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File: 29 KB, 1361x762, avalanche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56502169 No.56502169 [Reply] [Original]

If you short it now, it will crash and you can buy it lower. DO IT.

>> No.56502238

that is such an incredibly risky thing to say.
at LEAST wait until it falls below 8.70

>> No.56502247

>short low
Ah a /biz/nessman

>> No.56502254

No thank you, I’d much rather keep stacking kas and fun, waiting for the bull

>> No.56502782

there is no "low" there is only resistances

>> No.56502792

$1000 is FUD

>> No.56503556

Meme lines
For me there is only high and low

>> No.56504135

i dunno, we kinda triple topped at 11.20, i'm holding 400 avax, 22k in cash

>> No.56504140

he's right, there's no low considering this shit is worth zero and is headed straight there. Even 1 cent would be considered high

>> No.56504637
File: 3.11 MB, 2043x2008, 1696695726371763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet another thread kek when will you give up? You won't find buyers here roach, try leddit.

>> No.56506569
File: 107 KB, 594x436, aha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't risk interacting with it at all. This is a confirmed scam so even shorting it is asking them to do some shady stuff to get some liquidity. Not worth the risk at all.

>> No.56506597

>solving the blockchain trilemma and tokenizing all the world's assets, requiring you to buy avax to set up a subnet is worthless
lol enjoy poverty rajesh

>> No.56507674

you mean lower every other day , no high ever

>> No.56509471

AVAX will never be under $10 again.

>> No.56511720
File: 2 KB, 125x100, marlboropepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you looking forward for another dump? I'm currently sidelined and haven't decided if this is an already good entry price
What's up with the KAS shilling on every AVAX thread? Almost as insufferable as Icpoors
>t. looking for a bag to hodl until late 2026, currently eyefucking AVAX & XMR

>> No.56511732

its 50/50 anon

>> No.56511889

KAS is the next LUNA except their stablecoin algo won't implode. probably.

>> No.56511949

I'm mostly out and waiting for 9 dollars again, that's my bet, been buying and selling small quantities at profit, but made the same mistake i always do of selling too much too soon thinking there will be another swing low, then holding out and buying in right before a 20-30% crash, i've done it so many times, i could've had 5k avax if i just stuck to my rules.

>> No.56512022
File: 992 KB, 1593x2460, Monero Chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely, also both have cute waifus like picrel, I might commission an AVAX Chan x XMR Chan ship if I make it
>"KAS is the next dead shitcoin!!"
>these are actual shilling guidelines made by whoever's in charge of Kaspa's jeet shilling operation
the absolute state
>but made the same mistake i always do of selling too much too soon thinking there will be another swing low, then holding out and buying in right before a 20-30% crash
I felt that so much, I think that's normal for every swinger/scalper out there anon, it's all about experience and unironically not trying to time the market, but rather understanding the macro of it. Checking the same chart everyday will greatly help recognize price patterns.

>> No.56512552

This won't age starting tomorrow

>> No.56512555

>poor repetitive fud
>poor ai
how could not a brown person be behind this?

>> No.56512573

avax doing very good today 4channel, you would not short, you lose money. you have fun and stay poor by shorting good red coin . avax go moonie moon

>> No.56512576

Emin scammed you all with retards arena too

>> No.56512584

he would not scam he good man and good dev, this is base less FUD. Are you paid fudder? you act like ICEY POO paid fudder

>> No.56512736

>I might commission an AVAX Chan x XMR Chan ship if I make it
incredibly based. monero chads aren't as salty as the linkies its good to see.
i'll commission one too when i'll close my long

>> No.56513705

wat u fuckin say basterd bich I fuck u bloody

>> No.56514186

What do you know?!

>> No.56514199

Mugshots.com promises investors that their website is unhackable as their database and files can’t be permanently deletable and they are immune from DDOS. Does this mean money I invest is safe or are they maybe offering false promises. and they are immune from DDOS. Does this mean money an investment of 200,000 is safe or are they maybe offering false promises.