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File: 377 KB, 1291x809, signal-2023-10-28-21-24-10-119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56493274 No.56493274 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56493324

>12:14 there's this jewish parable
>Captcha 0R WAR

>> No.56493327
File: 322 KB, 1084x1200, F9TD83MbIAA8EmA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Jesus :). Is Dahlia /our/ jew?

>> No.56493330

everybody already saw that, watch this instead


>> No.56493342
File: 41 KB, 808x327, signal-2023-10-28-21-40-02-114_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Dahlia /our/ jew?
What the hell is this?!

>> No.56493518

Why would they need a post-workout recovery chain? I can buy one for $14

>> No.56493668

Dahlia is based.

>> No.56493707
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have been visited by the Queen of Consensus Scaling
>1000X's and institutional adoption will be yours, but only if you post - "Thank you, Babka Babushka."

>> No.56493850

I would fuck her, with my BBC.

>> No.56493889

Thank you, Babka Babushka

>> No.56493915


>> No.56493917

Wow amazing she solved layer 1 scaling with college student homework papers but in reality everyone still using ethereum, and this has literally nothing to do with Chainlink. She's paid to do irrelevant shit instead of working on oracles. It's embarrassing to see gloat and self congratulate like this, she even added a fucking selfie on the slides. If it were a real breakthrough she'd quit chainlink to launch her own l1 scam with vcs begging to fund it like the other Facebook rejects with their sui and aptos failures.

>> No.56493956


>> No.56493968
File: 175 KB, 1125x1417, IMG_3834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chill the fuck out incel lmao

>> No.56494000

Big Black Cock Anal?

>> No.56494013
File: 1.07 MB, 4032x3024, F1ZAYWKX0AET6Ly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this has literally nothing to do with Chainlink. She's paid to do irrelevant shit instead of working on oracles.
>He doesn't know about the reputation network
fuddies are always always always midwits who've climbed halfway up the mountain and then insist that the upper half of the mountain doesn't exist and the proof is that they can't climb any further. what little intellectual powers they possess can best be described as retard strength.

>> No.56494081

Based any crumbs?

>> No.56494117

How exactly would she do that when Chainlink owns all her research and any ideas that come out of it? Have you never worked for a company before?

>> No.56494215

It's cool and all but scaling has already been solved by rollups.
What we need now is CCIP to connect them all seamlessly so you don't have to bother with bridges.

>> No.56494299


we don't know yet precisely what chainlink intends to do with dahlia's work, considering she's essentially just designing a better blockchain. but there are a number of things chainlink has mentioned that they're still working on that this could apply to, like their reputation network (for nodes) or their risk managment networm (ARM). chainlink nodes provide decentralized consensus for data (amongst other things) but there isn't decentralized consensus around node reputation or risk management, which BBCA could potentially provide.

>> No.56494661

Has no one thought to ask her during a Q&A “hey Dahlia, what’s this got to do with Chainlink, the reason, you know, we’re all here?” Everyone thinking it and literally no one asks the basic fucking question?

>> No.56494688

>we don't know yet precisely what chainlink intends to do with dahlia's wor
It's for their new OCR version. They've been talking about how they manage to 10x gas savings by switching to a consensus mechanism compared to wahtever they had before. It was in a few vids from Smartcon and I think Kemal mentioned it too.

>> No.56494693

umm sweetie is it not obvious? *snicker*

>> No.56494936

found the horse and wagon

>> No.56496597


>> No.56496621


>> No.56498442

>The 30 yr old cruooomber

>> No.56498786

>It's embarrassing to see gloat and self congratulate like this
It’s embarrassing you don’t even run your shit through chatGPT to make it seem like it was written by a native English speaker.

>> No.56498853

Thanks for posting this. Slightly awkward moment with Dahlia and that French dude at 39m50s huh?