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File: 91 KB, 512x512, 10271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56512964 No.56512964 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>open /biz/
>see poomar (well-known icypee shill & AVAX fuddie) working 20 hours a day for like $30 bucks monthly
>feel good i'm not him
the guy is now larping as an avax shill but is failing so miserably it's honestly cathartic. AVAX fud is what keeps me hodling and bullish despite the price action.
Thank you Poomar.

>> No.56512979

base and top kek , . dont no why so many ICPopmar love to fud avax. coin is going to moonie moon , just good jem of coin

>> No.56512996
File: 2.16 MB, 1024x1024, 28c757ebef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we didnt have retard subhumans like this I would consider selling kek.
every good project has fuddies that are 24/7 active like this cuck >56512979

>> No.56512995

wish paid fuddie would stay in icp thread

>> No.56513009

good posting avax community members , let get another bump in here !

this really good coin, have good tokenomic just wow

>> No.56513048
File: 2.06 MB, 2000x2000, Poomar megacompilation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, here you got TWO (you)s! Good boy<3
There should be a Pajeet of the Month Award
I look at picrel whenever I feel sad

>> No.56513074
File: 73 KB, 708x741, 1632516029200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:D :D avax gud coin, me buy buy

>> No.56513105

bump 4channel , this coin sell like briyani , do no sleep on hidden jem

>> No.56513157
File: 16 KB, 298x298, 1698604662734990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent posts, Poomar. I trust the village will be eating well tonight?

>> No.56513170

? im avax community, poomar is ICP fuddie did you make mistake reply?

anyway good bump teammates, remember to stick to script if you not familiar with 4channels

>> No.56513177
File: 385 KB, 1167x1683, 1662117374400503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is always the target for pajeet paid shills but why?

>> No.56513193

wish avax could do something about paid ICP fudder in fourm like >>56513177

get real tired of ICP fudders in

avalanche fourm

>> No.56513242

See here is Poomar larping as Avax shills calling other Avax community managers Poomar
I wish he would go away now

>> No.56513253

>but why?
because Avalanche basically murdered their bags and doomed them to eternal poverty.

>> No.56513269
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well done roaches. keep it up and i will let you tongue my anus

>> No.56513280


ATTENTION 4channels

we have paid fudies in avax thread ,, they are likely ICP paid fudders disrupting good token and organic discussion . ignore them

this is grade ten moonie moon alert

>> No.56513299

this man is paid fudder 4 channels

this is who disrupts avlanche fourm

>> No.56513368

haha moonie moon XD so fuckign funny. seriously who comes up with this stuff?

>> No.56513381

avax community memeber script for 4channel have many good idea

come join alanche 4 channel? anon here like it

>> No.56513405

wow this ICP network doing real good it have poonet , make fast TPS and do many transaction


>> No.56513414

u are liekly paid fudder just here to stir up trouble nothing is wrong with ICP moonie moon

>> No.56513419

get out of avalche fourm, go to your ICP bungalo you street shitter

I hate icp fuddier>>56513405

>> No.56513429
File: 75 KB, 600x625, RWA tokenization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple as >>56513253
now most of these ponzi vaporware "DeFi" platforms are running FUD campaigns against Avalanche, hoping this will scare away investors but failing miserably to do such as picrel depicts.
MEV mafia, icpoo, Solana, you name it, all useless.

>> No.56513436

stop spread disinformation

>> No.56513442

base post

top kek and many Pepe’s . ICP hate that BOA love good red coin

we have many TSP and transaction due to good subnet technology wow

moonie moon coming for avalche network !!

>> No.56513447

remember when they hired a crack addicted nigger from Baltimore who found the "Avalanche Zero Day exploit" (it was real in his mind)?

>> No.56513462

stick to the script and don’t do the racism here, or you will not be paid for today

>> No.56513474

suck me faggot

>> No.56513476

Based and checked

>> No.56513486

get out of avalanche fourm you paid ICP fuddier

get sick of you ICP paid fuddiers coming to avalanche fourm and being disruption

ignore him 4channel

>> No.56513493
File: 77 KB, 1051x1171, 1687731984512702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't stop thinking about ICP, they literally open avax threads just to talk about ICP.

>> No.56513503

BofA is insolvent. They have the largest exposure to long dated paper amongst all major US banks. They are literally the next Lehman, and will be the first to fall (i.e. be to be incorporated as a wholly owned subsidy of JP Morgan Chase paid for by US Taxpayers).

Their opinion literally does not matter. They were clearly wrong about the bond market, and they will be wrong about crypto as well.

>> No.56513508
File: 111 KB, 1035x1041, 1676665615311724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I remember, that nigger was full blown schizo begging for bug bounty gibs

>> No.56513515

get out of avalanche fourm you paid fudders

4 channel community ignore ICP fuddier they are disrupting and spread lies about avax

>> No.56513521

ICP living rent free in every Turks head

>> No.56513534



get out of our avlanche fourm

>> No.56513588

Avalanche will unironically fix the Bank of America.
And as with every other Avalanche FUD nothing came out of it.
Avalanche has the most pathetic fudcucks. Not even the cuckcage obsessed Chainlink Fuddies are as low quality as this kek

>> No.56513604


>> No.56513615
File: 195 KB, 1024x1024, _3e9195a3-fac6-4363-afda-8593ea055ead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't fud the partnership
>fuds the company instead
kek, so much cope coming from you retarded fudcucks. please tell me how the 2nd biggest bank partnering with AVAX will be bad for adoption/price. stupid faggot.

>> No.56513617

Blackrock, the World Economic Forum, the Big Four, the Boston Consulting Group and many others disagree with you.

>> No.56513713
File: 46 KB, 640x661, 741805138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call that nigger out on this thread

>> No.56514569

A Turkish bug coin calling others poomar and such. Projection is a hell of a thing. Lmao. You’ll go completely broke, and then emin will go to prison. And that will be the end of this whole thing. Lmao

>> No.56514615

grifters partnering with grifters. yawn.

>> No.56516031
File: 254 KB, 1194x446, poomar disguises himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this on another thread
Nice AVAX Chan anon