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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56495716 No.56495716 [Reply] [Original]

>paid for a coding bootcamp
>entry job 45k

>> No.56495733

>i did the bootcamp mr boss pls gib me le 150k like reddit said I'm entitled to! I can write a crud app with some react boilerplate!

>> No.56495735

you would have made more going to actual bootcamp

>> No.56495751

I make 20k after tax in a europoor country (even have a bachelor kek)
Gf did a backend bootcamp for 3 months and earns mine 29k a year working 4 says instead 5 like me. I’m tempted but afraight of being too retarded for a code monkey position, I’m in late 20s and feel that it’s already more difficult to learn and remember new shit

>> No.56495782

>coding bootcamp
was it worth it anon? anything you couldn't have done yourself for free?

>> No.56495818
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2 years from now it'll be up to you to choose an employer, and you'll be making 150k adjusted for inflation.
I don't get what the bitching is all about, I'm an eastern euro who started on $600 net and I still got to $10m within a decade thanks to crypto and frugality.

>> No.56495873

people pay for these? i took mine for free. i knew it wouldn't land me a job, but its nice to have gotten my feet wet.

>> No.56495897

>I’m in late 20s and feel that it’s already more difficult to learn and remember new shit
as someone who's 25, you're making me feel old and depressed.

>> No.56495917

I make 90k a year driving food out in a big truck LMAO. College fags really are the bum of the joke, arent they. Remember to get a raised desk wagie, wouldnt want to ruin your body being idle for 45 years


>> No.56495940

bootcamp, tech school, on the job training, then finish off your enlistment. walk straight into a decent paying job if you weren't retarded and went with some dumb job like infantry. not a bad deal if you an put up with serving in the military as it stands now

>> No.56496016

>entry job 45k

This is the price all of you pay for oversaturating a field as a result of YouTube & TikTok memes/influencers. Congratulations.

>> No.56496024

i hope AI doesn't get good enough to start coding shit entirely on its own, or that job market will implode.

>> No.56496048

It's about as good as the average CS grad these days.

>> No.56496055

that's pretty sad. considering CS is the only thing i even want to study. might as well not go to college at all if you aren't studying something you're at least half interested in.

>> No.56496073

Most of those jobs are working hands-on with the tech, not coding, which for some might be more fun.

>> No.56496080

32. Made more money doing new stuff around the world this year than any other. You’re both fags and it gets better. Don’t get demoralized. The power swings back hard early 30s if you take care of your body.

>> No.56496095

AI isn't good enought without human supervison.
Coding is maybe 30% of what you do as a software developer.
Programming might get automated in the next 5 years, but you still need techincal people to interface with the AI tool. Executives and product managers can't do it yet.
There might be a rise in Techinical Product Manager postion, who can interface with these AI tools and the existing infra and drive business needs.

Cs grads have no idea what the day to day life of a swe is.
>> Muh coooding.
And depending on some industries, they will be very hestitant to use ai tools. Chat gpt is banned on my work computer because of privacy concerns.

Not saying that AI is not a threat, but /biz/ still retarded when it comes to analyzing a situation.

>> No.56496107

Ranjeet will do it for 10k, you're lucky.

>> No.56496128

>spend 1 month in truck school
>get a local job paying starting at 100k
Feels good man

>> No.56496183

You are lucky to get a job in this market, especially through a bootcamp. Tons of degreefags can't get a job after wasting 4 years of their lives.

>> No.56496219

>entry job 45k
What? I thought it was like 250k.

>> No.56496504

Truck driver are the least in shape people I’ve ever seen so make sure to take your own advice.

>> No.56496529

>Doesn't maximize freelancing.

Enjoy your cubicle cuck. Everywhere else in the world there is a scarcity when it comes to competent devs. You could be living SEA with a 1st world country salary. You could be living like a prince but choose to be a slave.

>> No.56496547

You are stupid to believe that coding will be replaced by AI, you would think management will be able to decipher whatever code the AI does? Even if it does in like 50 years, you will still need people who understand what the shit the AI does and input what it needs to do. You're sure as hell won't find Karen instructing the AI to do some shit.

>> No.56497289
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>Be me
>Manual labor cuck
>30k year
>Doing 100x more work you ever do 3 in life times
>(You) Complaining about clean desk jobs paying 45k

I hate all of you.

>> No.56497325

Do you live in America?

>> No.56497339

same. i have the work really long hours in shit conditions near psychotic red necks to make decent money. i have no idea how these anons get "burnt out" from a tech job. what are you even doing that's so stressful, and how is it harder than what we do that ravages your body day in and day out.

>> No.56497393


Anons working in a desk job complaining "Man the weather is crazy" while sitting in air condition rooms. Most aren't even in the office, they're home doing remote work still complaining it's hard. I can't wait till AI takes their jobs. Only then they'll understand they had it very easy.