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File: 784 KB, 2196x1049, avaxsubnetuniverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56464987 No.56464987 [Reply] [Original]

PoG has posted the first major ACP: https://github.com/avalanche-foundation/ACPs/discussions/10#discussioncomment-7373486

Discuss the major changes to avalanche's architecture introduced by this ACP and their impact on the future of the network.

>Buy AVAX (for burgers)

>Create a wallet

>Avalanche's ecosystem (DEXes, NFTs, etc)
>Avalanche Bridge

>Avalanche Explorer & Metrics ( Status, Network Overview, Statistics)

>Socials (Twitter, Medium)

>Why Avalanche? (Resources, Official Website, Summaries)

>> No.56465022

We really should be at least at $20 rightnow, No idea how it performs so badly when it's already the most oversold and most mispriced coin on the market

Holding avax been nothing but true suffering for 2 years, Even when the market turns bullish it can't give you time to breath when other shitcoins brutally outperforms

>> No.56465040

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.56465164

Fuck this crab dumping piece of shit coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.56465200

we get our turn soon i feel it

>> No.56465203

It’s underpriced
Take advantage

>> No.56465708

A few of the major points from the proposal:
>Lower subnet stake requirements
>Allow validators to only validate the P-chain (presumably with reduced rewards)
>Transfer subnet validation fees to PAYG model instead of capital lockup (e.g. 2000 AVAX)

>> No.56465720
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>Poomar F5ing /biz/ 24/7 so he can seethe at Avalanche threads


>> No.56465744

Fuck this crab dumping piece of shit coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.56465855


>> No.56465868


>> No.56466388
File: 1016 KB, 1024x1024, the dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful pic OP
This was written by brown hands btw
You've been larping as a hodler & spamming the exact same gay "avax been nothing but true suffering for 2 years", also knock it off with the reddit-spacing
Remember: Last cycle AVAX gigapumped before any other coin, practically initiating the bullrun.
Any time soon (you) could become a validator for as little as 500 avaxxies now that governance is in.
Feeling quite bullish AVAX Chads. It's all about patience, trust the plan.

>> No.56466764

I think they should go for it. Having to validate the C-Chain scares away tradfi and adds higher resource requirements for validators. $20k per validator is too much and set to get worse, even if you have the best tech people will go elsewhere and just work around it because it's cheaper to do so.

They are in the business of selling block space, if the price is too high they lose business, simple as.

Subnets that want access to the C-Chains central liquidity hub will have to validate it as well anyway because of how Teleporter works.

>> No.56466806

hello friends.
whats the sui stack for this coin?
thinking of buying some of this top loser

>> No.56466827
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>Having to validate the C-Chain scares away tradfi
How so?
>$20k per validator is too much
highly disagree, it's a lot more expensive on most other chains, and none of them performs better than Avalanche
sui: 500
make it: 2,000

>> No.56466958

>How does C-chain scare away tradfi
I believe the problem is that tradfi entities who want to run a node/subnet are required to partake in validating permissionless smart contract enabled transactions which is a legal grey area at best for them presently in many jurisdictions. Pretty sure Luigi or someone on twitter said there have been orgs that have explicitly mentioned this to avalabs.
>$20k per validator is fine
You feel that the security afforded by the current stake req outweighs the benefits of lower validator stake reqs?

>> No.56466971

>How so?

It mandates that they participate in a public blockchain that is censorship resistant.

>highly disagree

They'll lose too many to crappy L2s or Cosmos Zones. It's expensive given how many validators it can support. What is the point in building a highly scalable network then pricing people out of it. It would be like if I have a billion potatoes, and they are super high quality potatoes, but I then charge $100 per potato. No one will buy them, they will make do with shitter potatoes.

>> No.56468797
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bump+waiting for my under 10 dolar avaxies

>> No.56469576

nothing under 5k

>> No.56469856
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go go abaaaax yay ^_^

>> No.56470341

>which is a legal grey area at best for them presently in many jurisdictions
Doesn't matter, subnets are fully customizable for this exact reason (legal compliance)
>It mandates that they participate in a public blockchain that is censorship resistant
Tradfi is aware this applies to every blockchain, if anything they're safer onboarding crypto with Avalanche considering how legally compliant subnets are, not even mentioning AVAX being the CFTC coin
look at Solanoff, Vaporano, or any ETH "scaling solution" (Arbitroon, Copetimism, you name it), son, we're on the verge of a vaporware apocalypse.
Mf it's you again!!!>:
Same, I'm not done accumulating, currently sitting at 700 vaxxies

>> No.56470424

>100k subnets
they've been smoking some gud shit with the foundation dumps

>> No.56471564
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Forgot to attach picrel

>> No.56471954
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Fuck this red pumping piece of shit coin. Going up faster than i can buy 20 of them.

>> No.56472343

We are fucking BACK

>> No.56472961
File: 2.11 MB, 1080x2340, gains_maiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has been visited by the gains maiden.

An AVAX pump will soar higher but only if you tell the gains maiden that she has a perfect golden pussy.

>> No.56473928
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>> No.56473938

Dumping very hard right now, Oh no no no. Very bad look for Avax cucks!! If BTC SUPPORT BREAKS, ITS OVER FIR THE DOUBLE SPEND GHOSTCHAIN.

>> No.56475146
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>> No.56476336
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You have a perfect golden pussy m'lady
We should do an AVAX Chan version of this

>> No.56478562


>> No.56478810
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Gains maiden you have purest golden pussies ive ever seen

>> No.56478830

avax very good coin .. have good tokeomic lovely dev team too!

>> No.56479129

What's the suicide stack

>> No.56479148
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500 but judging by how massive the RWA market is even 25 AVAX could be enough some day.

>> No.56479162

avax doing very good today team !! lovely pump on red coin

>> No.56479183


>> No.56479188

real world asset fren. top kek and many pepe, u should no better

>> No.56479206

let get it going in here ! let get good bump for avax discussions

>> No.56479217
File: 1.11 MB, 896x1344, 354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RWA/OCA = Real World Assets
the tokenization of these (business assets, commodities, collectibles, financial instruments, intellectual property, real estate, vehicles etc.) is going to be HUGE and the next big thing.
According to the World Economic Forum, the Boston Consulting Group, Asset managers like Blackrock and The Big Four they estimate this market to be somewhere in the ballpark of 16 trillion to 70 trillion USD by 2030.

To properly Tokenize they need a Blockchain and Avalanche Subnets are basically "Blockchain as a Service".

>> No.56479251

it time for the moonie moon , it time for the moonie moon !

4channel do no sleep on red coin, wow

>> No.56479298


i cannot believe how avax chan looks so mischievous now

she looks like she is planning a naughty

h-her pants are slightly undone there

>> No.56479308

red coin look very good today

>> No.56479438
File: 831 KB, 896x1344, 1697523481406163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow is going to be hella fun

>> No.56479471

let get little more bump in here 4channel

>> No.56479486

shut it linky, the parity between our coins will vanish and avax will skyrocket

>> No.56479500

? im avax community member?

>> No.56479973

If you missed out on LINK do t miss out on AVAX retard

>> No.56480241

good post avax teammate

he right so no miss out on avax ! LINK is last bullrun

>> No.56480735

Poomar has been trying hard today

>> No.56480902

agree, wish paid FUDDERS would got out of avax thread.

let get another bump!

>> No.56481889

I know I could make a lot of money doing some research and investing in a shitcoin but I know AVAX will be a safe bet, at least a 10x I know we gonna get from here worst case scenario...

>> No.56483116


>> No.56483560
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Brutal. This shit is going nowhere if Emin doesn't stop dumping.

>> No.56484206

have 119 avax, will i make it?
Whats the sui stack?

>> No.56484229
File: 10 KB, 480x240, 284114650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm that boner down anon

>> No.56484300

On the bright side this could mean they're sitting on possibly billions of cash ready to be deployed into the project when the bull comes, Considering they started selling at triple/high double digits

>> No.56484384


>> No.56484413

good let keep discussion going ava-marine

red coin look good today off rebound

>> No.56484882

link to that metrics? cant find it on dune

>> No.56485921

see >>56479148

>> No.56486518
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I boughted

>> No.56487307

Why has the UPTN subnet suddenly exploded into life, it's like 3am in South Korea

>> No.56487446

Kek, the absolute state of Avax cucks! Literal cuck.

>> No.56487480
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Emin online on Reddit in 10 mins

>> No.56487678
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Wen online on biz?

>> No.56487700

no not on biz b he doing ama with avax community

>> No.56487717

there's like...5 questions for him to answer lol

this space is totally dead

>> No.56487725

let get good bump in here 4channel.

avalance CEO doing community call


>> No.56487739

get out of avax thread then fudder , getting tired of these icp or kda FUDDERS coming to avax

>> No.56487759

>ICPoor finally embraces his indian heritage and stopped hiding that hes actually indian
kek, that nigger got totally buckbroken

>> No.56487773
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>There will be no discussion of price throughout this AMA.

>> No.56487780

let have another bump 4channels, red coin doing good today, have good community call with avax CEO sure to make big rally

WAGMI ava-marines

>> No.56487798

price irrelevant, it make good gains already plus when you have leading tech like sub net on c chains money come flooding very soon

it time for the moonie moon, it time for the moonie moons

>> No.56487815

ok everybody has suddenly appeared

>> No.56487823

I wonder how many people got banned asking the wrong questions. He'll probably just answer the prepared questions anyway.

>> No.56487835


Are you the same guy who was constantly shitposting about the goats in 2021?

>> No.56487858
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>> No.56487861

? no im avax community member , who you think makes these threads?

>> No.56487896
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Classic r*ddit kek

>> No.56487938
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>What does Gün-san think of Avax-chan, the unofficial mascot of Avalanche?
>I love our own Wolfie! Gender-less, non-sexualized, very chill, and very cool.

>> No.56488100

Sers wen AVAS coin 1k?

>> No.56488298

what are the deleted questions?

>> No.56488418

questions about price, kebab and the ottoman empire

>> No.56488928
File: 400 KB, 800x800, LBlfN5L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin HATES AVAXchan confirmed, I'm surprised he even knows about it kek

>> No.56488965

that was very good meeting today with CEO and founder dont you think, 4channel frens?

red coin going up on good news and community support

>> No.56489065
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white hands typed this post

>> No.56489094

Its "Poomar" the ICPoor cuck, funny how that works we always memed him as an indian and now he turned into one.
complete and total buckbreaking of ICPoor cucks.

>> No.56489114

no, have you not been in avax community?

top kek and many pepe frogs! the poomars are so funny, do you have any pictures of the meme?

let get good bump in here 4channel, do no miss out on hidden jem of token

>> No.56489122

who else feel bullish after seeing CEO and founder Ser speak today? was good call with avax community , we really have good dev team in place.

>> No.56489406

let get a little bump in here. . need more discussion of avalanche network and good c chain

>> No.56489455

avax frens, need help >>56489439

>> No.56489507

icpoos think it was funny to copy our threads texts

>> No.56489573
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Going to be insane to see what they do. Unfortunately it’s probably like 1 year out

>> No.56489587

those ICpoomars need to be taught lesson

>> No.56489689
File: 141 KB, 710x514, 3546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right now we are at v1.10.14, looks like shits gonna take forever to get to v2.0
and besides your pic rel the AMA was kinda boring, only other interesting bit was Emin coming back with All Access at some point.

>> No.56489707

Apparently some interesting shit coming next week and then again in mid November. Hopefully something that will pump price even a little. Shit is getting depressing to hold lol

>> No.56489745
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>Apparently some interesting shit coming next week
quick rundown?
>and then again in mid November
John Wu better deliver on the hype, also I couldnt figure out what Event in Singapore he was talking about.
or this?

>> No.56490020

Recent interview with VP of growth:

Start at about 4:40 mark

>> No.56490059

thanks, I wonder what hes talking about. could be literally anything.
inb4 nothingburger

>> No.56490115

True haha. I’m expectations are so low it’s like I never heard anything

>> No.56490194
File: 189 KB, 2048x865, IMG_1279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, if anyone was wondering, they are still in the processes of rewriting the EVM. Kevin talked about it last year. He confirmed yesterday that it’s still in progress. POG also confirmed on the developer call too.

>> No.56490205

If you like subnets, you'll love $tao.

>> No.56490241
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Just noticed he posted this today so could be a hint. I’ll put it under the nothingburger if it’s an SVM subnet.

>> No.56490775

All i know for sure is that this shit is going to at least 200$ next bull market. Mark this

>> No.56490789

$350 minimum this shit is gonna blow it’s load rdtkyt

>> No.56491107

I can see this being the case, but it won’t be an easy hold. Been holding since 2020 and took some profit in 2021. I see the vision and the team can make it happen. Just give us some cool protocols man, some subnets that get real use. This is what’s needed to wake the market up to AVAX.

>> No.56491408

what the hell that means weaboo-kun?

>> No.56491518
File: 55 KB, 1024x1024, _177d3960-fa8b-4bef-8764-bd7c283db69a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that little red nigger. avax-chan is the only true mascot.

>> No.56491614
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would you run it?

>> No.56491770
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I prefer ladycock personally

>> No.56491983

>>husky on avax


>> No.56492837

he cant really say publicly that he faps to them every day

>> No.56493296

yes, its the only way to start the Validator

>> No.56493304
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>that 20 milly investment in shrapnel

it's happeding

>> No.56493434

What are you talking about?

>> No.56493499
File: 49 KB, 657x421, shrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oldish news but the game is to run on a subnet

there's also off the grid which seems to look alright

vidya heh o_o

>> No.56493812

>no 20 mil into Off the Grid

>> No.56495068


>> No.56495162

frens, i need avax chan feet pics (asking for a fren)

>> No.56495285
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