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File: 451 KB, 824x638, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56520545 No.56520545 [Reply] [Original]

I only got 4.8K to invest. I know it's not enough to make it for the bull run but what's going to give me the most returns?

>> No.56520568
File: 103 KB, 800x823, 4F12EA7F-771C-4440-8A9F-C9275C8D2CBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogbat. Bnb > eth, but both will probably do well.
BNB is an easy 10-15x
ftm is okay too
Matic too
Maybe even a bit of dogecoin
I can name more, but these are good
Even small btc exposure, like 1k to make up for any losses

>> No.56520601

Invest in a small cap project. I've bought some os a project called STACKS on the BNB chain.

This is a promising project and the devs are always working.

If this moons, 4k will be more than enough to make rich. DYOR

>> No.56520835
File: 43 KB, 400x400, bber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look for a good presale instead of buying the garbage people shill here. an ai meme project advertised here yesterday and i got a bag in the presale. its aimeme.ai and still open.

>> No.56520860
File: 795 KB, 779x2033, 77778358-AD95-4422-A615-4CF0990003DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice contract, scammer

>> No.56520950
File: 1.88 MB, 1024x1456, Linkchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binance is in its worst legal position, possibly in its entire history
literal shitcoin
L2 (hence insufficient for mainstream adoption just like all the others) + literal curryniggers on charge
literal ghostchain
unironically your best call alongside Bitcoin exposure
Not even mentioning the rest of the anons as they're shilling absolute dog shit.
If I were (you) OP, I'd stick to 50/50 between LINK & AVAX and just sell in Q3 2025. You might get more returns in riskier shitcoins but at the expense of losing everything, so I'd play my cards wisely.
Good luck.

>> No.56521032

1. The fud hasn't done shit and binance survived 2 attempted coordinated bankruns and they still held just fine
2. Yes, but with good liquidity and market cap ratio and good liquidity amount. This is the case for both, but the bnb one looks better. If the liquidity were shit, it would have gone to 0. At this level it's basically pegged with BNB but has a much higher ceiling
3. Doesn't matter. Still went from under a penny to over 3 dollars. If intrinsic value was all that mattered, alts wouldn't go crazy in the first place
4. You're a normie if you only see value in the normie ones I mentioned
5. If I were you I'd listen to me

>> No.56521490

Buying presale in meme or so called "ai" is a sure fire way to get destroyed. Don't listen to this clown unless you are very careful and know the right people

>> No.56521662
File: 34 KB, 650x406, 5781547825663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put them here and forget about it, you gonna be rich.

>> No.56521785

Thanks buddy, cuz we all know what that symbol is. Seriously, at least the Stacks or AI guy told me the name

>> No.56521822
File: 396 KB, 1120x907, 207C2AEB-71C3-414E-BBF0-842D9616ADA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh.. it's avax. One of the more shilled coins here. I don't hold it, but anyone here should know it

>> No.56521826
File: 361 KB, 1858x1175, polygoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The fud doesn't do shit until it does. Every CEX is set to disappear sooner or later, if you aren't aware of this then crypto might not be your thing.
2. Liquidity is bonded to market cycles, irrelevant considering we're on the verge of a bull market.
3. Doesn't matter until there's a massive migration between protocols and you're left with pennies for not caring about long-term projections.
4. "you're a normie" while also shilling Dogbat, Binance, Fantom and Matic LMAO
5. picrel

>> No.56521880

If you got any brains and want to make it big in the bullrun: buy that fucking stacks token these guys are talking about! That shit is gold!

>> No.56521881

1. Fud only works on people with low IQ. If you were here during the last bear market, you wouldn't have made it because BTC was fudded to ALL hell and back. FAR worse than anything Binance has been hit with. That's probably why I'm numb to fud while you freak out by anything. The fact that fud even gets to you already shows me how little time you've even been in the markets
2. You're actually retarded. The liquidity is tied to the coin meaning even with 0 volume, it would pump with the asset it's linked too. Imagine not knowing this basic level shit.
3. Again, if intrinsic value was all that mattered, we would never even have alt seasons to begin with. People like you buy when shit has already pumped or just buy what normies buy. High capped coins that are safer, but then you miss most of the gains because you were too afraid to take on more risk. That's quite literally the normie way of investing. Not the smart way. You are supposed to manage your risk. Small exposure to low caps. Bigger exposure to large caps. Not just be 100% in the big caps because then you won't make face melting gains
4. Not even an argument. Try again
5. "Only buy avax!!!" normie shit right here. Someone with a brain properly diversifies. Not just goes all in one. Also many things go up. I think avax will probably go up too. Not JUST avax, you tard

>> No.56521998
File: 47 KB, 663x373, 1698789285859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the 4.8k to pay off any existing loans and with the money left over buy a low fee index fund. Then just wait 50 years while using your income to continue to buy the same funds and then you can retire wealthy when you're 70.

>> No.56522080

Just buy Bitcoin, obviously.

You can enter the shitcoin casino if you want, but all shitcoins go to zero eventually. All you're doing by shitcoining is hoping you can dump your bags on some other sucker before your shitcoin goes to zero. And notice that "other sucker" bit -- that means someone suckered you into buying their bags first.

>> No.56522517

>All you're doing by shitcoining is hoping you can dump your bags on some other sucker before your shitcoin goes to zero.
That's literally every asset including bitcoin LOL. Bitcoin just happens to be the most stable.