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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56514009 No.56514009 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't they just stop the dumps?

>> No.56514059

Because you need to sell

>> No.56514073

>$7.7 million dollar dumps (700k @ $11)
>$750 million daily volume
it literally doesn't even matter any more. drop in the ocean.

>> No.56514075

Because they don't have paying customers yet?

>> No.56514109

>Why doesn't a chicken farmer stop producing chickens?
>Why doesn't a car salesman stop selling cars?
OP, you didn't fall for this obvious grift, did you?

>> No.56514119

>$750 million daily volume
Gullible is written on the ceiling.

>> No.56514144

cope and also seethe

>> No.56514154

the dumps will continue until morale improves

>> No.56514222

Selling uncirculating tokens isn't their business model retard

>> No.56514245

Checked and check the price.

>> No.56514300

LPL solves this

>> No.56514344

It’s not our time yet
Trust the plan

>> No.56514393

>Universal gas token
You people don't actually believe this, surely.

>> No.56514415
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"Believe" is an understatement. All value and messaging sent across all public and permissioned chains, of which there will be thousands, will be routed through Chainlink CCIP where LINK will be used as the universal gas.
Instead of hundreds of siloed execution environments you just have one massive internet of value, and the connective mycelium that links is all together is... well you know what it is.

>> No.56514420

This is just bizarre and delusional. Every chain will continue to use it's own currency for transaction fee's with no need to use another token. It doesn't even make sense to do so.

>> No.56514544

And here is the carrot. Chainlink dangles this in front of advocates but in reality they are keeping all the received native tokens for themselves and unloading their free link on advocates in exchange. And what's best is that advocates not only eat it up, they also defend it and say its great tokenomics

>> No.56514564

Holy fuck this advocate took the Chainlink bait hook line and sinker

>> No.56514584

Based gullible retard. They're not doing this now because they still have to unload their premint. Just wait untill they unload all their link and suddenly "change the revenue model because it just wasn't sustainable" like they did for lpl.

>> No.56514585

the seethe will be immense

>> No.56514602
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Panic! At the Discord

>> No.56514609

based lpl kiddo how you doin kiddo?

>> No.56514847

>can't refute anything
>posts an old marine meme made by someone who hates the dumps

I hate advocates

>> No.56514866

>old marine meme
I made that meme 6 weeks ago fucking retard lmao way to out yourself

>> No.56514934

Advocates lying again. Paint me surprised

>> No.56514956

Its okay to be a paid Chainlink avocado

>> No.56514958

Find that meme in warosu before Sept 1 2023 and I’ll give you 1 ETH.

>> No.56514965

I made that meme.

>> No.56514968

the multiple posts in this thread using the term advocate is extremely inorganic, you might want to change the strat for the next thread. i'll let rakeesh know you're trying but it's a little too obvious

>> No.56515000

Based LPL kiddo how you doing kiddo???

>> No.56515030

Checked Based and LPL pilled. No Poolers are literally vermin.

Pools closed.

>> No.56515052

bro you are soo right no poolers are actual cattle LMAO

>> No.56515080

i don't quite understand the nice memes here, but obviously anyone into link has a stack of lpl staked for 4 years by this point

>> No.56515317

Because the entire purpose of chainlink tokens is to fundraise sergeys larp project. The tokens are made to be dumped on you

>> No.56515438

But I thought they were universal gas tokens and banks would hoard them since they were so valuable

>> No.56516208
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Lol did they really make this picture of them dumping tokens please tell me this isn't real

>> No.56516259

definitely, everyone will sell at some point. I've been holding NXRA and MEX for a long time now and the pressure to sell increases when NXRA started picking up, but again the goal is ahead.

>> No.56516262

Chainlink in 2017:
>we will dump our tokens

retards in 2023:
>wtf they are dumping???

>> No.56516286

Know the difference
Link marines:
>wen staking
>wen customer revenue
>wen decentralised truth network

>shut the fuck up just trust the team

>> No.56516291


>> No.56516301

Daily reminder that angry linkers are the reason the chainlink team even releases any news updates at all.

Fuck advoshits.

>> No.56516316

I'll take the based fudders over the false hopium dealers any day of the week.

Fuck advoshits

>> No.56516324

>I'll make a difference by spamming 4channel!

Or you could apply for a job at Chainlink and actually make a difference.
Or better yet, make your own crypto project.

>> No.56516343

>hes a paid shil reeeeeeeeeeee
Projection: the post.

>> No.56516351

>>hes a paid shil

>> No.56516353

Are those "advocates" in the room with us right now?

>> No.56516365


really brought out the retards
>noooooo it can't be this easy
>noooooo i need more time to buy in cheap
>you were just lucky

>> No.56516376

If you were smart you’d be shilling link in the plebbit cc page but instead you’re here preaching to the incel choir you massively retarded advoshits

>> No.56516382

Show me where I did any shilling at all.

>> No.56516389

Dumb advocate

>> No.56516392

swingies, fudders and L1 holders are pissed we're not in the 6-8 range anymore. don't bother with them, just ridicule them.

>> No.56516403

>swingies, fudders and L1 holders are pissed we're not in the 6-8 range anymore
That only happened because every other alt is pumping along with btc. Link should’ve climbed to AT LEAST top 10, if not top 5 during the bear market. This pump is not of your doing. You’re getting paid by the chainlink team to brainwash normies into buying link, start doing so.

You’ve done a shit job advocate, that’s why: I HATE ADVOCATES

>> No.56516435

stop smoking crack you paranoid fucking retard. back in the days it would've been le heckin' nexo suppressing and now it's le heckin' avocados. Just shut the fuck up or have a real fucking argument. I don't care about your bullshit, I care about number go up.

>> No.56516447

>I care about number go up
Then do your job

>> No.56516453

Link pumped two days before Bitcoin did.

>> No.56516457

I'm unemployed and don't take orders from fuckheads on an anonymous loser congregation board.

>> No.56516461

>I care about number go up.

Then tell the team to stop the dumps instead of gargling their jizz.

Dumb advocate

>> No.56516473


>> No.56516475

>Then tell the team to stop the dumps
I knew about the dumps before I bought the ICO, but you're still here crying about the same thing 6 years later.

>> No.56516490

>bitcoin started pumping oct 15
>link started pumping oct 20
You do know everyone can see the charts, right? Why lie?

Step up your game, advocate

>> No.56516507

>says she only cares about numbers go up
>still wants the team to dump even now that they have paying customers

Hmmm really makes me think

>> No.56516508

>>bitcoin started pumping oct 15
lol yeah, from 26k to 28k, which is exactly where it was a few days ago.
Meanwhile Chainlink pumped from 7 to 10+, which is its 18-month high.
And two days later Bitcoin pumped from 30 to 34, which is also its 18-month high.

You absolute dumbass.

>> No.56516510

Seethe over what? I have 0 of these silly chainlink tokens and nothing I use will ever need them, I don't invest in shitty web3 web4 web69 dapp bullshit chains like you retards

>> No.56516531

Your point is shit. Rebuttal here >>56516403.

Do better advoshit, or I’ll tell the fatman to fire your sorry ass.

>> No.56516556

Have a coherent thought and argument faggot. Meanwhile this is (you)

>> No.56516586

Not watching your shitty crypto influencer channel

>> No.56516610

Anon, it's not Link pumping along with BTC, it's literally the other way around.

Link pumped to an 18-month high, ending 18 months of bear market range.
And two days LATER, Bitcoin did the same.

>> No.56516611

bro who gives a FUCK they are literally just scamming themselves with vaporware bullshit, let them. It's just incredibly confusing that it still works in 2023

>> No.56516616
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>> No.56516684

>Your point is shit.
Nah, he got you anon. We can all see LINK started this bull run. It has happened before, no shame in admitting this fact. It doesn't mean much anyway.

>> No.56516704
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I want a meal I cant have at this hour. Amazing sit down restaurant lasagna, breads, and caesar salad

>> No.56516796

What dumps?

>> No.56516832

Pay up.

>> No.56516886

>don’t believe your eyes, believe me instead

>> No.56516921
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SIR you have the wrong image! SIR this is the image.

>> No.56517524

Because it would not be sustainable for customers to on-board.
Also, dumping BTC does not do anything anymore, since $Link still stays positive while the whole market tanks.

>> No.56517572
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The right image

>> No.56517584
File: 71 KB, 643x564, 77E723C0-C5CC-4E65-A705-24997085E911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as soon as Link started moving, another shitcoin submerged. #Zs360pbers

>> No.56517667

Because it isn't Qanplatform jeet

>> No.56517724

I advocate Link and rather like the word as it describes me well. I'm not paid for it or anything. The alternative would be a critic, which I'm not. I can't understand why you see 'advocate' as a negative word

>> No.56518065

That's why you must know when to take profits. my target for nxra is $5

>> No.56518099

cup of coffee is like 7$ these days

>> No.56518101
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sometimes I wonder how they manage to stay strong amidst this market shitstorm. Link, cymi and Dot are potential moonshots

>> No.56518772

>Because it would not be sustainable for customers to on-board.

The actual state

>> No.56518810

Show me the dumps
I'm curious to have a look at them myself

>> No.56518860


See >>>56516733

>> No.56518868

Qanplatform team wouldn't do this though. Join the winning team faggot

>> No.56518903
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Dude let it go, LINK is the ultimate shitcoin. I would rope if I was still holding those bags after all these years. Get help OP

>> No.56519033
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>> No.56519169

a few days ago, two anon's had the perfect response for this post
>anon1: how am i still this early?
>anon2: you're not early, they're just not catching up.

>> No.56519276

If theh were actually valuable sergey wouldn't be dumping them at $5 ($2 in 2017 prices)

>> No.56521471


Denounce the Talmud.

>> No.56521484

Hail Israel.

>> No.56521487

They should speed up the dumps so we can get the whole supply circulating

>> No.56521519

are they just supposed to keep the remaining ~90million link in limbo forever? it was earmarked for sale from the very beginning.

350 million is reserved for node operators
350 million was sold during ICO
that leaves 300 million for them to dump

>> No.56521562
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Because a man needs a BigMac

>> No.56521824

What are you talking about? This entire board has been bitching about Sirgay dumping for years during the bear market. He sells at regular intervals to dilute the supply till the only tokens left are the ones for node operators. And pretty sure theres less than 90 million left. He should be done dumping those tokens by the end of next year