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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 601 KB, 1732x1154, UFR is the new piratebay and kat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5649755 No.5649755 [Reply] [Original]

Alright you faggots, I'm going to shill you the next 10-100x moon coin.
You see the logo in the picture? That's the logo that's going to get you into lamboland.

UFR aims to combine the worlds most revolutionizing conceptual technologies: decentralization and information sharing (filesharing). UFR is completely unique in it's idea and execution, there is no other competitor in the market. Therefor, the potential to boom is enormous.

>why it will moon
Current Torrenting technology suffers from the issue of being centralized through trackers and magnet/file exchanges. Piratebay and Kat.ph. What do the latter two have in common? They were both centralized, and were both shut down by government. Many pajeet sites impersonating the latter two have popped up and it's fucking up pirating at large. This pattern of instability will continue forever until Torrenting becomes decentralized. UFR is The Piratebay/Torrenting meets Blockchain. UFR works by having a distributed hash table on the Ethereum network, completely decentralizing the filesharing process. Everything is handled within a nifty GUI connected to the blockchain.

- Absurdly low marketcap
- High quality whitepaper
- Unique concept & execution
- Responsive development team
- Solid roadmap
- Not a fork of any other blockchain

- No proof of concept yet.
- Anonymous team.
- Not on many marketplaces yet.

The developers have stated that they are working on getting UFR on Bittrex/Binance. The price is almost guaranteed to at least double before that. The alpha launches in 2018 Q1, which will pump up the price guaranteed, no matter the quality of the initial product.

Unique blockchain technology that is guaranteed to at the very minimum 2x, with chances of it booming up to 10-100x as it's currently criminally undervalued. If you do anything, read the whitepaper.
Do your own research on this coin and do not blindly believe me or any other fucking shills here.

>> No.5649820

Does this run on the torrent network or something? Where's the whitepaper

Looking to cash in soon with BTC keeps getting lower

>> No.5649823
File: 26 KB, 620x412, paul-joseph-watson--620x412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite excited for this anon.

>> No.5649937
File: 55 KB, 617x347, 1513597553148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This went x8 already lmao, enjoy carrying those bags

>> No.5649985

can't say y'all didn't hear. TO THE MOOOOOOON

>> No.5650031
File: 8 KB, 456x81, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does this run on the torrent network or something?
The distributed file hash table is stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Downloading and filesharing is directly peer to peer, so no intermediate middleman.

Upfire just facillitates initial handshaking and file index distribution, basically functioning as an invincible piratebay that cannot be shutdown.

>Where's the whitepaper
Come on anon don't be so fucking lazy. I already did you a service by shilling you this shitcoin. Read: https://www.upfiring.com/Upfiring_Whitepaper.pdf

>pic related, get in before you're too late.

>> No.5650048
File: 31 KB, 720x644, 1513982162968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for shill anon this is looking very impressive, appreciate the info

>> No.5650103

Looks like a good coin, which is rare these days as for unnoticed ones.

>> No.5650187

> https://www.upfiring.com/Upfiring_Whitepaper.pdf

mfw it's utter shit

>> No.5650196

Nigger do you even know what marketcap is? You do your picture justice. This coin has flown under the radar and is still criminally undervalued. Marketcap is growing every day and will naturally drive up the price. Do whatever the fuck you want, I don't care, I'm trying to help /biz/ as they helped me invest in neo when they were still 12$ a pop.

>> No.5650238

mfw you're fudding without any argumentation or technical rebutting. Fuck off until you can properly formulate an objection.

>> No.5650325
File: 61 KB, 720x366, IMG_5074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for those 10x gains

>> No.5650375

>>5650325 >>5649755
nice shilling, hope they pay you good for all this work

>> No.5650389
File: 6 KB, 249x203, 1514597853216s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine missing out on the most obvious moon you've been shilled

>> No.5650400

>anonymous devs

>> No.5650434

Looks like a good long term hodl coin. Assuming the upfiring platform itself works well, the value of the coin will continue to increase, especially as more file types are supported. Am a bit concerned the devs are in over their heads, but I will probably put $1k in. What exchange can I find UFR on?

>> No.5650436

How come there is no info on the team, i'd like to know who is heading the project or at least some of the advisors

>> No.5650478


Pump and Dump discord 4chan faggots.


>> No.5650539
File: 251 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171230-225203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5650566

Only on crippletopia and EtherDelta right now. Shitty exchanges I admit, but that's why it's so dirt cheap right now.

They probably want to remain anonymous due to the fact that it's probably going to see full use by pirates for warez. Remember, Bitcoin's inventor still remains anonymous. This sort of technology can come from literally nowhere.

You fucking what? The market cap is insanely low, it's not even large enough to cover 1 proper whale. It's literally impossible to be a pump and dump you nigger.

>> No.5650602
File: 8 KB, 213x237, 1514645450629s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heheh !pump n !dumP!!!#!

stay poor pajeets, real investors know when they see a gem

>> No.5650660
File: 22 KB, 1005x132, 21.56.04-30.12.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That group is not a pump and dump, it's even stated in the rules. You can read them yourself: https://discord.gg/kkWdsPj

Pic related.

>> No.5650670

my hamster is better at formatting documents and avoiding typos and the little guy's been dead for 3 years. also nice job compressing a b&w image to potato quality. i sure hope they put more effort into development than into this 'high quality whitepaper'.

>> No.5650684


you are right, this is pure pump and dump scam of these faggots in the discord.

funny thing is that I am a member there too, but they will never know who I am :D


>> No.5650721
File: 435 KB, 1252x1500, bongo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost there

>> No.5650729


>revolutionizing conceptual technologies

Shut the fuck up and get ready to hold the bag you dolt.

>> No.5650952

You fucking faggot, see

>it has typos therefore the technology at hand is worthless
Stay poor.

>Literally not wanting to make gains.

>> No.5650968

You nigger loving faggots wouldn't know a good coin even if it was sucking your shrimp dick.

>> No.5651017

Going to go high bros.

>> No.5651023

Listen to op. Advocated this at 400k mc. I'm glad more and more people are becoming aware of this project.

>> No.5651042

Have you read VeChain's whitepaper and blog and basically everything they post? Yet it's a pretty damn solid product to be released soon.

>> No.5651083


>> No.5651109


>> No.5651165
File: 327 KB, 220x220, dancingpepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white paper of this coin looks very interesting to be honest, i find it very professionally looking, also even if it were (which is not) backed by shils, it will eventually reach normie status which means it'll pump, you gotta get gains and not worry about the rest.

>> No.5651201

practically sold out on etherdelta already
>moms spaghetti

>> No.5651218

VeChain's (non-)whitepaper is infinitely more professional than this shit, and they used 3d pie charts.

but yeah, their twitter and medium posts are cancer.

>> No.5651245
File: 34 KB, 499x374, 69F31F03-0E64-4FAC-904C-35D57F146F02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs don’t like street shitters

>> No.5651371

Really you faggot? I already outted you in.

Go home. Also thanks for the free bump.

>> No.5651427

someone say thank me later please

>> No.5651516

ummmmm sure I'll totally invest in something being used specifically for illegal activities

>> No.5651604

Brainlet spotted. Bitcoin was popularized by use in black market places like Silkroad. Is Bitcoin therefor flawed? Fuck no. In the same effect, decentralized P2P is not meant for anything illegal, but can be used for illegal things. Don't blame the tool, it's making you look like a tool.

>> No.5651659

developers will be releasing an update report in a few days on their reddit. alpha to be released in feb. theyre working hard.

>> No.5651675
File: 84 KB, 600x480, Zoolander-Upfiring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5651780

I was in this for the ICO, which only sold 2% of the available tokens and bailed with 4x the day it hit Etherdelta. It went 10x over the next 24 hours due to shilling before crashing back to ICO price, so there are a fair few people with bags. Got back in again at ICO price and dumped again at c. 10x yesterday, so I'm a disinterested party at preset.

With that in mind, here's some truth about this coin:

1) The team is anonymous, honest and shit at marketing. Anonymous is a bit of a red flag but you can tell they are honest because they didn't exit scam when it all looked in the shitter after the disastrous ICO. Instead they burned all the excess tokens AND rewrote the rules to burn off 98% of the tokens allotted to the team to bring their holdings down to being proportionate with the ICO buyers. That's a good sign. But the complete inability to do any marketing at all is a red flag for a coin that will rely entirely on consumer uptake. We also have no clue whatsoever about their ability to deliver a decent working product.

2) If the team delivers a viable app, this will almost certainly moon pretty hard. It's a roll of the dice, though. At present prices I personally don't think the risk:reward ratio is worth it because the coin will go to zero if they don't deliver something good. At 50% of the current price I would say the ratio is worth it but a lot of the moon potential has been burnt up over the last couple of days. I'll get back in again if it drops 50% and take that gamble but at present prices it's too much of a risk for me.

Long and short is honest team, capability of delivering completely unknown, poor marketing. Extremely high risk, medium-high potential upside at present price but very high upside potential if this comes down a good chunk.

>> No.5651842

never see this type of quality on 4chan... bravo. this place reeks of pajeets still tho

>> No.5652014

Given the nature of the technology, it is not surprising they intend to keep themselves anonymous. But I agree, it's probably the biggest risk of this project. But even then, they are probably going to hype it up with some news to do an exit scam. A developer orchestrated pump and dump. Even we could benefit from that. So al in all, I think the risk is negated.

>> No.5652192

Bought in with 1 eth and at 23 cents then with .9 btc at 32 cents. Mooooooon

>> No.5652235

Good call anon. I have 2eth riding on this one. I sincerely hope the devs will deliver, but from the looks of it, they will.

>> No.5652238

It’s a fucking torrenting network fool they’ll get sued to oblivion

>> No.5652279

whens the ico?

>> No.5652298


Yeah, they definitely have a good reason to stay anonymous. It's just that that fact makes the project a black box for assessing the likelihood of achieving a successful platform. I don't have any reason to think they would go for a pumped exit scam though, having shown themselves honest before, so it's not something I personally would weigh in the plus column.

>> No.5652323

It already happened. U can buy on cryptopia or etherdelta

>> No.5652366

it's already 10x up with no liquidity
fuck that lol

>> No.5652395


UFR is a shitcoin with no development.

The Pump&Dump discord is just flooding here with false information to get you to buy their coins they want to get rid off.


>> No.5652407

Kk , no moon for u boi

>> No.5652445

Ha ha ha ha you’re a dumbass.
People fucking told me Monaco was a shitcoin scam after I bought into the ICO too.

>> No.5652524

Lol I’m not going anywhere near this shit

>> No.5652551

Lol you're really getting more desperate are you? Literally making shit up from nowhere. What is the false information you speak off? Mention anything, just one thing. Fuck rumoring FUDer.

Thanks for your input anon, I agree that it's unlikely they will do a pumped exit scam.

>> No.5652557

good luck then you shill.

...these guys just want to get rid of their shitcoins and shill hard to get a pump

>> No.5652727

No one is pumping this coin up. The marketcap is way too low for that to even happen right now. Wouldn't even fit 1 proper whale. Sure it will get pumped by whales later on, but that's why I'm shilling it here now, way before anyone else catches wind of this coin. I'm giving /biz/ a chance to go 100x here. Now fuck off with your false accusations, see >>5650660

>> No.5652749

Okay pajeet. U mad cause ur rupees can’t buy shit

>> No.5652934


>> No.5653143

Why, if I may ask?

>> No.5653333

Easy 5x potential with such a small cap.

>> No.5653347

It's up 35% now. Get in before you're too late.

>> No.5653422

Stay mad shitposting your pink wokacks when this shit moons, faggot

>> No.5653500

Bought more UFR after seeing it mooning again

>> No.5653736

i have spoken to the team in depth, they communicate via their reddit channel, they will not start marketing until they have a product which they are looking to release in feb. i have no reason to believe theyre not being honest

>> No.5653742
File: 7 KB, 569x216, order book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really healthy order book as well. No whales here yet.

>> No.5653770

remember that only the truest of the cryptos could have kickass and thepiratebay + Kim dotcom behind it. UFR ALL TEH WAY

>> No.5653777

the team have mentioned how they do not want this to be a P&D but obviously they cant control that.

>> No.5653832


LOL if you look at buy and sellwall you can see that the guys who bought can't get rid of theri shitcoins.

L O L ... don't buy, or u will have the same problems as these Pump&Dump idiots have right now :D

>> No.5654060
File: 53 KB, 1429x359, 23.26.36-30.12.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're actually retarded.


>> No.5654133

do hey have as telegram?

>> No.5654262

Nice bought 100k

>> No.5654327

Don't buy this shitcoin. It's 100% pump and dump.


>> No.5654444
File: 23 KB, 320x320, 12558327_825747600886837_2113779071_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /comfy/?

>> No.5654529

Am in with 1btc

>> No.5654576

Yes you can join the 4chan shill group

>> No.5654642

Any proof of it being PND? The marketcap is way too small for it to be any real PND. Order book is also very healthy, see >>5654060

Also, EtherDelta isn't hacked. They had their DNS screwed a while back but that issue is resolved now.

>> No.5654656

>they fell for a meme coin ath, lots of luck.

>> No.5654734

> 4 million market cap....
> pajeet

>> No.5654767

>The marketcap is way too small for it to be any real PND
are you retarded? Thats exactly why its so easy to pump and dump
however this coin is shittier and is spammed on discord channel to be shilled on 4chan/reddit and elsewhere

>> No.5654900


pure Pump and Dump scam coin by these discord faggots. ...they have chosen that coin because of the low cap to be able to get profits.


>> No.5654916

The marketcap is way too low to gain any reasonable profits. You have to take into account normal users, devs, and whomever else is holding bags of UFR. That leaves barely any UFR to be held by whales, let alone orchestrate a pump and dump. In addition, there's barely any sell orders listed. It's not a pump and dump, it's lacking all the signals except for shills. But judging from the picture >>5650660 here, it's not even a PND group. So that leaves us nowhere but it being legit.

>> No.5654940

>Piratebay and Kat.ph. What do the latter two have in common? They were both centralized, and were both shut down by government

Want to know another thing they have in common??

Piratebay and Kat.ph are both completely free services.

Your arguments sound specious to me. People torrent so they don't have to pay for content. Are they going to all of the sudden start burning valuable tokens to download movies and such?

>> No.5654975

Poorfags too poor for a real pnd.

>> No.5655078

here you can see the PnD from the discord faggots that try to get their shitcoins sold.

>> No.5655155

So if it's not even a real pnd by your own admission, what the fuck are you all worried for? I don't give a shit about the pump and dumps, it's going to moon irregardless based upon technology alone.

>People torrent so they don't have to pay for content.
Not entirely true. People also torrent because of convenience. That's why services like Netflix are booming. It's on demand and hassle-free. And the issue with free sites like TBP is that they'll also be under fire and relocating over and over, providing a vector for literal criminals to create psuedo-legit torrent sites ready to infect people. It's never going to be stable without decentralization.

And decentralization, no matter how you cut it, is going to require some miner fee/gas fee. It's how the Eth/BTC blockchain works. Initiating a 0.01 cent transaction is going to matter fuck-all for 99% people. Seeders aren't even required to mark up their downloads. And even if they do, they won't require to put up huge prices considering they'll get hundreds if not thousands of downloads.

Modern day torrenting is unstable and ripe with scammers and viruses. At most, people will pay about 0.01 cent per entire movie or game they download. Not even pajeets or niggers care for 1 cent. Only Jews do. Fuck Jews.

>> No.5655560

Retard, read >>5654916

>> No.5655836

>I am too dumb to figure out a reason why it isn't shit, therefore it must not be shit.

Argument from incredulity ladies and gents

>> No.5655998

Why isn't there any info on the devs? I'm interested but this bothers me.

>> No.5656150

They probably want to remain anonymous due to the fact that it's probably going to see full use by pirates for warez. Remember, Bitcoin's inventor still remains anonymous. This sort of technology can come from literally nowhere.

>> No.5656228

/biz/ is always wrong... but this is the exception that makes the rule. Solid fucking buy right here.

>> No.5656309

stupid question : will this moon because if you google "p2p file sharing ico" only upfire comes up ?

>> No.5656360

anyone want some free coins?

just sign up. shit it might only be worth a couple of bucks but hey its free.

actioncoin io/ref/269627/

>> No.5656392

I bought in at 0.00002550 BTC, it's currently at 0.00002599, should I sell and buy back later when it drops? I'm not really sure if this is going down or if it's upwards for the next hours...

>> No.5656447
File: 18 KB, 248x189, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- High quality whitepaper

>> No.5656994


>> No.5657286

Just HODL. It's going to moon and that little difference is neglible in the long run.

>> No.5657621

Great project, in balls deep

>> No.5657748

all of the faggots in this thread who hate making money. the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.5657925

The whole premise of P2P sharing would probably take best to a ring signature technology instead of an ETH based blockchain-- Honestly, I don't really buy into this longterm but I can see some q1-q2 growth into this. If someone made a monero version of this I'm good to go.

>> No.5657974

is this india friendly coin

>> No.5658027

real talk though seriously look into this coin yourself, if not you will regret it, mark my words, i sincerely hope you anons who havent invested yet look into it, seriously

to investors, i hope you enjoy your stay on our rocket, have a comfy trip

>> No.5658059

If this coin gets traction, you can be sure that another follow up coin is going to want in. Easy gains and more gains after that. Win win.

>> No.5658637

Honestly that's what appeals me in this one

>> No.5658772

What the fuck. This thing is going to explode lucky bastards who got into ico are gonna be millionaires

>> No.5658815

Crypto will never be mainstream when everything has to be corrupted by cumshitters on a Mongolian basket weaving forum culluding with one another to play babby level Soros.

>> No.5658854

It could very well be a scam as well as it could be legit
For now we cannot tell as there are legit reasons for the devs to stay anonymous and therefore for us to stay in the dark

Don't invest much cause it's a high risk high reward project

>> No.5658901

Fuck already bought 100k.

>> No.5659090
File: 221 KB, 568x479, 1513962966948 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just bought 100k ufr

>> No.5659108

Throwing 1 eth at it is reasonably risk free for a possible 100x moon.

>> No.5659310

Bought in earlier today. Gonna ride this to 10x easy

>> No.5659324


Honestly I think this is huge.

>> No.5659538

100k bought

>> No.5659577
File: 10 KB, 300x180, 1268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad im broke as fuck and could only afford maybe 300 of um...

>> No.5659741

This actually looks fucking cool. Real world usage and all that.

>> No.5659860


>> No.5659938

How long before this organized group of pajeets dump their bags on you poorfags?

>> No.5660140

Currently on shitty exchanges, but that's why it's still so cheap right now. Check marketcap.

>> No.5660448

looks like the same team that did DRP and if so then its vapourware

>> No.5660516

wow that dump

>> No.5660539


>> No.5660598

It will, but the architecture isn't really good for what they're trying to do, I would argue. Idea is golden though. This is exactly why I bought into IntenseCoin despite the awful exchange it's on.

>> No.5660686
File: 416 KB, 400x400, twerkpajeet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5660725

Also another solid investment, good pick anon. I agree that the architecture could be better implemented, but for a prototype, I definitely forsee UFR gaining traction and spawning forks not relying on the ETH blockchain.

>> No.5660831
File: 142 KB, 400x270, MOONING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5660841

just bought 2000 on that dip, lesgo biz

>> No.5660926

how do you buy this?

>> No.5660959

i bought on cryptopia

>> No.5661029

no i dont remember that

i already bought

im not a pajeet

so fucking comfy now

>> No.5661034

is it sold in any major broker? I really don't want to make new account every time I want a new coin

>> No.5661074

Not gonna lie this shit looks interesting. Is there any other one that could go to the moon?

>> No.5661099

XMR+ITNS is my current portfolio. Mostly got my monero through mining so I've been pretty happy about the progress I've made.

>> No.5661172

Cryptopia is actually a pretty good exchange, low market cap stuff gets added all the time so would be worth signing up anyway. Only other exchange it's on is etherdelta which is fucked haha.

>> No.5661255

I know some of you faggots must have another coin in mind that is moon bound. C'mon let a knee grow in on this juicy ass info plzzzzzzz

>> No.5661319
File: 3 KB, 125x117, 1512967531153s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debating whether or not to dump all of my DNA and go all in on this.

>> No.5661427

So its a shitier Atmos token.

>> No.5661519

I bought a bit lower than current price, but agree this token is going places. Buy and hodl.

>> No.5661680

Excellent, i already stacked on these :)

>> No.5661707

Strapping in for mission to the red planet.

>> No.5661740

Interesting, love sub-dollar good coins. I'm in,

>> No.5661799
File: 80 KB, 1363x759, Yb0dXO4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Poor OP, those bags must weight a ton.

>> No.5661815
File: 243 KB, 1279x788, The-Town-Wallpaper-the-town-15599501-1280-1024 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is napster+piratebay+blockchain = moon

>> No.5661835

Thanks just sold 100k.

>> No.5661861

kek that is the wrong coin you fucking dill

>> No.5661887
File: 68 KB, 1078x912, upfiring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the right coin
But this thread is still shitty shilling

>> No.5661901

I'm trying to buy this on Cryptopia but can't find the dollar amount of how much it costs. Also, the exchange allows you to deposit a hundred different types of currency but it looks like there are only 4 pairings: BTC, USDT, NZDT, and DOGE. So what's the point of including all of the other currencies? Plz help a noob. I'm confused.

>> No.5661931


>> No.5662195

you cant buy it with fiat, you need to send crypto over to the exchange to buy it, such as ltc or eth

>> No.5662308

Yeah, but there are no pairings for ETH. I can only buy coins on Cryptopia with BTC, USDT, NZDT, and DOGE, no?

>> No.5662332
File: 76 KB, 544x565, 1512970262002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to send ltc over but fucking coinbase won't send the transaction
Probably a sign from kamisama desu

>> No.5662333

they don't even have XRP

why don't they accept fiat? do you have more privacy with that? because others require you to send them proof of residence

>> No.5662340

Also, LTC. But no ETH or the other hundred currencies they accept for deposit.

>> No.5662465

most alt-exchanges doesnt accept fiat, probably for taxing reasons, fiat complicate things

>> No.5662845

last bump dont miss out anons, the rocket is right here

>> No.5662934

UFR is in it's baby steps, let it grow, we will see very promising stuff in 2018. I am sure it can 50x its value in 2018.

>> No.5663041


>> No.5663136
File: 2.05 MB, 3300x2475, ufr mooning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, I'm also betting on the 50x gains with this one.

>> No.5663204
File: 42 KB, 424x662, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mwf I actually registered and sent money to cryptopia just to buy a little bit of this coin

>> No.5663234


>> No.5663257

You can check the trading pairs here
You need either BTC or LTC to buy it

>> No.5663545

Just bought 4k worth DONT FAIL ME BIZ

>> No.5663563


>> No.5663618

How do I buy

>> No.5663693

napster inspires a bunch of p2p filesharing clones, which inspired torrents, which inspired bitcoin, which inspires filesharing on the blockchain with a pajeetcoin attached.

BRILLIANT. yet another way to download the latest Star Wars© and Blacked.com episodes

>> No.5663758

cryptopia or etherdelta exchanges, look up youtube guide on cryptopia if you're new

>> No.5663849

I'm in. HOLDing

>> No.5664008


>> No.5664270

you fags never shill shit until after it moons,
i would have bought at 6 or 10 cents, now its at 40

OP is trying to dump his bags on you

>> No.5664789

Check the marketcap and think again.

>> No.5664822

I am starting to believe this is a scam.

>> No.5664907

Nice FUD and argumentation. The coin has steadily risen over the past week and has promising technology. Potential 100x moon.

>> No.5665085

Ok. Bought.