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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56514713 No.56514713 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56514762

I really miss him too


>> No.56514787

hes just as demented and inept as the other boomer

>> No.56514795

also is vocally anti crypto

>> No.56514804

>the bullrun was under his mandate
>crypto started falling the day after his mandate finished
rrrrrrrrrrrrreally makes you think, right glowie?

>> No.56514809
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do you just wander the world without understanding anything you're looking at?

>> No.56514861


>> No.56514893

Based Trump will protect israel! MIGA make israel great again! Based zion don!

>> No.56514932

the old traitor wont get re elected

>> No.56515118
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I can't wait for round two

>> No.56515136
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RFK Jr. is the crypto candidate

>> No.56515148


>> No.56515153

Too much of a shabbos goy + cucked on COVID bigly

Probably the funniest president we will ever have though

>> No.56515199
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good goys

>> No.56515226

so all candidates are israel first candidates?
what a shock

>> No.56515261

Yes. Even hitler was israel first which is why he killed a bunch of white people and gave the world a perfect excuse to allow jews to take over palestine, and he gave them that sick all powerful get out of jail card.
>remember the holocaust!
Hitler was the mvp for jews.

>> No.56515327

Basically this. Sometimes I feel bad for him getting cheated out of the election then smacked by the long circumcised dick of the judicial system. Then I remember he filled his cabinet with RINOs and neocons who of course stabbed him in the back

>> No.56516887

Strangest nigger, voicing against crypto yet launching "TRUMP NFT CARDS" and meeting crypto nerds in his house.

>> No.56516980

He can be opinionated about crypto but he's a businessman and a true american, not the kind of guy that thinks that the government has to (((regoooolate))) every aspect of your life, expecially finance

>> No.56517140

This. Watch what they do, not what they say.

>> No.56517406

Kikes and cringe lefties usually collect what "he said" and stay silent on what he actually did.

>> No.56517444
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Feels like we're stuck back in the eternal crony uniparty vortex bros

>> No.56517568

Does he actually think this? How do I sell? I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved in this immoral shit

>> No.56517622

is anything in the tweet wrong?
what happened in crypto after jul 11 2019?

btw a tweet is hardly him stating a detailed stance on a topic.
for the record he owns a few million in eth.
im not sure you understand how twitter, blockchains or finance works.. so i don't know why you think you should be so upset?

>> No.56517642

His coin is running

>> No.56517942
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OP got rekt kek

>> No.56518017

So you want to get locked down, laid off, and the j6’d again

>> No.56518026


How is "the deep state hates this guy so much that they're willing to trigger economic collapse and imprison all of his supporters" a criticism of the guy himself exactly

>> No.56518090

imagine shitting yourself at an actual peaceful protest. after years of peaceful protest. glow harder

>> No.56518109

I love that this is always posted because you know the poster is some seething red dit faggot who never left after coming here in 2021
>one says he "doesn't like it" in a tweet
>the other one takes bribes from a jew who actively tried to destroy the market and prevent anyone from making it

>> No.56518123

No, your portfolio got rekt so you come to /biz/ to shill for a codger to cope with the reality you only make bad choices.

Their ideology is mostly about pinky promising to help people, then actually fucking everything up.

>> No.56518140

I'm glad that redditors always out themselves, it means we still haven't hit the true bottom yet. A great metric to be sure.

>> No.56518587
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look at those plebbitors gasping to fud the only president of the US while they smash that report button, kek

>> No.56518623

kek, incredible, 6 hours have passed and this thread is still up, the glowie shills post desperately but they lost the accomplice tranny janitor

>> No.56518637

I want to stretch open his anus. drop my balls inside and let his anus close around my balls.
>I was a business man doing business

>> No.56518776

maybe look at what is done, not said
brainlets like you are the reason we can't have nice things

>> No.56518804
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I wonder who could save screenshots of statements that had no legislative follow-up and post them years later on a forum with the aim of "making a certain person look bad"

>> No.56518816

>every bad thing is caused by an omnipotent, omnipresent government agent!!!!!
wow, talk about being a buck broken mental retard.

>> No.56518833

>attacking the mental salute of your opponent
Wew, that's completely not an indian glowie shill attitude sers

>> No.56518858

You really think it matters what boomer cuck is in the White House? Hard to believe I ever take any “financial advise” from anybody on this board with posts like this.

>> No.56518882

a nigger is defecating on your wife chest in your bed while you're somewhere in a FBI basement shilling shit on a board of incels, glowie

>> No.56518889


>one is elected by working white and hispanic men
>the other is elected by women, nigs, children, and welfare retards

Yes I think it has some effect

>> No.56518892

white trash version of a nigger blaming everything on DA WHITEYZ!!!!!!

>> No.56518926

>nudge unit
not even wrong.
not even your fault.

>> No.56519343

When you come back home use your nose, glowie

>> No.56521057

orange coin bad?

>> No.56521063

Ah yes how could anyone forget the Zion Don and his anti christ son in law

>> No.56521078

terrible president, terrible tan

>> No.56522523
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he's the best chance at getting white men to sign up to die for israel. i'm just going to say it, iran. nobody wants to talk about it.