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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 139 KB, 1200x630, gns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56480665 No.56480665 [Reply] [Original]

I was there during the original GFARM threads, when it pumped violently and lots of anons made huge gains, I was also during the big GNS pump threads (I remember there was an anon posting from his brothers wedding in mexico kek).

What is the current outlook for GNS? Where is the 20% single side staking coming from? I'm thinking of entering and having a 70% BTC 30% GNS portfolio

>> No.56480714

They scamwick people so clearly just a cashgrab scam and not an attempt to actually build anything lasting

>> No.56480751

Scamwick? When?

>> No.56481039

thinking back to GFARM2 is suicide fuel. I bought 2 of em at $100/ea and sold at $700

I was about to buy at least 10 but I folded out of fear

>> No.56481051

The fees are 10x higher than any other dex and there's a lot of competition now

>> No.56481087

I put 1k on there about a year ago and it got scamwicked with a price that happened on literally zero other exchanges.
They can keep my $1k but I’ll call them out on here forever for being stupid scammers.

>> No.56481255

Gmx protects against scam wicks but I still hold gns. Shit is going to 5b mcap. I am making a few hundred Dai and reinvesting weekly just holding and staking its that easy

>> No.56481919

I used to be 100% in GNS, was here in Aug/Sept 2021 & used to shill here around that time.
My problem with it can be described in one sentence: it takes 3 years of development and still no partial TP / adding to collateral (the simplest & most basic function of a futures trading platform), let alone trailing TP / OCO limit order.
My guess is either:
1. This platform is not scalable to do even basic functions like that.
2, Seb doesn't understand how traders work.
3. The usual ego bullshit where "the dev knows better than the users"

Honestly I believe in Seb's integrity which leaves #1, which is exactly more bearish in my opinion.
Maybe I'll change my view, but until then this will only be 5-10% of my stack.
Like what other anons said, there's a lot of competition now and while GNS had a head start, it just feels too slow to adapt

>> No.56481956

>I remember there was an anon posting from his brothers wedding in mexico kek).
Warosu link for this? Been in gfarmv2 since Feb 2021

>> No.56482261
File: 153 KB, 1085x1280, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold everything for pic related but i might buy back into this later on in the cycle. There just isn't any narrative for utility coins at this point

>> No.56484157

I'm not going to say you're bullshitting but that's really not the norm.
Done about 100 trades, also traded on HMX, GMX, Kwenta and Unidex and Gains has by far best user experience.
Only thing they really miss imo is ability to add to position, partial close and add collateral to lower liquidation.
Afaik that's finally being worked on right now.

>> No.56484205

overlooked this in my reply >>56484157.
Entirely agree.
The original code base was written in a way that partial TP / adding was difficult to implement.
But the team has vastly expanded to a whole team of devs and they have been reworking the codebase in the past several months to the point that it now can be added, soonish.

>> No.56484224

that's bullshit, fees are maybe 30% higher.
And the real fees on kwenta and gmx are not the opening fees but the borrow / funding fees.
On Kwenta you simply get assraped by funding on altcoins if you go in with a big position.

>but but it's neutral, you can win and you can lose
It's gamed by bots and the bots are going to assrape you.

>> No.56484238
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As long as utility is not important for you, check pic related.

>> No.56484254
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I dont even know how GNS works but people on telegram are really helpful and my investment done comfy 10x in bear market. Also bought plenty of games with staking rewards.
90% of my coins is GNS now

>> No.56484378


You must be a moron who doesn't know how the platform works or a liar. Scamwicks don't happen on gains unless the scamwick is market wide green or red mega dildo. Gains takes the median of multiple exchanges to give the price to the trader and scamwicks would have to be the same on all sources to appear on gains.

Trust in you and your opinion 0%

>> No.56484393
File: 28 KB, 500x382, 2011_03_26_medieval3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gains and GMX are scams from what I've seen and read. I refuse to trade on either.
That said, I encourage anyone else to trade there all they want. You don't have to participate to hold their farm token... and since they're fairly popular, it has a nice APY and yields.

>> No.56484464

>Gains and GMX are scams from what I've seen and read
the reason you keep seeing people calling them scams is because people who leverage trade and lose are always going to cry scam even if it was completely fair. the people who win aren't going to say anything and just keep trading.

>> No.56484661

Yeah I fucked up too. I threw $5k at it and I’m not rich, but then sold at a small loss after losing conviction. If I had held it would’ve been easily $100k

>> No.56485212

$700 is 70 cents for GNS.
Yeah we´re at 6x that now but back then there was a large likelyhood of either dev rugging or exploits nuking it or others just outcompeting it to death.

Now the likelyhood that the project will still be around in say 5 years is phenomenally larger.
You can also see how the product is robust and very capable of competing amongst the others and how much closer it is to mass adoption.

It´s still a good investment with a part of whatever portfolio you have now for maybe a 5-10x or so.

>> No.56485464

The only scammy thing they did was changing the funding fees into borrowing fees. I was making a decent chunk of money simply taking on the less popular side of a trade on forex pairs. No point in doing that any more because stakers get everything now.

>> No.56485760

It's actually the DAI vault that gets it to better support the overcollateralization layer, but yeah I see your point.

>> No.56486945

nah seb had a good rep at $700 GNS
the only questionable times were sub $250 GFARM along with that time that the LP got rekt from the old model with no funding fees on the forever shorts and FTX shit when GNS bottomed at $0.4.
Other than that gains has been the smoothest sailing ship in all of crypto.
Really miss those 300% APR LP staking days
if only I fully understood then would've went all in

>> No.56487356
File: 1.69 MB, 320x240, No Shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya fuck them dude. Scamwicks all day. They liquidated me on some bullshit and cost me a 1000% profit. No other exchange showed the wick that they liquidated me on.

>> No.56487374

Yeah and even during the iffy times before collateralization was changed, I still saw actual interaction and work from seb within the project. I definitely got jaded after the 2017/18 crash with all-hype-no-product burning dumpster fire that was most altcoins (and my altcoins portfolio). I sometimes wish I would've dumped my entire eth stack into gns, everything else fucking died. I probably should have been staking my 10k stack this entire time too, so I guess tl/dr I'm a retard.

>> No.56488755

many shit god delisted, i miss stocks and also new commodities

>> No.56489297
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>5B checked and confirmed
fucking programed in kek I bought this as gfarm2 when i found out the dev has autism.

>> No.56489319

they got delisted because no one used them, so youre probably the only one who misses them

>> No.56489347

GNS is scamwick central that's why I moved to vela who has a much better trading UI and actually uses multiple oracles to pull their price feeds. Plus they have a insane 25% discount on all trades during october.
If you stack it with someones referral I referred myself since I have a special booster for staking a ton then it's the cheapest place to trade with the best trading tools win/win..

use my referral and get 12.5% rebate instead of the default 5% check it out trust me once you have tried their platform you won't go back to gns/gmx.. only other place I trade is mexc and rollbit for the ability to short some utter shit coin meme's not available elsewhere


>> No.56489431
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trust in assburger fixation and decentralization or trust platforms with mlm referral shit built in that need to be shilled in their competitors threads. Some of the other top plats literally copy and paste our code. GNS is an iq test for anyone paying attention.

>> No.56489825

many people used them including me, but it wasn't profitable enough according to gods >:(

>> No.56489978

Tigris Trade has all that