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56482904 No.56482904 [Reply] [Original]

>start job that I thought would be more senior than my previous jobs
>instead I'm just one person in a really large team that's controlled by a few boomers
>get given close to no work for first 6 weeks
>finally get responsibilities but they're reduced after a month
>current responsibilities are narrow and I have no resources to work with (company guidance recommends a team of 5+ people to work on an area like mine.... I'm close to totally alone)
>have a mid-year performance review soon and my manager doesn't work in my team
>have to tiptoe around multiple barriers: if I complain too much about my team to my manager, it would look bad to the boomers who control my team; if I say I should get more control of stuff to my team, they'll give bad feedback to my manager
>added complexity of my team being almost totally external consultants from a single company

If I get a bad rating and get put on a performance plan, I'm going to be demoralised. I keep trying to think of tuxedo Pepe and stop caring but it's hard.

>> No.56482912
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>> No.56482917

Start looking for other jobs immediately. Assuming you aren't retarded and your company is actually mismanaged, which sounds like it is, They might railroad you regardless of if you perform well. So just start looking and take the job hop on the nose

>> No.56482922

Cool blogpost. Upvoted and subbed. Now kill yourself.

>> No.56483252


I am trying but the downside is that this is a comfy work from home job. I'm so bitter that I'm being forced out as money is wasted on useless normies.

>> No.56483406

I used to work two such jobs until May when one of them let me go through a performance plan just like you mentioned. The other one I've held for a few years now and they treat me like gold.

I've been having trouble getting a second work from home position though. I suspect it's because I don't want to hire white men and that the affirmative action rulings in the Supreme Court have made HR drones get particularly aggressive with the diversity hiring.

>> No.56484138

OP here. I just finished my performance review 5 minutes ago.

It..... went well...

>> No.56484152

this sounds like my exact job I just got let go from. they gave me nothing to do and my boss was totally inaccessible. yeah it's fucked, eventually as things slow down you'll get let go. I would start looking right away. I stayed at mine and just built my business on the side, so now I am in a weird spot where do I just go all in on my business or look for a new wagie job.

>> No.56484178
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>I keep trying to think of tuxedo Pepe and stop caring but it's hard
You misunderstand tuxedo pepe. He's trying to tell you to stop caring about shills online