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56482105 No.56482105 [Reply] [Original]

When you grew up and saw people in their 20s on 200-300k incomes, did you suddenly think your parents on their 40-60k incomes were unironically losers? or did your "muh parents are perfect god tier can dindu nuffin wrong" imagine remain intact?

>> No.56482117

No I didn’t. Because my father and mother loved me.

>> No.56482127

If they really loved you they would have attempted to make more money instead of staying in their dead end jobs for 20-40 years straight

>> No.56482139

they got teen preggo, yet raised the children, sent them all through catholic school, went to church every sunday, mom always cooked, dad coached baseball, they bought a house, upgraded it, etc. etc. way more than that. while I'm now 30+ loser with jack shit and back in 5 fig hell, so they really amaze me actually.

>> No.56482140

You do know seeking validation from your parents over the age of 18 is what leads to mental illness right?
>using information from two data pools to compare it with other with understanding underlying variables in both situations
>doesn’t realise nepotism in zoomer generation runs at an all time high

>> No.56482142

He did. Started out as a court runner and ended up retiring as a VP. I never once thought of him as a loser. He’s a great man. Sorry your parents had to put up with you.

>> No.56482158

Why are you guys in denial?

I remember one of my cousins (female) who used to shit all over my mom when she was a teenager, now in her mid 20s, is a lawyer at some prestigious firm, and my mom is seething because she in her 20s earns like 5X more than my mom ever has lmao.

Kind of funny she got mogged by her "unruly" niece

>> No.56482188

No I was grateful my parents taught me work ethic and provided a stable home. Hating your family is the most subverted shabbos goy thing you can do

>> No.56482219
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Its sort of like a middle point you know? Like you realize your parents are good and did as good as they could but they hit their peak. It doesn't make them worse, it just makes me realize that i can still aspire for more.
For example i told my dad to get a sora card to trade crypto with credit (he does a little of investing here and there) but he told me he's comfortable with the amount of money he has, he doesn't really need more.
That baffled me, i don't blame the old man i just can't relate

>> No.56483618

Nah. Kids raised with love dont tend to think in such terms.

>> No.56483653

>Hating your family is the most subverted shabbos goy thing you can do

being a NEET with a good family relationship seems worse. at least someone who cuts contact isnt a leech. NEETs guilt trip their family and suck resources like a tumor

>> No.56483950

Imagine being ungrateful to your parents.

Absolutely vile, degenerated behavior.

>> No.56483979


>> No.56483991

I realized the only reason I wasn't super poor was because my mom was a affirmative action hire who would make almost 6 figures working on excel worksheets years ago, which explains why I was so doomed.

captcha: 0RHVAX

>> No.56484739

Based father teaching his degenerate gambling son life lessons.

>> No.56484779

My dad was making that as a lawyer in his late 30s, early 40s and then my mom divorce raped him, got the house, racked up hundreds of thousands in back taxes because she got dementia and nobody realized it, and then I was left with a paltry 40k when she died which I blew on hookers.

My dad meanwhile rents a house from my aunt for 1k less than she could charge at market rate, is tens of thousands in credit card debt, hundreds of thousands still owed on my brothers out of state degree for a parent plus loan (he literally never touched the balance) and he’s basically just gonna have to work until he’s 70 so that he can survive on max SS even after they garnish it for the unpaid student loan debt.

He’s such a fucking loser faggot and i feel so ashamed to be his son

>> No.56484829

Fortunately I didn't really begin to care about money until I was in my late 30s, when death and retirement began to loom large. Thank God I learned to care about what actually matters before I learned to care about money. Love my parents.

>> No.56485008

>did you suddenly think your parents on their 40-60k incomes were unironically losers
Both my parents made 100k, but now I'm the loser making 60k