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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56502130 No.56502130 [Reply] [Original]

Why is AVAX shilled so much here?

>> No.56502156

Paid shilling

>> No.56502263

its one of the God Protocols

>> No.56502267

I wish the Avax marketing team or whoever would ease it down on that anime girl mascot. Apart from that art style being completely derivative and done to death, I spent 10 years using this site, I'm jaded by the sight of that stuff. It's nauseating.

Corona chan
Ebola chan
FBI chan
Monero chan

Blah blah blah blah, Chan chan chan chan. I associate anime with men who believe that they are women now. I see them use anime girl profile pictures the most. It's one of the primary reasons I do not go in the general.

>> No.56502463

are any other popular coins on here paid shills? I would think chainlink and now i'm seeing the harry potter meme coin shit spammed everywhere here

>> No.56502484
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>It's one of the primary reasons I do not go in the general.
good, we dont want attentionwhoring tripfaggots in our General.

>> No.56502573

That's right. You've really nothing to say to me other than that, because I am right. You put in zero effort at your job, you do not try to bring about discussion. All you do is post the same pictures Monday to Friday with the same copy and pasted templates. It really reflects how little you respect the project and its holders. You deserve to get fired.

>> No.56502588

Everyone here is a gay vaxxie, that's why.
>Verification not required.

>> No.56502709

not my problem you cant read you stupid nigger

>> No.56502842

>$1000 coin trading for $10
That's why

>> No.56503633
File: 337 KB, 512x512, avax-chan-computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is a LINK board. a good number of linkies bought the avalanche ICO back when Sergey shilled it, so it's disproportionately represented here compared to other sites.

>> No.56503840

Why has LINK been shilled so much ?
Do the math

>> No.56503865

Village gotta eat somehow

>> No.56503879

link shills make their own hand drawn memes
avax shills either copy link memes or make ai waifus
do the math

>> No.56503926
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biz actually understands the value proposition of the tech

notice how everybody on X loves solana instead, that's because it's a paid mouth platform

i post a fair amount of the avalanche things myself because i feel like im doing the newfags a service by not allowing them to getting roped into shitware with rehashed last gen consensus protocols or under-the-hood centralisation of the layer 2 lies perpetuated by the vested interests of the Eth troons

Am I employed or paid by Ava Labs? Only in the sense that Ive got a stack of AVAX that I bought and as long as they continue delivering the goods, my stash appreciates

But I also use the tech and Avalanche pisses all over the experience of using Ethereum and their currytech shitware like Poolygon where everything seems to take an incredibly inconsistent amount of time.

Shilling the fuck out of good tech is fair game, it's helping to spread the word about something that won't end in fucking tears like the ethereum lies