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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56493254 No.56493254 [Reply] [Original]

People past college age who aren't working a corporate job.

>> No.56493267
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>I'm a real adult not like you freeloaders, mr Sheckelberg told me so just today as I licked his shoes clean

>> No.56493332

Working a chill coding job for the government. I enjoy an insanely good health insurance and decent pay.
Public service all the way, you corpcel.

>> No.56493618

>People with colllege degrees working jobs that require no degree

Haha- losers, r-right?

>> No.56493711

I realized corporate work wasn't for me when I beat up my coworker at a party for running his mouth trying to humiliate me in front of everyone like we were clocked in at work.
Could tell he never been in a real fight before/ had his ass kicked ....

I may work around preppy upperclass kids of the rich, but I come from lower class america, bitch.

>> No.56493987


>> No.56493988

A good ass kicking is a life lesson everyone should get

>> No.56494001

There are no corporate jobs in my town besides dollar store retail and McGoyslop fast food places.

>> No.56494011

I work as a tradesman in construction

>> No.56494022

There are some real comfy spots in government, but private sector pays a lot better for what I do. So long as you’re working toward money to support reproducing and raising a family with good values then you’re based in my book

>> No.56494044

i made 500k in a mortgage company then quit and have been NEETing since last july

>> No.56494283

How many experimental injections did you take for your job?

>> No.56494405
File: 328 KB, 1043x763, EDE2F811-6184-45D5-AE9F-78C5BD4231DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people in their 30’s who aren’t small business owners yet

>> No.56494421

Zero. My job is remote kek

>> No.56494436

i worked a corporate job for 5 years. its fucking soul destroying.

>> No.56494440

I work for a government contractor. Very comfy, has good job security and has very good pay.

>> No.56494469
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>people who have the temperament to work at a corporate job

>> No.56494493

i worked a corporate job for 5 years. it's comfy and way less niggerlicious than working in a factory with drug and alcoholic addicted white niggers and people who are old enough to be my father yet act like teenage retards.