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56504530 No.56504530 [Reply] [Original]

I hate holding link

>> No.56504823

Needed token not needed not token token not needed

>> No.56504835
File: 33 KB, 600x493, 16783493243921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its your fault for trusting Sergey.
I mean, who would trust a guy that wears flannel regarding finance?

>> No.56504837

And I hate that you don't sell.

>> No.56504864
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>> No.56504888
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You could've decided your own destiny, but now your destiny had been decided for you. There is no escape now, your fate is predetermined. All you had to do was keep an open mind, but you gave in to your primal urges. The infection had spread deep into your central nervous system. It's over...

>> No.56504892

holding link has felt like getting my soul crushed harder each consecutive day.

still not selling.

>> No.56504927


>> No.56505036
File: 1.98 MB, 640x356, kuyashii-kaiji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56505102
File: 12 KB, 616x331, kike 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because you arn't looking at it from the right angle.
holding link is like holding a share of sergey, ari, dan...all of chainlink employees advicates and advisors eric schmidt included BRAIN power.
yes you hold a share of whatever their brains combined come up with to jew the whole world economy.
we wuz the new kikes 2.0

>> No.56505124
File: 335 KB, 498x498, pepe-evil-plan-evil-plan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a new kike 2.0 i proclaim that btc and eth are my ancestors land and it is my divine right to own all the eth and btc, so maxis will have to send their btc and eth to me or they are antesimes and they will recieve some freedom

>> No.56505583

I love holding Cardano

>> No.56505609

I’ve been holding link since 2017 and I have nowhere near enough to be proud of buying at ico

>> No.56505611


>> No.56506560

please don't sell

>> No.56506572

I know dude, I really fucking despise link and all of the optimistic videos on their youtube channel at this point. I hate everything about them and the project and honestly it ruined crypto for me in general.

>> No.56506573

I love holding LINK
I hate the antichrist

>> No.56506700

when are these kikes going to brain power some money into my bank account?

>> No.56506704

Token is needed sneeded

>> No.56506724

Daily reminder that if you did not betray Jonny the team still honor their original agreement
>Full Undilated revenue sharing
SDL was an IQ test

Based LPL chudlets stay winning

>> No.56506734
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Money flows in one direction. Lol Do you need someone to draw you a map? Did you think the guy who sold 500million tokens for a shit token price checking service that does hotdog stand tier revenue after 6 years of development was planning on making you rich?

>> No.56506737
File: 113 KB, 822x960, 1658900171995228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that for real? like actually? so I got triple fucked over? Tell me the God honest truth right now.

>> No.56506746


>> No.56507318

you got exactly the share of profits that was promised: 0. every partnership, all revenue, it all goes straight to sergey and his employees. you can also appeal these decisions with the entire voting power granted to you by owning tokens: 0

>> No.56508041

Can't be me, no way i am buying overvalued alts when I can buy lowcap utuility tokens like SPOOL and RDNT

>> No.56508859

Smart option in my opinion, i have also be picking some LINK lately as well as other assets like NXRA.

>> No.56510530

pathetic. you dumb smelly pussy.

>> No.56510556
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Sad. Many such cases

>> No.56510560

No refund

>> No.56511985
File: 332 KB, 783x646, 1601275192480128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Most investment money is into Bitcoin
>Only things I'm farming are BNB-CAKE and KAVA for 53% APR and 136% APR respectively
>Comfy WFH waggie that lets me DCA into my shit and work comfortable hours 5 days a week
All you had to do was not buy LINK but you couldn't resist the peer pressure and bait. Now you reap what you sow.

>> No.56511998

>Many such cases
Yeah this entire fucking board apparently. Stupid niggers the lot of you.

>> No.56512007

The blockchain is not susceptible to jewish trickery thanks to its absolute transparency. Get fucked israeli fuck.

>> No.56512008
File: 18 KB, 256x256, 1601284501240121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that apr for bnb
is cakeswap fucking back and i didn't realize? holy fuck
didn't about this one thanks

>> No.56512024

And you will never sell, because you are waiting for the great Rapture to happen and LINK goes back to at the very least half its ath (or wait sorry, you funny guys want it at $1000, "generational wealth" or whatever, right I forgot). So good luck.

So when is this new world thingy happening anon? Give me an estimate.

Most sane post itt.

>> No.56512028

>Only things I'm farming-
Stopped reading there ywnmi.

>> No.56512045

>implying shitcoins can't get "hacked" for the sake of rugging their entire community
Look up what happened with FTM recently. They still haven't recovered from that. Only BTC and ETH have proven to be relatively safe recently.

>> No.56512050

explain why farming is a bad idea, then. if your 2nd best option is leveraged trading then i will immediately discard your post

>> No.56512055

You have got dumped on. OG link marines sold a long time ago.

>> No.56512068

I hate the fact that you niggers flood the board on a daily basis