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56472741 No.56472741 [Reply] [Original]

I turned 5k into 120k last bull season with just 1 token... I also turned 1k into 1,2m with Shiba. Don't make the same mistake of investing into OG tokens that have billions in market cap. If you. have 1m minimum then yeah sure invest into link but if you have 6 figures or less. PREPARE YOURSELF NOW!!!

I will give you 2 bits of advice.
1. Invest into tokens that launched in the last bear market and did not have a cycle. For example, Render, ARB, SUI etc (yes they are huge market cap but they are still better investments than SOL/AVAX/NEAR etc)

2. Invest into low caps. Pick the best 30-40 tokens with great trade volume, decent tokenomics and catchy names. A name of the token is very important, its basic psychology. If you're still too lazy. Take a screenshot of my comment and come back to it during alt coin season and you'll see one of these did a 1000x... I wish you all luck, I wish nothing but wealth for every single one of you but those who make action now, will be the one to rewarded the most. Good luck

Here's my list

2 Bounce
7 Oraichain
8 Hilo
12 People
13 HFT
14 WOO
20 OAX
22 PIP
23 ORB
27 SIS
28 PEPE2.0
32 BOB
36 JUP

P.S. I will be posting my own spreadsheet soon. You will see how I turn 10k into 2m.

>> No.56472754


>> No.56472759

I'll bite, If any token is going to have great gains it's going to be pepe

>> No.56472760


More propaganda to get you to fail. The truth is you should be doing 90% in LINK. Its already guaranteed and will have its ETH run once it fully becomes a liquid staking derivative. I'm talking about 3 digit APR through incentivized leveraged yield farming and trading.

It will be the gas token/barrier to entry for the shitcoin casino this time around. It just also happens to be a shit coin index fund as well via staking.

There is is a reason the team put a lock on the stake because they weren't ready for it to go up yet. They didn't want anyone outside of the Chainlink team to build it either until they were ready which is why the horse rimmer is doing it for them albeit botched poorly.

LINK as an LSD will be much better than ETH even ironically. Its less about LINKPool's token and just the utility LSDs provide and the incentivized leverage they encourage leading to our bags being pumped massively.

>> No.56472762

Start a telegram/discord group or channel to keep us updated. Also who's the 3m guy? Is he an anon just like us or same internet celeb? How did u get in touch with him?

>> No.56472775

Honestly the only coin with a relatively high mcap that someone with 5-6figs should buy is ARB. It will bring you 10-20x pretty easily. You don't even have to squeeze every single penny from the market trying to sell the absolut top.

>> No.56472779

You sound like you know what you're talking about young boy. Say, are we in the current timeline when the price inflates?

>> No.56472780

Anon you're going to lose on alot of those. Just buy Bitcoin and a cute Sproto :)

>> No.56472788

I've been on biz for the last 5-6 years. I know how the game works. I have seperate portfolio for BTC/ETH/LINK etc. I know that guy, he's in our private telegram group where we post alpha

Remember, 39 out of 40 tokens can all go to zero which is highly unlikely unless they all rug but if the market pumps, you'd be in green. The R/R is great. All you need is one to do 100-1000x and you are set but the list I posted has at least 5 100xs

>> No.56472794

I agree. Even though coins like ARB and SUI have high mcap and val, it doesn;t matter. Same can be applied to that bullshit token Worldcoin. It will do 50% pump in the coming days

Get a seperate portfolio and invest into the new tokens that did NOT have a bull market. It's as simple as that

>> No.56472805

Such a silly strategy.

Invest in quality boys.
Even 1b market caps coins cans 10-50x - and it's more likely for quality ones than this local, worthless token gamble strategy.

>> No.56472809

Extremely unintelligent post and definitely shilling your bags.

>> No.56472813

Whats your price target for LINK then?

>> No.56472816
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ESL post, sad, doesn't have a penny to his name but trying to trick people into feeding his village.

ESL retard doesn't even know how to fucking reply to people but pretends to have been here since 2018- extra sad. Kys faggot.

>> No.56472822

Have fun staying poor. My message will get across to those who want life changing money. I will come back with my spreadsheet when BTC dominance is <49% and show you brokie

>> No.56472823

>Heres my list of bags, biggest to smallest
>Buy now and you can be the biggest fool

>> No.56472828

Here's the 1 actual answer and it goes for the stock market too- you're more likely to dramatically increase your money investing in Apple on a dip, than investing in -somepennystockbullshit- hoping for a 10000x.

You will not find the next Amazon, because Amazon already exists.

Likewise you will not find the next ETH, or the next BTC. You will not ever outsmart the market. This is why the path of least resistance is also the one that makes the most sense- guaranteed returns on 10-100k, 200k-2 million in returns is what makes sense.

People shilling for a "1000x next shibbarino" are trying to sell you garbage that will make 1 guy (who probably made the coin) rich and fuck everyone else straight to hell. There is no safe shitcoin for 10,000 dollars or 1000 dollars and a ten dollar investment will not make you rich.

-have actual money to invest (don't be a broke faggot)
-invest in blue chips
-blue chips are guaranteed returns which can then be taken out of the market after getting a decent profit and reallocated to a new asset class once crypto has gone up a bit (you won't catch the top either, it is impossible, rather not being greedy is how you win)

People trying to fucking reinvent the wheel while I'm going to be driving a ferrari to fuck their girlfriend.

>> No.56472839

ARB token is pointless. I would rather buy GMX (which actually prints fees on arb) than a governance token.

>> No.56472849

thank you sir this will feed my village sir

>> No.56472873
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Indeed I do friend. I was measuring Blythe Master's legs in the original thread. Kek Dan the Man Kochis was rubbing that lovely ladies feet and she tried to hide her face. It was apparent they were working closely together for many months in an intimate setting. They were obviously building a business relationship together and probably more.

Blythe Master's is considered the one of the most prominent minds when it comes to financial technology. She has always been considered keyed the fuck in.

/biz/ is boring now. Its all mainstream. There are few crumbs all scams/fake narratives. I tried Twitter but I don't have any followers so its screaming into the void. I don't want to post about trades much anyway its too easy to help people part with their money even if your calls are 100% correct they can still execute poorly.

If anything I could teach people how to meditate, stretch, deep breath, and do hand mudras for literal healing mind, body, and soul. Its all to help open up your natural energy centers to increase/charge your natural bodily voltage we all have access too which can be harnessed and strengthened for improved memory, focus, and creativity. My stress as a result is basically 0% all the time. Learning the above years ago made my trading game 2x as good and the rest of my life by 10x.

I'm just bored

There is no alpha except for a couple people who are excellent short term traders CT. If you are finding something on Twitter a lot of the gains have already been made or its at a local top etc.

Well the ability for LINK to become an LSD will be possible once you can freely unstake and stake your LINK. Then its just a matter of time until Pendle, Radiant, AAVE etc and the rest of the DEFI Lego tool kit will quickly become available to an LSD version of LINK (stLINK) as basically all of those protocols currently use Chainlink price feeds and other services.

I ran out of text. Kek I can tell you exactly what will happen

>> No.56472883


It doesn't work this way. People have no idea how much leverage actually exists in crypto and the degree at which that leverage inflates pricing beyond all reasonable expectations.

I'd be surprised if we don't hit triple digits within the next cycle whenever that is exactly. The recipe and/or catalysts required all lining up and presenting themselves nicely though

>> No.56472888


I've recently become interested in GNS and the chart looks great too. The futures perp yield tokens are actually quite solid and the APR will only get better as volume increases over time.

>> No.56472916

Both Gains and Pendle are a good bet. I expect a 30x for Pendle

>> No.56473016
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>> No.56473270

Here’s a crumb. Look into who Blythe’s father is and what little country he helped found. Now find info about Kochis’ parents and you’ll understand :]

>> No.56473286

>I turned 5k into 120k last bull season
>posts someone else's blurry screenshot and no other proof
Nice try jeet

>> No.56473304

If you've never seen that spreadsheet before you're a total newfag.

>> No.56473352


Kek not surprised

>> No.56474502

The problem is that the newer batch of tokens are very poor compared to last cycle. Solana/Avalanche and other coins were genuinely good and noticeable improvement over 2017 gen shitcoins, Now we only get money grabs VC scam coins that their greatest innovation at best is either a meme VM (Which can easily just work on "previous gen L1s" that allow VM flexibility) or just a one single centralized point of failure parasitic L2s that perform worse than 2020-2021 L1s but "align" with Ether so people rationalize them as good.

Desu i think 2020-2021 coins are fundamentally better than most "new gen" shitcoins:
>Already developed kind of network effect
>Foundations are richer
>Battle tested
>Solana virtual machine is already unique VM
>Avalanche consensus for example is still the most advanced consensus on the market
>Near sharding is probably still the best one around
>etc etc

On top of that this batch keep delivering new innovations every couple of months, They're not like 2017-2018 coins who simply abandoned their dying project and only showed activity once the bull arrived.

>> No.56474534

you're retarded if you think a dex governance token will 1000x

>> No.56474568

I held LINK during the last bullrun. Never fucking again.

>> No.56474588

>GMX (which actually prints fees on arb) than a governance token.
it's also a security, sec will go after them one day or another

>> No.56474736

cannot recommend arb, it's circulating supply will be diluted badly (+20% every year) and it is a governance token not a network token or used for anything.

>> No.56474853

No smurfy or trump?

>> No.56476240

Without RAIL and CTSI? it's a shitty list and you are definitely ngmi.

>> No.56476762

I got one already, which is NXRA and it's promising with different working products

>> No.56476822

Thoughts on TOAD, fellow shitcoin connoisseur? All my schizo research tells me it’s the next official SHIB memecoin. Could be huge.

>> No.56477216

LINK giga pumped from a few cents to $52 last cycle. Idk what you're talking about dude
would you even bother holding ETH this cycle? I have 10k LINK and I have another $20k in cash, debating throwing it to ETH once the ETH/BTC ratio lowers a bit more, but I might be better off just buying more LINK once we see a correction in a month or so

>> No.56477266
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like the obama sonic coin? I'm thinking 90% LINK 10% of it when it dumps and a few sprotos. What do you think? About $90k portfolio

>> No.56477324

Memecoins don't work that way

Sure 99% are scams, but there already were a doge, shib still pumped, there were a shib already still pepe pumped crazy

In the case of memecoins, it seems there will always be a next one, because people make hope for one and through that make one

>> No.56477330

Be ahead of the herd. Get yourself a SOL meme token and thank me in a few months

>> No.56477334

this. Would you consider LINK a bluechip? Last cycle I was 50/50 ETH and LINK, which worked great. This cycle I'm debating whether just sticking with 90% LINK and 10% a new meme coin
any meme coins on your radar for this cycle?

>> No.56477390

>LINK giga pumped from a few cents to $52 last cycle. Idk what you're talking about dude
It pumped from like $10 at the start of the bullrun to $50 and I don't need to look at the charts to even tell that, kys dumb retard

>> No.56477412

i got a big bag of ARB. what am i in for in the next bullrun?

>> No.56477450

yeah and within 2 years prior it went from 14 cents to $10. About a 100x. Another 5x on top of that was already crazy. We now have gone 500+ days where it capitulated and finally broke out

>> No.56477454

1k eoy

>> No.56477463

>finally broke out
its dumping already.

>> No.56477469

check out MUMU on eth, sub-1m MC

>> No.56477496

Ok anon I will spread 10k between these, maybe more

>> No.56477518

2 years prior that was not past bullrun, it was the 2018 run you retard

>> No.56477542

I’m a little hesitant about buying a coin named after an insult that only works on Nigerians

>> No.56477749


>> No.56477926

I turned $5 into $120k on Shiba and didn’t sell any of it and held back to the bottom. Still hurts

>> No.56477955

Seeing all that project is building, I think it should be among the top performing projects in the bull market

>> No.56477983

lol didn't know that was a thing, sounds bullish, gonna start calling people mumus more regularly.

>> No.56478075


I actually don't hold any ETH beyond gas costs. I have found that LINK and BTC often run alternating of each other so its relatively easy to bounce between. There are a few solid altcoins that are doing the similar things.

I'm all spot LINK plus I'll do short term lev with like 1% of my holdings to long/short BTC and LINK

>> No.56478170

if it actually ends up being TREAT, we are in for a 500x or more.

>> No.56478202

>I have found that LINK and BTC often run alternating of each other so its relatively easy to bounce between
when do you know it's time to bounce? Like if BTC pumps, you'll trade to LINK and vice versa?
>There are a few solid altcoins that are doing the similar things.
which one have you seen? I usually just buy one thing during the bear and hold a couple years for a solid profit

>> No.56478279

I'm about to go lift if the thread is still going I'll list some info. All I can say quickly is study, study, study. Go look at the charts and compare indicators and pricing for each one. If you are autistic enough you will find repeating patterns you can place decent probabilistic trades.

I like volume indicators personally. VWAP and On Balance Volume. There are a million ways to trade though.

You will never hit a move perfectly either so just internalize it if you miss some profit its fine etc.

>> No.56478390


So the play is just buy and hold link till it moons? How high does it go and when do I sell

>> No.56478927

what about NIMIQ?
wont lie, hold fuck ton of it xD

>> No.56479081

Anon I have lurked for years and finally my medical suits against the employers who wrekt me is about to be over.
I’ll have 250k give or take due to me in the next 3 months or so.
Any further tips? I bookmarked this thread and will search through your paneer coins for riches.

>> No.56479156

Link to telegram group

>> No.56479168
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Idk anon I wish I had dropped like $500 at least into things like HOGE or SHIB the first few times I saw them shilled here. I would've still been rugged on 90% of my picks and would've sold halfway up but it still wouldve had higher roi than than grabbing BTC at 50% its previous cycle ATH.

>> No.56479520
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>> No.56479622


Its the safest play. Most people do not win on leverage in the long run. Spot crypto is already on steroids so in many regards leverage is unnecessary if you actually accumulate during bear markets.

The wealthiest people in crypto aren't using leveraged perps to make large scalps they are using it hedge their ETH and BTC that is earning 30-50%+ APR through leveraged yield farming.

I'm not talking about the mid 6 figure scalps CT Traders will show you which is still ridiculous. I'm talking about networth of minimum high 8 figures low 9 figures.

Hedged leveraged yield farming is absolutely ridiculous and so low risk if automated. Its basically smart contract risk at that point only

>> No.56479673

i nearly believed you until i saw you included cult in there you fucking cumstain for brains.

>> No.56479696

doesnt even have $TOAD in there...

>> No.56479769
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>> No.56479790

I'll give you a piece of advice. The next bullrun will not run on the same memes. Invest in fundamentals.

>> No.56480043

redpill me on hand mudras

>> No.56480133


Start doing research on them. The human body is electro-magnetic and electro-chemical in nature

You use specific ones for specific purposes. If I'm tired I used the Linga Mudra and deep breath. Its invigorating. Your fingers are basically electrical circuits and by combing them in various hand and finger patterns you are opening pathways and/or directing that electrical energy to a specific location.

Atmospheric electricity exits naturally and for every 3 feet or so it increases by 100 volts. The amps are incredibly low though.

Everything I described allows you to better access this energy. In addition to living virtuously. Don't sin. All sins and vices reduce your natural charge or as ancient cultures all throughout history called it "Qi, Vril, anointed with Christ Oil" etc

I was rotating through about 6 mudras as the gym in between sets 15 seconds of each one granted its generally better to hold them for longer albeit some you can over do it. By the 3rd cycle, I had a massive adrenaline response hit me. Its internal alchemy. I can elicit a massive hormone dump via electrical stimulation through these mudras. If you do some of them long enough you will feel your pulse become insanely loud and strong.

You can use your prana or human conscious energy to direct that pulse beat from your heart and hands to afflicted areas of your body. Its actually insane humans are basically wizards. I practice all the time. I can feel the pulse beat move to my knee or back if I try hard enough. It reduces pain.

Its difficult to do though and requires you don't do drugs often. You also need to retain your semen or not orgasm too frequently. That sexual energy is what you are transmuting into electrical energy. You really can't have many vices.

>> No.56480190



Lungs are a pump that use air to make the heart beat which is a valve that pushes an electro-magnetic fluid through our bodies (blood is water, heavy metals, and electrolytes)

A human body battery to power our nervous system I.E. the brain but its just a receiver for your consciousness which isn't of this plane of existence.

Its also why true Vedic Astrology is real because various celestial bodies put off massive electro-magnetic fields which greatly affect our mood and can manifest as physical symptoms) as a result since a powerful EMF field is moving closer or farther away.

>> No.56480221

Thanks fren for the info, I'll read up more on them. I will use it to try and heal my chronic issues. But what is considered vice/sin in this context? Heavy drinking, sure, moderate drinking? What about sex with a person vs masturbation?

>> No.56480314


Unfortunately spirits/alcohol are one of the most damaging things you can consume to have a success experience.

I suspect its largely why alcohol is pushed on the masses so aggressively. It dulls you from your inherent connection to God. The effects last for days after imbibing.

Don't watch porn or masturbate. Orgasming frequently will make this process basically impossible. You won't have any health issues though because your energy pathways will be cleared.

People get tension in their testicles ironically because they are building an electrical charge and the only way they know how to discharge it is by strokin' the meat. Meanwhile instead you can channel it upwards through the body and hands. Many guys experience what they say is a burning sensation if they don't blow the load periodically and this is why. Deep breathing and stretching will also alleviate blue balls.

If you have a loving wife and want to build a family then by all means friend give her your seed but that is the trade off. People just blow their seed into a tissue once a day and don't realize how powerful and valuable it is to retain it. I mean FFS it literally produces life.

>> No.56480329
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I'll leave you with some images. I make these threads on /pol/ and mods delete them and ban me for a week every time. I will start again though because its almost No Nut November

>> No.56480336
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>> No.56480340
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Hey Martin

>> No.56480346

Serious question - why do you care about what these plebs do? Why do you cast pearls before swine? On the off chance that 1/1000 people will look into what you say? Most of these people are lazy faggots, you're giving them information you worked hard to earn for free.

>> No.56480357
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>> No.56480368

>Me so smart here is a list of a million shitcoins one of them could do a 1000x good luck!

Fuck you

>> No.56480426
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I love my brothers and sisters in Christ and am blessed with the ability to superimpose and see the absolute best self each individual is capable of reaching.

There are two philosophies that dictate our existence. Gnosis and Illuminism.

You either spread the truth and abundance freely without judgement or you occult knowledge for your own power and control.

I do my best to follow the first path.

When you operate from a state that feels as if infinite growth and abundance is not only achievable but our natural state then one cares less about giving freely. If nothing else
I tend to find over time I receive back 2x the initial cost as well.

>> No.56480434
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>> No.56480461


Of course within reason. We are all at different levels. I tend to find that if you operate in this order it works the best

--Satisfy your own mental, emotional, and physical needs
--immediate family
--direct extended family (siblings parents)

Most people only ever acquire enough resources and time to go as far as friends on this list and that is plenty honestly

>> No.56480484


It's so werid that between all those coins there's nothing out of Cosmos or Kinetix like kava or smthn like that. Guess not every of them where a success.

>> No.56480517

Damn I thought me putting 50% of my net worth on link and holding until it turns into high 7 figures was a good call but listening to this retard talk about energy fields AND shilling link has me second guessing. Then again wealthy people always turn insane when faced with encroaching mortality

>> No.56480556

If you don’t mind sharing, who are the excellent short term traders on ct?

>> No.56480567

>shilling link

Buy don't buy Idc no one here does.

>when faced with encroaching mortality

I'm in my early 30s. I do those things because I've found immense benefit and they are hidden from the public so I try to explain them in a logical way that makes sense. People think its hokey when in reality there is scientific understanding behind it if you are willing to discover the truth. Our bodies literally produce electricity. This is proven. You can enhance and direct it for healing, focus, memory, and hormone alchemy as I mentioned.

As this person said >>56480346 research it or don't. Something about leading horses to water etc etc.

>> No.56480716


Cobie's sub stack article about probabilistic thinking was on point. The dude needs to stim up and write more often. Kek


I've been in crypto a long minute and everyone should read it. Idk much about him otherwise. Although he is probably telling people what they don't want to hear but probably should hear it and then they will do whatever they want anyway.

He doesn't post charts really and its probably for the best. Too many people follow his account and based on sheer stats someone will 100% get burnt trying to copy trade regardless of how vague the post is or how much caution you give people. It doesn't work when you have more than 100 people in a group. Less if they are trading size.

Credible Crypto
Don Alt

There are others these are just off the top of my head. I mostly use Twitter to get a quick psychological pulse/insight of participants in the market. For the love of God though DON'T COPY TRADE. Just learn their style, execution, indicators they use etc. Actually learn how to trade using their advice.

I do well leverage trading but for some of these people its their domain/bread and butter. Where I excel is at speculation on fundamental research analysis + long term planning.

>> No.56480775

>he's in our private telegram group
how to join one of these?

>> No.56481000

Anon I read through every single post you made. You did not post this in vain and I have been trying my best to retain and ground myself recently. I'm currently in a tough position in life to take this to the full extreme but I am making the best effort I can. I'm lowering on my drinking and trying to stop smoking tobacco as well. Your advice did not fall on deaf ears.
>98% of my portfolio is Link

>> No.56481020

Also, are you by chance schitzo number anon?

>> No.56481074



>> No.56481093

I did 60k to 1.8mm so what faggot? kys

>> No.56481104

It's been a long time. I was the one that was fangirling in your threads last year lol. Hope you're doing good.

>> No.56481161

Based Praise Christ friend. Focus on healthy physical body>soundness of mind(stop lying to yourself completely)>purity of soul (identify and heal emotional traumas) usually in that order.

They are all heavily interconnected and a deficit in one area manifests problems in the others that can be hard to connect on the surface.


I shit you not I looked over at the price right after reading this comment on my other monitor and it was $10.666. Kek

I'm quite well and I basically thank God everyday for how much I've been blessed. I've been researching and designing DIY systems for an offgrid homestead energy, food, and water self sufficient system.

Its just kind of like a back up plan. I think the elite class are going to be abandoning the US completely and will gut the country taking as much as they can to China with them.

>> No.56481172


And I hope you are doing well too. I'd make another Occultism thread but they usually get deleted and me banned. Might do it anyway its usually fun

>> No.56481173

Kek, Indian scammers are back. You scum react to the tiniest movements, you're not even worth as an indicator.

>> No.56481179

Not buying your bags
If you really want to make it you have to be hard degening microcaps to get starter capital
then and only then can you start throwing .5e into these midcaps
but really...solana and eth are low compared to their ATH values. If you have a real job, makaing good money, and are willing to put $2k into crypto every month - you can skip all that degening bullshit that's full of rugs, scams, drama, and problems. You'll do just fine.
Don't try to get rich in crypto, just try to get respectable gains.

>> No.56481225

>If you have a real job, makaing good money, and are willing to put $2k into crypto every month - you can skip all that degening bullshit that's full of rugs, scams, drama, and problems. You'll do just fine.
>Don't try to get rich in crypto, just try to get respectable gains.

This is true for sure however OPs strategy is just as valid. You can make retard money from just buying tons of different shitcoins early.

It just requires much more research and management of holdings but is legit.

>> No.56481334

st.. LINK.. stinky LINK?

>> No.56481344

end of story

>> No.56481494

appreciated, I’m aware of those accounts, but the Cobie article is new, thanks for sharing and all the best anon

>> No.56481532
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Is PEPE safe? I heard the earliest people who bought in weren't allowed to sell.

I do want to get some

>> No.56481688

Went through each coin, only coins imo that I found interesting where Bounce and Vaiot

>> No.56481849

The truth is my shitcoins gave me way more gains than link and I bought it at .20...
Lowcaps have 1000x potential where you can turn a small amount into life changing gains.
Link at best will give you a 10x, which is cool if you already have 500k in it, but for sub 6 figure people just trying to gamble a few grand, buying link is retarded. You guys are telling people to put their $2k into link and holding the whole bullrun while missing every lowcap for at best $20k, when they could have put $100 into 20 promising lowcaps and come out with $100k - $1M+.
Low caps simply have STUPID upside potential, and all the normies are broke so theyre gonna be desperately gambling on shitcoins

>> No.56481988

I could tell pretty quickly from the whitepaper that the actual people behind it are indian, immediate red flags for me

>> No.56482018


I as probably a bit harsh saying its guaranteed propaganda but a lot of things on here are so operating with caution is preferred.

Outsized gains can be made on shit coins for sure however most people will fail but that isn't to discourage anyone from trying.

I think it depends on the level of cash flow or income you have coming in. Plenty of people accumulated a metric fuck ton of LINK while it went sideways for 17 months.

>> No.56482052

>7 Oraichain
shhhh im still accumulating but you've now earned my trust if you know this gem.

checked would love to know more about where you think the market is currently bear/bull cycle wise and what you think targets for BTC are

>> No.56482097

I would sell you my soul for 3k to get out of debt and start doing this op

>> No.56482391
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why volt over other inus?

>12 People

how is this even pronounced?

I notice all these picks are >10m mcap. Is that a type of filter for you that they've know gained clout? How deeply have you researched each of these?

Thoughts on these?

>> No.56482409

What do you think about fine anon? And I hope to see your next thread soon. I won’t sell my paltry link stack but I still have a couple thousand left over.

>> No.56482426
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I've looked at ASTO and KATA lately though more optimistic on GODS and RIDE with what they've been building all through the dip. I've got to be fucking careful here not to be rugged.

>> No.56482604

Good decision but now I am accumulating QANX, and TARA along with LINK. Got good potential imo.

>> No.56482608

Scam post

>> No.56482921

Fuck you I got better jobs to do when I moon with these gems you will fucking get rekt for sure or the damn quantum computers will fuck you over anyways

>> No.56483066
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Hey Wizard Anon, I like the cut of your jib, mainly because you've actually experimented with these spiritual and financial things rather than just reading about them and regurgitating the info. Maybe you can help me:

I'm currently on day 300 of nofap, started on the first day of this year. I spent 2022 with no porn, and I'm continuing that this year and I've added nofap as well as cutting out frivolus Youtube. But after all this time...nothing. I'm seriously stuck in the mud, super low energy and depressed, unable to summon the inner fire to prep meals, do my laundry and complete my spiritual practices (Celtic Golden Dawn, still stuck on level 0/3 basically) after or before work. I had hoped the noporn would heal my brain and the nofap would give me the energy boost and focus I need like a dose of adderall, but no dice. I'm hesitant to take up any mudras, since I've heard some horror stories about Golden Dawn practices interacting badly with Qi Gong and causing Kidney Qi depletion. I've also done a basic drawing up of the sexual fluids along my spinal channel and out my crown, as well as the Sixth Tibetan Rite (similar to an "Upward Flying Lock" yoga posture apparently) to try and move the life force to where it's needed, but not much changed. Colours looked really vivid and beautiful once, but that's it. In general I don't get very horny and I feel like I don't have much firey masculine lifeforce to begin with. What would you recommend?

If you respond, I have an investment recommendation that my Geomancy charts are very ethusiastic about that I'm currently 90% in (can't afford a proper link stack yet).

>> No.56483136
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We all know what the best micro cap out there is

>> No.56483182

>Kidney Qi depletion

The Mo Pai master, John Chang, could supposedly create electrical discharges with his hands and shock people or catch tinder on fire died from kidney failure along with one of his five American students he took on.

It seems there is definitely a risk there granted they were expelling the energy outward not recycling it through the body.

>But after all this time...nothing. I'm seriously stuck in the mud, super low energy and depressed, unable to summon the inner fire to prep meals, do my laundry and complete my spiritual practices

Energy levels are almost always directly related to mood/stress, sleep, and diet. So be honest with yourself and figure out what is lacking. You should be waking up with a boner nearly every morning at 300 days if all else is running properly. Are you lucid dreaming frequently or at all? If your diet is too acidic you never get any of the natural DMT production via the pineal gland which is what super charges your drive, passion, and desire. I mentioned I use the Linga mudra and deep breathe if I'm tired. Its invigorating and like a shot of caffeine that lasts 1-2 hours. Just don't abuse that one.

Prana mudra is good for energy as well. I can feel the jolt.

>Sixth Tibetan Rite

Never heard of this one I'm going to do further research.

>> No.56483227


Also look up the Wands of Horus. I'm becoming a wizard. May as well buy chainmail at this point. I've always been attracted to precious metals. They increase the charge as well.

Electrically conductive metals used to make crowns, staffs, rods, wands filled with crushed quartz which is piezo-electric. Its why kings and pharaohs covered themselves in precious metals right on the dome because they believe it enhanced their spiritual abilities and it did.


>> No.56483265
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Take the parasite pill.

>> No.56483285

This is not /biz this is /x now.

The magus of Java was written by a greek dude. All these practices are extremely hard to find and do but anyways.
What he needs is to remove the parasites he has.

Find a cleanse and do it. Search Jerry Marzinsky
Actually just have his best video

>> No.56483360

this most people carry parasites kill them and flush them out will do wonders for your energy lvl

>> No.56483409

>Take the parasite pill.

I do cleanses myself. I've always been relatively low body fat and never seen anything other than what was mucoid plaque layer being expelled. That being said I've unfortunately seen and heard of horror stories after cleanses and a surprising amount of little friends were passed through their system. Its weird that humans are the only mammals that generally don't do routine parasite cleanses. They claim we aren't exposed in first world countries but if you live with animals you most definitely are.

>The magus of Java

There was another book if I remember correctly even more detailed but yes the info is hard to find about Mo Pai specifically.

Interesting you posted that Marzinsky episode. Paranoid Schizophrenic voices are just demonic possession more or less. I watched that maybe 8 months ago. Of course he didn't want to call them that because of his professional skepticism but how did he phrase it...sentient intelligent negative energy entities.

>> No.56483417


@The1neOf1ne twitter

>> No.56483422
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>have low MC
get into memecoins like SILKROAD while they have low MC.

>> No.56483442

To all the haters. We literally hit 1000x every bull season. If you're scared of loosing 1-3k then this game is not for you. One of the projects has a partnership with Fifa and Warner music group and the other has a partnership with Microsoft. Go and do research on some of these tokens. Be ahead of everyone. I mean, yes have LINK/ETH and all that shit but also get yourself a denegerate portfolio and invest as little as you can and watch it skyrocket. It's fkn easy. Wait for BTC @40k+ and start adding. 46k is when real FOMO kicks in. Every bull market ends with shitcoins/memes doing 100x. If you want to predict better which coins will 100-1000x. Start using numerology and start reading into esoteric books. The private network I am in use much different strategies then your typical bullshit crypto ma. GET AHEAD!

>> No.56483742

Fren, I've lost all my quite chonky gns stack over trading and having to sell to pay some repairs in my house. How do I get back into the game withing falling for the fomo of doing leveraged play trying to get it all back ?

>> No.56483746

without falling for the fomo or doing overleveraged plays*

>> No.56483871

>lungs make the heart beat
But they don’t?

>> No.56483941

Why are you so heavily invested in Solana?
Moonman called FTX out earlier than anyone to being a total scam and pointed us towards ICP instead.
You think there's still merit to Solana after the FTX lawsuit?

>> No.56484012

It’s gambling you major spastic. All you need is a new wave of gullible retards to hold your bags and you win. It’s not even poker, it’s hot potato. Talking about it like crypto adds any value to the economy, like, you know, blue chip stock companies, is peak delusion.

>> No.56484107

How to cleanse? I’ve heard just taking ivermectin in pill form and using a binder liner charcoal as well

>> No.56484319

> More propaganda to get you to fail

Oh, so like your post about LINK? I'm getting sick of the LINK propaganda around here myself.

>> No.56484442

He actually calls them demonic entities


>> No.56484462

Extremely based thank you king. Have been on the no cum for a bit, was led to this thread. Lifestyle change time, simply not cumming isn’t enough

>> No.56484519

NAC 1800mg per day

>> No.56484614

Cosmic Death fungus NAC protocol

Parasite Pill

URINE THEARPY is a good detox aswell

>> No.56484647

I agree. You have to remember that the reason coins 100x is because everyone else has the same idea you do. Only few make it out with big profits and I have never seen these guys share their selling rules.

>> No.56484655


>> No.56484681

There was no "2018 run" stupid. 2018 was a bear year. Link was like 30 fucking cents that December. 2018-2021 was the last cycle.

>> No.56484865

Good thread

>> No.56485233

Thanks for this. I already have been taking NAC, black seed oil and oregano oil daily for over a year. Not sure where to start with deworming though. What have you personally taken for deworming that has been effective? I see lots of stuff about ivermectin and black walnut wormwood

>> No.56485369


Whats your opinion on the regenerative sector ? i.e Power or Rowan Energy ?

>> No.56485443

He was a prominent anon here during last bullrun. Earned the nickname of Kennel King iirc because of all his dog coins. His spreadsheet was legendary

>> No.56485655

They are mostly white. They have vids on YouTube with team members

>> No.56486241
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I turned $300 into $300,000 in 3 years, and am about to do it again.

>> No.56486253

what's the plan?

>> No.56486344

I used to do stuff shit like this, spent 10k buying worthless shitcoins, saw a 2x for some in a month or 2, then they all went to 0. Wasted money I earned in my internship. Now I just buy BTC when it's low and have more gains than any sort of shitcoin gambling. For every winner like op, assuming he is telling the truth (dubious) there are a million losers.

>> No.56486409
File: 66 KB, 740x845, mynewwhip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to be in your situation too but then i vaporized DMT while peaking on a mega dose of mushrooms (30grams). after this i was granted a vehicle made out of light, a merkabah in the shape of a double tetrahedron with each part spinning 9 times the speed of light in opposite directions. i can at will enter this vehicle and pass through space time and talk to my spirit guides and if i just do what they tell me everything sorts its self out. this was one year ago and i have already become a millionaire and received a brazilian wife (hell yeah you can bet she have sexy feet too) that's pregnant with our first son, only one of many to come. i understand this sounds unbelievable, and by some mystics schools be damned as degenerative, but really breaking through the veil on massive amounts of tryptamines is the only way to go forward with your spiritual enlightenment after a certain level.

>> No.56486416

Did you make your own dmt

>> No.56486538

This guy wants to dump on you after the recent pump.
LINK is an API thought up by an 80 year old dude older than boomers. kek
>hey what if chains can be linked

>> No.56486654

>hey man this 80 year old that is so old he's not even a boomer is giving tech advice in his new book

>> No.56486677

>Kennel King iirc

SOL is battle tested. I choose it over ETH any day. I can see it 2x ATH max. So $600 max

>> No.56486699
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>> No.56487228

What are some good leveraged yield farms?

>> No.56487647


Radiant and Pendle

>> No.56487902

You sound like one of those fags that talked people out of Matic at 0.002 kek

>> No.56488772

I have 2k to spend and all I see are bottomed out shit coins in OP. What shall I buy

>> No.56489078

My lunch

>> No.56489134
File: 53 KB, 450x450, IMG_8326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yooooo that’s cool and all but where the fuck is $monero on that list ??

CharlesMansonAlexjonesBeetjuice1776Pitbull(Karen) is a sender!

>> No.56489264

I'm running late for work, but in case the thread closes before I get home late tonight, the thing I'm invested in is HDN (Hydranet). Rationally it's a horrible investment full of bagholders, yet my charts keep showing glowing success every time I've asked about it.

>> No.56489282

I feel like I can only hold majority BTC or gamble with shit coins from now on. I’ve seen so many shit coins moon while “utility” tokens go sideways it’s infuriating. Pepe and BITCOIN mooned crazy when we weren’t in a bull market, others like that will do the same, I’m personally think MONERO will do well, community is based.

>> No.56489298

what about eth and link?

>> No.56489357
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Yes, $monero community is VERY based. Y’all should come by.

>> No.56489383

Where is the best place to be buying all of these?

>> No.56490423

Probably uniswap

>> No.56491711

jesus this is already up 600% this year are you sure you wont end up a some jeets cum rag?

>> No.56492637

>parasite pill
>cosmic death fungus
I was in some of the very first cdf threads when they first made the jump to x. I bought the full stack and took WAY more than the recommended Oregano oil dose, and even paired ot with the pomegranate extract the moment that update came out. The creators of those threads were worries such an extreme dose would kill all the fungus too fast and cause severe symptoms from the sudden burst of mycotoxins. I had absolutely no symptoms during the 3 month trial. I've also taken daily and weekly ivermectin back in 2022 (nearly overdosed from taking my daily dose late at night and then early the next morning, which just made me a bit light headed and my vision weak) and there was no miraculous change. I don't doubt that it works for some people, I was convinced to start after I read about a guy who had accidentally recreated 2/3rds of the antifungal stack by supplementing black seed oil and oregano oil, who began coughing up biofilms and stringy white mesh, and then began having increased spiritual experiences. But I never experienced such changes.
I also didn't like how the creators slowly became more shrill about "ALL FUNGUS = SATAN, IT'S AN ALIEN NOT FROM THIS PLANET AND IT'S KEEPING US TRAPPED IN THIS PRISON!1!" I tried to gently point out that Fungi is an entire KINGDOM - an unimaginably vast category of life - and that many fungi are symbiotic and keystone species without which our old growth forests wouldn't be teeming with life and biodiversity. But /x/ is nothing but schizo gnostic christian's these days, so I don't go there at all anymore.

>> No.56492655
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>Energy levels are almost always directly related to mood/stress, sleep, and diet.
Can't do anything about the stress since I already work the chillest retail wageslave job I can and take it easy as much as I can. Diet and sleep could definitely improve, although sleep is difficult because my schedule has to swing wildly from day to day (fuck retail). Some days I'm getting up at 7 for the morning shift, some days I'm on shift until 11:00pm, there's no consistency. I could still get more hours of sleep though. And my diet could definitely be better, as it currently consists of deli sandwiches bought from the store next to work. I usually feel like laying down and resting during the weekends instead of going grocery shopping and meal prepping, but I've been thinking I should start eating regular rice and chicken in preparation for becoming /fit/ with kettlebells, so I'll give it a try.
>Never heard of this one I'm going to do further research.
The 5 Tibetan Rites are not actually Tibetan, they're from the book The Eye of Revelation and have traces of the Rosicrucians about them. They seem to be traces of a much larger western tradition that is now lost. John Michael Greer has a book coming out about them on December 8th of this year that apparently dives deep and uncovers more of this lost tradition. I've done them for a month or so and had slight visual hypnogogia of what looks like a many petalled lotus or perhaps a radiant star afterwards.
Do you have a temporary email or contact over which we could exchange our actual addresses?

>> No.56492876

>check OP's twitter
>skinny brownoid
>talks like a drooling mouth slapping retard
should think about 100x'ing your time in the gym and the library too faggot

>> No.56492950

I'm all in on HTR. Nano contracts will explode it past kaspa, 100x easy. 1000x with bull run

>> No.56493015


>> No.56493116

QanX not on your list. For this reason alone I classify you as a negroid.

>> No.56493186

Someone should spreadsheet these shitcoins and see how it fares 1-2 years from now

>> No.56493257

A pretty sad state of affairs. /x/ would be a good board if it wasn't entirely run by schizo fearmongering

>> No.56493464

this voodoo is just separating you further from God, faith and prayer is all you need.
glad you were able to at least realize that not all parasites/fungi are negative, we've lived in balance with them for way longer than schizo's have been looking for boogeymen
more magick, stay away - it is all an affront to the universal one creative force of all

>> No.56494046

I got my rabbitx bag nice and ready for my 1000x

>> No.56494136

>This is why the path of least resistance is also the one that makes the most sense- guaranteed returns on 10-100k, 200k-2 million in returns is what makes sense.

Yeah shitcoins are like going into the casino but you hoping that APPL or whatever the fuck does a 10x is also delusional, it will take ages for that to happen. The SP500 does a 2x every 8 years or so and most of the SP500 at this point is top tech companies.

>> No.56494280

I have tried fighting them on my own like this nigga says >>56493464
Obviously with the help of god.

But these things just slowly take back all the progress you have made in a few months.
I beat them all the time and they still come back only a cleanse helps, remember all the negative self talk is these parasites who are being controlled by these entities, its their only way to control you. Obviously there is one more way of breaking the barrier between realities which is broken by taking crack, and that is how most real schizos are created

>> No.56494291

a cleanse and fasting *