn around with even greater success. The trick is you have to admit that you can't solve your problems, open your mind to the fact that even though you can solve them, doesnt mean they aren't solvable, and then make a decision to commit yourself to whatever course of action is necessary (and to find out what that is you have to find people who've been in your shoes and ask how they did it). Its simple.

>> No.56523736

Fuck cocky ass zoomers.

>> No.56523762

This is the most pathetic shit I've ever read, go be a fucking man for once in your life

>> No.56523787

Send me your money and I’ll slap your name on a profitable business and everyone will look at you as an honorable man

>> No.56524054

lmfaoo broke ass nigga

>> No.56524094

Crypto/ trading is full of very unremarkable people aspiring to make remarkable money so ur in the right place

>> No.56524852

this thread is relatable, it must live

>> No.56524977

Build yourself brick by brick, one day at a time. Use good materials.

>> No.56525052

But you went allin on LINK atleast

>> No.56525102

Exactly this, OP. The only wasted lives are the people that do not opt to change and improve on their structures once they have identified what is wrong or needs correcting.

Surely you feel what is out of whack. The single best system of self-appraisal is daily. Your self-talk must be about action.

I don't like to lionize other men, but look at Jonny Kim, a man that decided to become a Navy SEAL, then a Medical Doctor, then an Astronaut. When asked about this, he said: "I'm not gifted. I'm not smarter than everybody else. I'm not stronger. I just have the ability to stick to a plan and not quit."

You want to be different, posting here won't get the job done. But changing one action or way of being, will put you on a path. Small daily goals, serious buy-in and less agonizing.

Fortune favors the brave, man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1ZuZtwOcW4

>> No.56525125
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Run a marathon.
Or not necessarily a marathon, but they have like smaller intervals, like 5km 10km etc.

I think finding something like this, besides your career and other goals is really helpful.

I think i was around 23 when i had depreshun and wrote down my goals by 30, ill write where i am next to each one now that im 27.

>make 100k per year (euros)
I make 72k
>build a house
I am currently haggling with this bitch for land that costs 60k euros. After i get it, im hiring an architect and starting the process
>get a wife and start a family
Theres a girl 5 years younger than me that is my gf of 1 year now. But idk if shes the one so i need to find out soon or i wont make the deadline hah
>make a business that is sustainable and i can work on without a main job
I made a website, and a small ai web service thing which i tried selling, but lost motivation and focused on other things for now at least
> Do at least one box/mma/etc fight in the ring
(Or run a marathon)
I ran the shortest version of a marathon, quit mma after car accident

So yeah, just find out what u want by a certain age, make sure it’s realistic and make it or break it, i remember i promised myself ill do this, or sudoku and so far im like 60% there so its pretty good
Despite the humiliation of having to live with my parents and saving money and all that

>> No.56525127

Fuck hookers in Thailand or rot. I had to start doing that at 25 because I became a chad burnout loser after college

>> No.56525140

this nigga 25 and crying

>> No.56525279

>tfw this is you but you're 30

>> No.56525307

Most baitposters follow the same trajectory. To build upon yourself is to maintain a constant commitment to truth, and crafting elaborate scenarios where youre already succesful is the exact opopsite.

>> No.56525491

25 is prime, you don't sound stupid, hit the gym and learn a skill that makes money do that you're good at 30.

>> No.56525933

If this is a non-bait post, you are shackled to your worship of youth. If you worship youth, you will die a 1000 deaths before you die of old age.

If you worship exceptionalism, as you claim, you are 25 and past the point of being a young prodigy at something, a person in the top 0.00001%, a genius, if you worship this you will never be satisfied with yourself. Of course people who are driven this way achieve great things, but those who do pay the price.

You still have a lifetime to be successful. Do the odds of being at the very top decrease as you age? Absolutely, but you can break into upper class at any point in life. You can start a reasonably profitable business at any age.

You have to make effort though, if you are a wikipedia taught philosopher hanging out in discord all day you'll be stuck a loser.

>> No.56525949


Gtfo you zoomer fucking faggot, youre a literal child

>> No.56525965

this is the funniest fucking thing about zoomers to me. they are so brainrotted by social media that they UNIRONICALLY think 25 is old. I've had zoomers act like they're old at fucking 22. I've met 15 year old boys who think it's OVER because they havent met a wife material girlfriend yet.

Calm the fuck down nigger. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle pegged the appropriate age for a man to be married at 30-35. And back then that meant the age at which someone has made it and set up a life that can support a family.

Your metric of success is also stupid because money beyond what you need to live a comfortable life is just a hedonic treadmill until you get into high level multimillionaire or billionaire status and the only thing that unlocks there is the ability to corrupt politics with your money to push whatever retarded meme agenda you want.

>> No.56525974

>be an adult for a whopping 7 years
>do absolutely nothing to build money, skills, education, etc.
>declare that """IT'S OVER""" because you're """TOO OLD"""
>(reality is that you're still young and you never even tried because you're an undisciplined lazy faggot retard)
fyi this is how 57 year old minimum wage walmart cashiers are born.

>> No.56525978

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle lived in a world where fathers would pay you to marry their daughters.

>> No.56525990

Oh you are this kid with the edgy anime avatar on steam which always thought he is above the others? I knew it, you guys are fucking loosers

>> No.56526009

>tranime enthusiast
>mental retard faggot
many such cases

>> No.56526042

Telling to yourself that "you're pathetic" won't solve anything

>> No.56526161

I saw this thread with the same anime picture last week.

>> No.56527541

tranime trannie being pathetic, what's new
get the fuck off this board and pick up a dumbbell faggot

>> No.56528426

You have the mentality of a young person; you entered the stage of despair upon realizing you will live an unremarkable life.
Once you get past the despair phase, you will find great solace in the acceptance phase..

>> No.56529381

Or he could go full shizo in an attempt live a remarkable life. Not to late to join a mafia or become a surrealist artist.

>> No.56529427

25 is youthful as fuck you demoralized cringelord.
Go get a part-time gig and use your free time to research viable wealth-creation methods, preferably ones that'll hold your interest.
Just aimlessly holding memecoins that get shilled on here will NOT help you.

>> No.56529503

25 is fucking nothing. But don't waste the next five years, you'll be 30 before you know it. I'm 36 and I would kill to be 25 again. I'm just starting to get my life on track because of my fuckups and lack of action.

>> No.56529568

>Socrates, Plato and Aristotle lived in a world where fathers would pay you to marry their daughters.
That just means that nowadays the ideal age of marriage (for men) should skew even later to something like 40-45, if ever, since there's no real incentive to marry and the financial penalties are high if you choose wrong.

>> No.56530330


>> No.56530562


It could be worse. You could be me and I mean that. No way you've had it worse than me bucko. So, cheer up.

>> No.56530716
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>mid-life crisis moment
You are like lil babby

>> No.56530768
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>old and busted
>past my prime

shut up retard you'll be fine, you can pull the "nooo im too old woe is me" excuse when you're 60.

>> No.56531578


You should watch this

>> No.56532211

Well atleast you can write pretty nicely, become a poet or do some other gay shit with words

>> No.56532237

Enjoy the cope. I sold early enough with btc to make more than 10 times lifetime profits when I was 23. How did you fail to not make it when I did? I can do whatever the fuck I want every month.

>> No.56532280
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It could be worse...I am so afraid..... I was part of a team that hustled kadena babena here on biz and twitter and pumped it real high....I was a millionaire and started transitioning and gender affirming surgery, I was on top of the world and partied hard, which ended up giving me severe and untreatable colon and rectal trauma, but that was not the worst....without us in the team knowing it, the JP Morgan Jews that run the whole scheme, started dumping on us all, and the price crashed...I was on welfare and now the tax department know about my crypto, after I bragged about it to friends while drunk and one jealous femboi bitch that I gave STD reported me to the tax dep as some kind of revenge. I was taken to court and soon the police will come and confiscate my things and several ppl in our team have roped.....

>> No.56532435


>> No.56532480

Same, but i actually make 200k a year, but i regret not smashing the horny cuties that flirted with me in HS. I would have had tons of sex if it wasn't because my autism.

>> No.56532486
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I believe in you Puupuu!!!!

>> No.56532514

Wanna be friends OP?

>> No.56532521

Back when I was 18, this site didn’t exist :(

>> No.56532579

Nigga 25 crying like he 60. If you don't take your goofy ass somewhere and smoke some weed.

>> No.56532592

What a unique perspective to see things. Godspeed anon.

>> No.56532823

Bladee started releasing music when he was 25 and look at him now. He’s a super star

>> No.56532974

I thank god I quit trading crypto. I wasted a year staring at charts and was still poor. Sure I’m not rich but at least I have a job and didn’t continue wasting my life staring at charts and posting pinkjaks.

>> No.56532985


>> No.56533023

Do you have a job anon?
How much do you have in savings?
I'm 27 and trying to work out if I can laugh at you to feel better about myself

>> No.56533262
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Ah man. Zoomer finds out life after TikTok teenage actually sucks for just being a man. Get over it, we all experience this. Stop being such a little cuck.

>> No.56533461


>> No.56533931

are you me? are you inside my head?

zoomers didn't watch Naruto dumbass

>> No.56533942

>You are broke without a good education and with no experience with women at 25
>just lift!
I hate you people so much

>> No.56535063

You'll adapt with time. On the bright side, this experience can be a catalyst for personal growth, helping you shed any misconceptions.
You got no point schizo fag. Diversifying into alts with real utility is the name of the game, and currently, WTK, XTP, and MATIC are leading the pack.

>> No.56535073

God this sites gone to absolute fucking shit, what happened to the anon who ran off faggots like OP?

>> No.56535282

I also held link all the way down.

>> No.56535363

It's too late for you to be the best person you could have been, but it's not too late to be the best person you can be. Just do your best every day Anon.

>> No.56535383

Zoomer hands typed this post. I've noticed that zoomers who are currently around 24-26 at this moment are the most insufferable. They some of the retarded self-loath qualities a lot of us millenials had, but found a way to make it way fucking stupider and more over the top. You're 25. Shut the fuck up nigger. Your next 4-5 years are what actually start to sculpt success or failure, at the earliest.

>> No.56535448

Imagine peaking in highschool.