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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56520882 No.56520882 [Reply] [Original]

Been seeing a few shills on this token lately here on the board. Coming to you all with what I've learned.

The devs are now in private alpha testing of their gaming platform. They posted the contract highlights and data on their latest medium.

Aviator team is running a game jam to get small game devs interested in building arcade style games for their platform, some of which have already submitted finished products.

They are building a base bridge that bypasses the Optimism minimum 7 day lockup period from Base to Ethereum, but leaving the option for the 7 day lockup available if you don't trust their new code.

They admitted that they have run into issues with their new website and apologized for it. Kind of shitty, but at least it isn't a "soon."

Why are all the responses so skeptical? I can find more info about this than every other shitcoin posted on this board without even looking that hard.

>> No.56521097
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>Been seeing a few shills on this token lately
youre welcome anon
i know what you mean and i dont know why avi is met with so much skepticism here either, but my guess is
>utility, also has an animal logo
combined with
>the ex-shib thing turns people off because of how many shib larps are going around now, despite the fact that they were the shib defense team and are now strictly distanced from nu-shib
i think itll be hard for this thing to be more accepted here until the platform or bridge are out, and even then, i think people will still be confused and unsure about it.
thankfully they arent making it hard to trust that its worth sticking around. its clear working with shib showed them how obnoxious vague words and promises are, so
>Kind of shitty, but at least it isn't a "soon."
is incredibly refreshing.
im too fucking used to devs intentionally being coy about whats happening so that the baggies fill in the blanks with delusions of grandeur

>> No.56521252

I hadn't seen any of the ex-Shib stuff. I steer clear of the meme coins on this board after the trollcoin fiasco a few years ago.
Yeah, I have seen the stigma lately of overpromising and then falling flat. I did well on MANA, but started looking more at gamefi now that Base eliminates the high fees associated with it.

Thanks for the answers mate, was fully expecting someone to just call me a retard.

>> No.56521277

Go shit in the street, buy an ad if you want to shill

>> No.56521280

There it is.
Never change biz.

>> No.56521281

of course anon
>was fully expecting someone to just call me a retard
there it is

>> No.56521294

>two pajeet shills
How organic, here you are everyday pushing your AVI scam after the mods ban you daily.

>> No.56521314

They seriously need to cut all the shib ties. With the TOAD scam and CAL shitshow now being shib connected is the biggest fud ever. Not too long ago the AVI twitter account was interacting with the Dogpad scammers. That was fucking idiotic. The project is good and I am holding a bag, but the PR needs serious work.

>> No.56521326

>Everyday pushing your AVI scam
Just came back now that there's some more volume leading up. Sorry bobos, bullrun is coming back.

Can you explain how it is a scam please? Is it just the lack of finished development? Or is it actually confirmed to be a rugpull?