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56498346 No.56498346 [Reply] [Original]

I’m gonna continue FUDding mechanical engineering so retards go into CS

>> No.56498377

You can unironically just chatgpt everything. Even as a math major, Chatgpt can basically break down all those harder classes and even help with proofs

STEM is actually fucked. Lmao. Lol even

>> No.56498400

>Even as a math major,
Have you tried getting it to actually reason about new problems? It's very bad at that. There are other NN based systems for doing that that are way better but they've been around for years and haven't changed as much as people think.

As far as CS goes this stuff only replaces the bottom rung code monkey jobs that you didn't really need a degree for anyway. desu programming really isn't very hard. If you weren't doing it without an LLM you won't be doing it with one.

>> No.56498416

once you get to like midlevel calculus questions chatgpt just starts making up answers its terrible at math

>> No.56498475

They will without you. People are still going into finance 40 years after it was a hot field. Literally.

>> No.56498505

Chatgpt is garbage at math compared to graduate mathematicians. You grossly overestimate the capabilities of AI but then again, it doesn't take much to impress fools.

>> No.56498546

>Even as a math major
You are not a math major.

>> No.56498691
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>ADHD riddled autistic retards with no passion in life who've sat on 4chan or whatever the zoomers use these days 18 hours per day so they try and pursue a career in computer shit

Computer Science has the highest dropout percentage out of any degree and it's for this reason, talentless braindead idiots who know how to use windows to play vidya thinking they can learn to code.

In the final semester of CS there were 20-30 students, compared to about 200 who were there on the first day 4 years earlier.

>> No.56498719

>STEM is actually fucked. Lmao. Lol even

The only thing that's fucked is your brain because GPT is the product of advancements in STEM fields.

>> No.56498784

>Where are all these people coming from?
India, Pakistan, and China primarily.

>> No.56498791


This. At my graduation, all the undergrads walking across the stage were white. All was well... UNTIL the graduate/master's degree ceremony started, and it was literally 1000 indians and 1 white guy. Heard whispering amongst the white undergrads, "do these people all come from the same town or something?"

Indians are so fucking annoying. I hate the capitalist system even more though, for thinking that their master's degree has any sort of creative value whatsoever.

>> No.56498801

Same. During my graduation ceremony one of them received his degree on stage, then held it over his head and screamed INDIAAAAAAAA!!

>> No.56498806

Are you the michael douglas falling down poster?

>> No.56499191

do not redeem sir

>> No.56499200
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CS is psychology for dudes. There's no jobs for all of the grads.

>> No.56499361


>> No.56499782

Not yet anon. Fuck off kek.
Ffs. I'm at my last 6 months of CS writing my thesis. Shit like this scares me.

>> No.56499922
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>> No.56500481

chatgpt sucks at mid-level proofs and higher. It literally gets confused at modulos arithmetic

>> No.56500497

people always forget chatgpt was only released 11 months ago, not yet even a year.

at the time those retards finish 4yr college it's over for real

>> No.56500510


>> No.56500520

at least you can create some cool shit

>> No.56501106

CS enrollment is up but 2/3 of these guys will drop out by their third year

>t. fourth year CS major

>> No.56501181

>where are all these people coming from?
Most likely minimum wage jobs that can no longer afford them the lifestyle it did 3 years ago. They're trying to jump ship to the only field they heard about

>> No.56501198

Two more weeks for sure

>> No.56501228
File: 429 KB, 500x361, 3C9E8949-D56D-499D-A70F-BEDC356BB069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ChaptGPT is not going to replace your system admins, NOC engineers, database technicians, programmers, or anyone that holds a real CS degree. It’ll be another 30 years before even help desk positions can be filled by lines of code. Chatgpt has no idea about explaining proprietary systems.

This is said by someone who is a Systems Administrator and actually makes money.

>> No.56501290
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Shoutenings :D talk about D-K

>> No.56502376

CS degree from a very good public uni in Southamerica, few years ago. At the beginning of the 2nd year of BSc, we lost 2/3 of the students.
Every year, hundreds start, and every year only a dozen gets a MSc degree

>> No.56502455
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plumbic HVAC....anything that can nod be done by AI/indian. someone put the meme of the electrical guy cutting power to IT guy

>> No.56502508

u go to a shitty state school?

>> No.56502525

Literally 90% of the CS students in my school were soon to be business majors. The professor even made jokes daily about when you fail the test you can go across the street to the business school building. What a based chad he was.

>> No.56502553

Eric Schmidt said it best: LLMs will be augmented with other algorithms like symbolic logic systems and numerical optimizers, so-called "tools", for it to use to cover its weaknesses. Meanwhile I do believe that LLMs are the ultimate midwit surrogate, they will be supercharged midwits with built-in calculator brains. That's basically "good enough" to automate away jobs that require less than ~115 IQ. Topwits are still winning, midwits are fucked.