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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 762x508, mansion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56504390 No.56504390 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56504397
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>> No.56504399
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mine is a like the palace from gow 2 where kratos sits

>> No.56504406
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>> No.56504416

What I felt like I deserve after hitting Dplay jackpot yesterday kek

>> No.56504433

>live in huge house in expensive area
>rapper, influencer or athlete neighbors have parties all the time
>constant problems and noise
id rather live innawoods

>> No.56504478
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nigger do you thing i'am gonna build something like that somewhere in california sournded by trannies and pedo hollywood people
i'll be on top of mount olypums, exactly like greek mythology, but of course you'll have to be super wealthy to do such a thing

>> No.56504481

>>56504433 see >>56504478

>> No.56504857
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>> No.56505130
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>> No.56505167


this with a few modifications

>> No.56505177
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One day, if I work very hard, I might be able to afford it.

>> No.56505279
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>> No.56505362
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>> No.56505374

How do you get down

>> No.56505489

Elevator? Stairs?

>> No.56505572

You climb the scaffolding on the side.

>> No.56505580

I would like to rent a drone that picks me up at my balcony.

>> No.56505602


>> No.56505643
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The parasite movie house

>> No.56505667
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>> No.56505682
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unironically this

>> No.56505896
File: 3.64 MB, 1792x1024, Tea room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /biz/bros, had a real epiphany today and just had to share. You ever think about those grand, opulent palatial homes that seem like they're out of a fairytale? The kind of places that reek of old money and success? Well, I was reading up on some of these wealthy households and something struck me. A solid 90% of the people living there didn't contribute jack to the success or creation of that wealth. It's like they just won the life lottery by being born or associated with the 10% who actually did something groundbreaking.

Think about it: there's the main breadwinner - the tycoon, the entrepreneur, the genius inventor, whatever - and then there's this huge entourage of family, distant relatives, friends of friends, partners, and whatnot, who just get to enjoy the spoils without having done anything significant. It's like being handed the keys to the kingdom because you're the third cousin twice removed or you dated the right person at the right time. Kinda makes you wonder about the whole idea of "self-made" and "deserving" when so many are just riding the coattails, doesn't it?

How many of us are just one association away from living the high life?

>> No.56505923
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Man Andrew Tate has ruined your fucking heads with the atrocious nigger tier projections of wealth. If you don’t want some cozy homestead like picrel in the mountains with 50 acres, you don’t deserve to make it.

>> No.56505925


big land w small house >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> big retarded house

>> No.56505939
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Dude watch ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ on Netflix. Extremely related to your thoughts on this. Just released a week ago. Very very good show.

>> No.56505950
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>> No.56505951

This has always been the right answer for most of /biz/. Affording that and being able to retire on it would cost over 1M from what I've seen. any of these mansions would be ridiculously more expensive

>> No.56505981
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god's given

>> No.56506182

Only good thing about this is that you can drop a shit on top of a poojeet without any concern

>> No.56506189
File: 3.69 MB, 1724x1184, Screen Shot 2023-10-30 at 2.30.49 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking hideous. Are you Arabic or something?
Extremely based and comfy
Based and yurtpilled
Not bad
Hideous gaudy decor, more is not better.
Infinitely based and comfy

This place covers it for me:

>> No.56506202

I had this Zillow monster saved but it appears I deleted the bookmark.

>> No.56506255

It's pretty crazy how many thousands of houses there are that are 10m+

>> No.56506319

biltmore estate

>> No.56506321

or kykuit
i'm interesting in gilded age era

>> No.56506368
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>> No.56506464
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>> No.56506489
File: 1.35 MB, 2202x2836, Schizo Pooping2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(you)'s every post except mine
How dare you

>> No.56506494
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>> No.56506504
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Yeah that happens when you leave society
Rate this house sir. It flooded when the river nearby rose 5ft so I'm not expecting high value

>> No.56506583
File: 1.13 MB, 1283x1925, 714373D4-23F2-4650-8339-DEE85CC53228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Macht House, designed by Henry Hebbeln in 1956, it’s for sale $2.35 million.

Two separate dwellings, designer gardens, 2.14-acre site. Don’t be afraid of Heritage. Best build construction is anything before 1975. Today’s building contractors are all trying to get as rich as possible by any means.

It’s located in Baltimore Maryland.


It’s my dream to have a mid century modern / modernist estate as my final home

>> No.56506657
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>> No.56506873


This is literally me.

>> No.56506883
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>> No.56507024

yeah people don't realise this
i live in the côte d'azur at times, and if you look at french property listings in the €2M range and above, about 1/5 of them are all in this area
people pay a ton to buy these fancy houses, then realise they're surrounded by ultrarich tourists who shit up the neighborhood, then they try to unload onto the next sucker
it's especially stupid when you can have better quality of living paying 1/3th of the price in a normal neighborhood 10 minutes away. "muh seaside view" is never worth the trouble

>> No.56507057

Besides that.

>> No.56507135

Small, not too big. Minimalistic with industrial touches, but packed full of domotica and some wizardry with lighting. High end leather furniture and artwork. Surrounded by beautiful nature, but not too far from amenities. Not around other people.

Kind of like that place in the ghostwriter or ex machina.

A little bit like this, but not sideways building. >>56506883

>> No.56507610
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something like this

>> No.56507622
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>> No.56507634
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excuse me faggot kitsch plebeians, MCM chads coming through.

>> No.56507643

You dream about houses? What a shitty dream.

>> No.56507672

looks very comfy.

>> No.56507744

You do a flip obviously

>> No.56510381
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>> No.56510436
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>> No.56510442
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