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56484236 No.56484236 [Reply] [Original]

$50 was an absolute fluke and you'll all be very lucky to ever see that again, especially as we approach an economic apocalypse and global war. Link marines are possibly dumber than XRP and ADA baggies.
>When ETH had Link's mcap....
ETH has a reasonable supply, Link has a massive supply and half of it still sits in Sergey's fat centralized stomach - it is literally a funding token and unironically would get eviscerated in court if it came to that. Not to mention, anyone who looks at Sergey's previous projects know he is a scammer - that fact all these twitter fags talk about "SN=SN" is honestly sad and drives anyone with a brain FAR away from this shit coin
Have fun waiting until 2030 for SWIFT to throw enough bones to Sergey's shitcoin network to see $100, an unlikely outcome considering all governments hate crypto right now.

>> No.56484247
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Linkies screech and crawl up the walls like bugs the second they have to see real number. I believe more than ever that some oldfags have taken great pleasure in psyopping linkies into financial ruin. Have fun tying to buy back the years of your life you spent waiting for fairy tales to come true, consider acquiring a skill and contributing society.

>> No.56484249

We need staking and CCIP for LINK to appreciate, no big news here.
Also I agree people are delusional waiting for banks to pump the bag, what we need is Chainlink becoming the de facto interoperability layer between various L1/L2/L3, that will actually send LINK to the moon.

>> No.56484255

The fud just doesn't hit the same when the token is giga pumping. I'll come back and read this later when the price is crashing.

>> No.56484283

CCIP is literally just their latest pivot. They will pivot to a new ACRONYMMMM soon. Link mcap is comically out of sync with their revenue, baggies are truly cursed and Sergey hates you guys, he has an extremely bloated company funded by their misery.
it's literally 400% away from the previous ATH. wake up morons

>> No.56484291

Sorry can't hear you over the cash register ka-ching sounds.

>> No.56484303
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>> No.56484307

I have over $5m in Link. Thanks for your concern, but I'm not selling.

>> No.56484345

the sound of Sergey dumping tokens? is this a joke?
zoom out cuckhold
I'm sure you do!

>> No.56484364

I ain't readin' allat but at least you know that link should be placed on the same wavelength as ethereum

>> No.56484397

The current NVT ratio is little over 63

>> No.56484403

>cuckolds spend hours attacking a token they don’t have to own
lol lmao no one’s forcing you to buy chainlink incel

>> No.56484495

maybe you truly have an iq of 80 if you think it took more than 5 minutes to make this post

>> No.56484514

>using P/E to value a crypto project
>with CCIP still in beta
lmao fuddies

>> No.56484515

> giga pumping
I've yet to even feel remotely positive about it. Call me back when we're at least $30.

>> No.56484524

>he’s still responding
>10 posts later
lol LMAO 2EZ

>> No.56484560

>CCIP is in beta!
Yeah, and DECO is just around the corner! And BCAA chain! Just wait 10 more years!

>> No.56484918

if any of this was true link wouldn't be mooning to absolute crazy fuck high heavens right now, but that's what it's doing so clearly it's a gem

>> No.56484959
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>40% increase
>giga pump
I really felt bad for all of you newfags
I remember back in 2016-2017 when a shitcoin that does x10 is literally nothing

>> No.56484979

This doesn't take into account SCALE and BUILD. CCIP isn't fully released yet. The amount that projects pay for Chainlink services isn't publicly available.

>> No.56484984

>especially as we approach an economic apocalypse and global war
you know fuddies have completely lost it when their only possible argument of LINK going down is literally that the world is ending kek

>> No.56485115

Thanks, just sold!

>> No.56485139

Thanks! Just bought 43.5 Chainlink stocks today!

>> No.56485188
File: 58 KB, 581x596, 1679277531138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angry poorfag incel is so obsessed with a token he doesn't hold, that he writes pages of cringe manifestos about it on biz every day
woweee based and redpilled fudsister just sold 100k

>> No.56485751

This FUD needs updating, it’s unironically bullish. Second pic rel indicates that LINK cannot be less than 500 per link if it handles 75 percent of SWIFT traffic at 1 usd per transaction. And that’s just SWIFT, not looking at any other users. 1K is the bearish prediction, holy fuck we are all gonna make it.
>captcha JP0RNJ
Brb gonna yank it to khazar milkers

>> No.56485799

>75% of SWIFT's tx volume over link
you poor retard, do people really believe this

>> No.56486069

Even as a fudposter, you must admit that it will be all or nothing with SWIFT and DTCC, or close to it. Either they will use chainlink services for almost everything they possibly can (or else lose efficiency) or the whole thing implodes and we laugh about how a funny Russian man thought he could revolutionize global patterns of finance and trade. No real middle ground here.

>> No.56486218
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>> No.56486632

>implying Thomas isn’t gigabased for filtering out normoids by relentlessly fudding all Link announcements
At the end of the day it’s gonna be the banking cartel and a handful of turboautists from a racist anime imageboard that control the wealth of nations. What a fucking timeline.

>> No.56486656

just gonna hold and stake my chainlink that i bought at 15 cents
sorry if it bothers you

>> No.56486745

Yeah, a coin going from a thousand dollar market cap to 10 thousand is impressive. Everybody came out winners, not just the scammer.

>> No.56486811

>implying you aren't the late money that should have bought in 2017

>> No.56486853

Checked. I should have bought in 17, didn’t get here until 19. Still managed to buy at about $2 but as a poorfag my 3k stack isn’t gonna get me onto the yacht party. It’s still reassuring to know that when the US dollar devalues massively I’ll have something to keep me afloat, and that my family will be okay. Feels alright man.

>> No.56486906

Have you considered, that your actions are making national currencies devalue, and impacting the economy as a whole.

>> No.56486929

Agreed. Unironically, the 500+ days of accoomulation were comfy. FUD posting with bros to see who can out (you) each other were good times.

I have a feeling we’ll miss it indefinitely as we reach higher price valuations.

>> No.56486947

Sounds like I’m pretty based desu senpai.

>> No.56486966

You're fud makes me cozy

>> No.56487371

We all have a role to play in the great dance. But it is alarming that you would put your so called loved ones through an uncertainty, all because you didn't want to work, and keep your society strong.

>> No.56487512

Even more laughable are collapsefags like you.

>> No.56488271

>implying implications
Short of crossing the Potomac at the head of a legionary army and taking things exactly as far as they need to go, no amount of hard work or voting or value investing is going to protect my family, stabilize the society I live in, preserve my culture or stop the fractional reserve bankers from perpetually devaluing the US Dollar to the point that regular working people are condemned to serfdom creating value for a globohomo jewish financial cabal. The best thing I can do for myself and the few people who depend on me is make a shit load of money and maintain a source of passive income independent of fiat currency values. It’s getting real weird out there and those who do not adapt will suffer. There will be no massive collapse/EOTWAWKI scenario, things are just going to get stupider and gayer than they already are. I guess you could try hoarding gold and silver but you also better hoard ammunition, and remember that they are not above ordering you to turn it in.

>> No.56488879

Maybe if you got your local community outside to celebrate some kind of feast together, you wouldn't feel so alone.

>> No.56489281

Can’t tell if you’re a bot or just autistic. I have a family and a community, but that has no bearing on international macroeconomic and geopolitical trends.

>> No.56489570

LINK is going to be living rent free in your handler's head long after we've fucked off to rule in hell.